Shop Hop Part II

Shop Hop Continued -

Our next stop was Quilts Etc. in Sandy. Their fairy tale was Cinderella. They always take the shop hop theme and have fun with it.
The sign out front says "Welcome to Cinderella's Ball". Their classroom was decorated and had snacks for the weary shop hoppers.The walls of the classroom were lined with great quilts to look at as shop hoppers took a break.
They had a gold ring toss, which I did not win. And front and center in the classroom was their Cinderella's ball gown quilt. And they gave a free pattern for it. It was a darling quilt.
There was another gown quilt displayed in the main quilt room, sort of a sunbonnet Sue variation.
We went to Thimbles and Thread in Draper next. They were celebrating Wizard of Oz.
Dorothy and Oz decorated the entire store. The clerks all had aprons in blue gingham, too.
This is their shop hop quilt but no free pattern.They also had 2 other Dorothy themed quilts in their classroom.
The Toto in the basket was my favorite decoration. It is a cute shop but it was pretty crowded by the time we got there.
We skipped over to a "by way" store not on the shop hop list. But actually this was my favorite shop of the day (2nd favorite was Pipers). The Material Girls store was featured in a Quilt Sampler this year as a favorite quilt shop. It deserved the attention. I could nearly live there! And I took a ton of pictures. The following are not even all of them.
This simple quilt was by the back door. Such a plain pattern but it comes alive with these reproduction fabrics.
They have great fabrics and displays and so many unique independent quilt artist patterns. I was really impressed with all of it.
There is so much in this store but it doesn't seem cramped. They have it set up really well and the ceilings are so high that the quilts have space enough so you can really enjoy them.
They had some unique items and I did get some fabric and patterns at Material Girls. The store is pretty big and they had plenty of help to move shop hoppers along.

I'm done shop hopping. I know lots of quilters get to every store but I just go to a few each year. It makes a fun but exhausting day.

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Neil said...

Material Girls is one of my very favorite shops. I didn't get to go on the Shop Hop this year and am so glad that you took such great pictures. I feel like I was there. Vicki

Karen said...

Wasn't the Shop Hop fun...My youngest and I made it to all of the shops in 2 days. We also had her 9 month old with us. You talk about exhausting...I'm due for a long rest;)

Sherry said...

Wow, thanks for sharing your hop experience with us. I love all the pics you posted. Gotta love that Wizard of Oz theme, too fun!

Cathi said...

That Material Girls shop looks fantastic. The Cinderella ball gown quilt is wonderful -- thanks for taking us along on your shop hop!

Jodi Nelson said...

O.K. Next time I come to Utah, you and Kairle are SO TOTALLY taking me shopping! I can't believe all the good stuff I missed! And I was in almost ALL those places! Geesh. LOL. So glad you took pictures and are postin them! Wahoo.

Anonymous said...


Hi! I don't know if you are getting your emails or not, but I am getting all of your comments sent to me. I got them for Shop Hop I and II. Please check your settings...and if you are getting your me.


Abby and Stephanie said...

What a terrific outing!!! Love the pics and lots of inspiration in those quilt shops!

Purple and Paisley said...

holy yipes! i want to live where you live...we have zero cute quilt shops! thanks for letting me "go along" through the pics...=)))

Kim said...

Thank you so much for the all the pretty pics. I love a good shop hop. I haven't been on one for a couple of years, been working on shopping shows instead. I do love the princess/queen quilt.

erica e said...

wonderful shops and quilts! thanks for sharing!

Diane said...

Wonderful pictures. I really am enjoying your shophop.

pink-petal-designs said...

wow, it looks fantastic all those lovely shops full of lovely fabrics and patterns and magazines, i wish we had shops like those over here.
Sarah x

Pat said...

Looks like you had a great time. Thanks for taking all the pictures. Yor are very fortunate to have all those lovely shops. Not so here in the North Country!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your hop experience. The shops went all out. The lollipops are great.
Carrie P.

Karen said...

I love the themes that each shop is doing. That makes it so fun and inspirational for the shop hop.
Thank you so much for sharing so many pictures. They're all such cute shop with so many things to enjoy and buy.

quiltingnana said...

Thanks for your shop hop tour photos and description...the shops all seem so lovely. Particularly liked the Wizard of Oz shop --I'm waiting for my Oz quilt to be done at the quilters...Also made that same Dorothy dress for my granddaughter at Christmas!

I am certainly have a lot of great shops around you!

Laila said...

WOW, What a great shop hop it must have been. So many lovely quilting ideas. I think I have to look at your wonderful photos over and over again. Thanks for sharing ;-)

jacquie said...

So many beautiful quilts and the fabric...oh so much fabric! Thanks so much for sharing all your pictures. So inspirational!

Elaine Adair said...

Ohh my, how could you show MORE, so soon after the last? I have enough eye candy for the next week!

Many, many thanks!

Anonymous said...

I love Material Girls. My in-laws live near it so I stop in quite often when I'm in the neighborhood! They always have cute stuff and the owner is so nice and helpful!

CJ said...

I am so glad that EYE CANDY does not put on the pounds. WOWEEE! I love all of your pictures but I am so envious of all of the quilt shops you got to visit. I have nothing like that here. Too bad that Wizard of Oz shop did not have a free pattern. Theirs is too cute! Looks like little twisters on it. In the first shop the Ball Gown quilt is adorable! I like in the Material Girls store the quilt with the household duties appliques. CUTE! I should have taken notes so that I could comment on more but I forget now all the lovelies I wanted to comment on. Feel free to share more pictures. I sure would not mind one bit.

CJ said...

Oh yes, I LOVE that pink and white and black floral print bag. If someone made that, do tell WHO makes that fabric???

Cheryl said...

Nanette - thanks for the great photos. And I think I will be calling Material Girls in the morning to order some patterns!!!

Eileen said...

I have been enjoying your Shop Hop adventures SO much. Each picture is so full of colorful eye-candy.. you can't possible take everything in! Thank you so much for taking us along.

Ginger Patches said...

More "wows" here :) What amazing shops. I need to just sit quietly and let all the creativity just sink in! Thanks for sharing such amazing photos!!

Jill said...

The whole shop looked like....I wished I was there, Thanks for great pics again!!

Nan said...

How I would love to visit Material Girls! What a quilter's wonderland - so many quilts I had never seen before and so beautifully arranged! Thank you so much for sharing it all!

Karen said...

HOLY CATS - your 2 posts on your shop hop where a lot of fun to read and look at. What yumminess I saw in those pictures. Thanks for taking me along :)

Hugs - karen

flora said...

Great review of the event.

*karendianne. said...

This post makes me feel happy this morning. Makes me want to go sew and push through it all. I'm so glad I came to it today.

Further proof a Blog continues to give.

*karendianne./ Living Life at LeeHaven

Material Girls said...

Thanks so much for the wonderful comments on my shop!! I just found your blog last night and commented on your awesome quilt. Next time your in be sure and introduce yourself.
Thanks again,
the material girls quilts

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