Kitchen print in gray works for me. The gray hounds tooth gray will make a perfect binding.
Retro gray, yellow and white kitchen print matches great with the yellow dancing china print.
The dancing china in red (love it) pairs perfectly with the rick rack bias plaid. All the fabrics are from Michael Miller in several lines. I think they are all great.
I can clearly remember my grandmother wearing house dresses, in the "60's, that she had was grey with yellow striped, one was grey with tiny blue geometric shapes. She passed in 1983 and a lot of those homemade cotton dresses were still in her closet..I wish I knew then what I know now..I would have spoke for them and had a wonderful fabric collection! They went to the thrift store :(
Oh how much fun those fabrics will be. :0)
Adorable fabrics! I just bought a few yards of different grays, not sure why, just thought I'd play with it, glad to see I'm on the cutting edge!
Those really ARE great fabrics. I knew of two couples (who didn't know each other) last year who did their wedding colors in yellow and gray. So yeah--I think it's a 'thing' right now. ;-)
Ummm...must have gray kitchen fabric in top photo...LOVE IT!!!!
I think you are right with the gray being popular. Love the fabrics you posted. Have a nice weekend!
Oh my gosh I love all these!! The hounds tooth will make a gorgeous binding :)
I am making a grey and yellow quilt soon! Great combo
Love those dancing china fabrics! And their coordinating prints go so well. You have the best taste, Nanette!
I actually really like the gray's. Gray and yellow are my favorite. I featured you as my first blog on my new site "Blogs of Goodness".
I'm having trouble embracing my inner gray lover, but I sure do think those dancing dishes are super cute!
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