I don't know about you but I never get tired of looking at quilts. So if you like to look at quilts this post is for you. Get comfy and I'll show you Joyce Week's quilts.

This is Joyce above showing us her apron and bags. Joyce is a quilt artist and pattern maker. I think her line of patters are called "Jeff's Mom".

Here is Paula being extra helpful modeling another one of Joyce's aprons. This apron is definately me. I love that fabric. I wanted to casually look at it afterwards and then forget to put it back!

This is an example of quilts Joyce makes from her mother's embroidery. Joyce's mother is 83 (I think) and she embroiders quilt blocks for Joyce to put in her quilts. Joyce says her mom is way ahead of her so she has lots of blocks ready to sew into quilts.

I belive this is a Leslie Ison pattern. I have always loved this pattern. The butterflies are so darling and vintage looking.

These blocks are genuine vintage from Joyce's grandmother. Joyce put them together in a quilt. They are the real deal!
This is an original quilt that Joyce made from a sketch. I'm not sure if she has a pattern for it or not.
This quilt is from a class Joyce took years ago that several members of our quilt group took, too.
This is another of Joyce's original quilts. She showed us some love spots on this that her little dog chewed.
This is Buggy Barn pineapples. Its a pattern I've always thought was really cute.
This is a work in progress. Joyce is still embroidering or appliqueing into the border.
This is one of Joyce's original designs that is a pattern in stores locally.
In fact I can't remember the names of either of these two quilts but they are Joyce's designs.
I do remember the name of this pattern of Joyce's. It is called Civil War Stars. I've seen this quilt before around town.
Nice appliqued baskets. Good job. I like baskets.
This is a reversable quilt. Its summer above and fall belo

This is a quilt Joyce made for her parents one Christmas but she says they don't use it because its too "nice". I know I've done that before!

Here is Joyce with a vintage quilt made by her grandmother. Of course I love this. I have always wanted to make one. Someday . . .

This is a pattern by Joyce. Its probably my favorite quilt. Of course I love the fabrics and especially the red. It just sets everything off.

Isn't this border darling! I've got a similar border sketched on one of my own upcoming designs, too.

Joyce often backs her quilts with a cute design so they can be used front and back. What a great idea. This is the back of that red quilt above.

This is Joyce's pattern called (I think) Tic Tac No? Anyway its cute.

This is an unfinished quilt top with fabulous applique. Pattern is something like Garden in the Windows.

I do know the name of this quilt. Its Joyce's pattern called Not Fish. See I'm not completely memory impaired!

Cute applique.

Another Buggy Barn.

Scripture quilt.

More applique.

Here is the back of this quilt below. I love colors and again, such a cute cute back.

This is Joyce's latest quilt design. Darling fabric. Thank you Joyce. It was fun to have you at our quilt night.
Thanks for sharing the lovely quilts. Now back to my own quilting and the stash challenge!
Oh my gosh! I think I died and went to quilt heaven....
These are all so beautiful. I only dream of ever making/finishing quilts like this.
You must be having so much fun!!!
I love all of these quilts, thanks so much for sharing!
Is there an online source for her patterns? I love the scripture quilt! Does she have a pattern for that one?
I don't think I'll ever have to go to my quilt guild again. I'll just come here and save gas!! I love a quilting blog!!!
A wonderful and so diverse collection! Thank you so much for sharing. The Scripture quilt is especially great -- reminds me of Jan Patek's. Would be interested to know the pattern.
n, np
Awesome. I love the basket quilt and double wedding ring. I spied gorgeous quilting on these quilts too.
So inspirational!
Let's make double wedding rings!
wow - i love the one with the genuine vintage fabric from joyce's grandmother...it's gorgeous...=)
I wish there was a way to comment on every quilt!! Another delightful blog event!!! And the APRONS too-oh yes!!!!
Oh my heck! All those quilts were shown by one person! She's very prolific and very talented.
This is my first comment on your blog. My friend Nedra told me about you - I'm a quilter and rug hooker and live in Clinton.
Love your blog and I love seeing all the quilts. Does Joyce have a website or blog?? I would love to see her patterns (especially that apron!!).
WOW! She is one busy lady. I like the idea of the reversible quilts too. Are they extremely heavy?
Nice to see you over at Quilt Taffy. :D
Thank you for showing all these wonderful quilts. I have some favorites here, and there is so much inspiration. One thing that strikes me is that it seems that many of you are using almost same colours.
Wow, how lucky you are to have such talented women all around you. Every month you have a feast of quilts to look at. It's both overwhelming and inspiring at the same time.
I thoroughly enjoyed that. Thank you!
LOVE seeing all the wonderful pics on your blog! Would you by chance know the pattern of the scripture quilt...I recognize it as a BoM quilt and would love to make one!
I never get tired of looking at quilts, so this post is for me. thanks so much for sharing all this fabulous eye candy!
The quilts are wonderful. Thanks for sharing. My daughter and I hit 7 shops yesterday and plan on finishing up Fri and Sat. Maybe we'll see ya along the way. Happy hoppin';)
FAB quilts! Oh my gosh. I so need more time in the day !!!! So glad you have a camera! LOL. ;o)
Those aprons are adorable! So much inspiration here. You keep company with very talented ladies! I am going to look up Joyce's patterns - I must buy some!
Wow...If this series of quilts don't inspire you, nothing will!!!
Oh goodness the quilts here are amazing. I'm speechless. This is way better than a Quilt Show.
This is a real honest to goodness FEST! Thanks for sharing. There are tons of ideas/inspriations in here.
I asked you some questions in my post when I didn't have a blog and I did not include my email. SORRY!
Now you can respond to my questions if you have the time. :D
All I can say is wow! You don't really ever need to go to quilt shows you've got so much talent in your group. I can just barely absorb it all!!
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