Go see Jodi!

You have to go over to Jodi's blog and read and see all about her 'birds eye view' from working at Quilt Market this week. Jodi is a great photographer and quilter and a very wonderful girl. And she's giving away a prize from the Spree! Its her birthday Monday, too. Go wish her a happy birthday and see her "reporter at large" posts and enter her give away. So much fun.

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Anonymous said...

I'm going now...I won't pass go, I won't collect $200.00 dollars...but I will go to Jodi's blog! :)

Abby and Stephanie said...

Thanks for the tip. Lots of folk's commented they were directed by Freda's hive!

Jodi Nelson said...

Nanette, you are so nice. Thanks for the post and sending me all these wonderful peoples I've never met! So much fun! jod

Jana Nielson said...

I loved reading her posts about quilt market! I was so jealous of a couple of my friends that went...fabric heaven!!

jacquie said...

I can't believe I've never found your blog before! I'll be back to read more. Thanks for leaving a comment (and so kind too), I mean comments, so I could find you. I'll be back!

Ginger Patches said...

Shoot I missed it! That's the down side of only checking my Bloglines twice a week :( Well one of them anyway!

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