Baskets, baskets and more baskets

I have been making gifts and getting some projects prepped for some time off I'm taking next week. I have made so many of the baskets from the tutorial on Pink Penguin I can hardly keep track of them all. I've really enjoyed making them so much. I even changed the size of the squares and made 2 larger baskets. It is such an easy project I highly recommend you try out making the basket for a gift or just for fun.
This picture shows the 3 sizes I have made. For the large basket the squares are (cut) 3 1/2", for the middle basket the squares are (cut) 2 1/2" and for the small basket they are (cut) 2". Pink Penguin's original tutorial is the smallest size - 2" squares. I allowed for increase in the linen bottom part of the basket and the lining by measuring the parts of the smaller basket and increasing in proportion to the changes made in the size of the squares.
I made this one for fall using pieces from a charm pack I picked up last month. Don't you love charm packs! You get all the flavors of the fabric line for under $10.00 in most cases.

The lining was from my stash - from the Peas and Carrots fabrics of last year. And I added rick rack to the tops of all the baskets like the first one I made.

This one is the middle size and I used Anne's Flowers for Miss Emma's fabric,

and I lined it with a check from that same line.

The rest of the bags are scrappy and from my stash using a combination or reproduction fabric and retro Japanese. This one is a kitchen basket.

cowboy basketkitchen basket
linings from various stash pieces

more linings
Mary Engelbreit basket
Japanese novelty fabric basket
classic black and pink

Okay I may or may not have gotten the basket obsession out of my system. For now anyway I have so many other things I gotta do. Have a nice weekend. - nanette

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Trisha said...

Those are all so cute! Looks like you have been having fun with that pattern. I will need to try making some!

Purple and Paisley said...

wow...nice job...i really like that's one more thing on my to-do list...=)...enjoy your time off...

Cathi said...

Those all look like so much fun to put together! I guess that's another thing I"ll just have to try. ;-)

Joanna said...

Nanette, these baskets are adorable. I must look at the tutorial and make some!

So guess where I went today and what I saw there? The Springville show and I saw your quilt! I even managed to self-take a pic of me in front of it - I will blog about it hehe:) I TOLD you it would make it into the show!!

erica e said...

wow, you did get a little basket happy, huh?! :) i love it. i especially like all the scrappy ones. looks like a fun week of basket making.

Elizabeth said...

Those are so stinkin' cute! I'd better not click on that link or I'll be in trouble myself.

Sandra :) said...

May I ask - how big did the baskets turn out? I've had that tutorial saved for a long time - I think the time has come to try it out, instead of just drooling over it, lol. I'm not going to call you a basketcase, but ... ;)

Susan said...

Quite a variety you have there--I agree about charm packs--love them! I am going to check out Pink Penguin.

Donna said...

Love your baskets. I have made a couple also. What type of batting are you using?

Anonymous said...

Hi, Nanette!! i've missed alot!!! Love the stash baskets,I'm doing a little zipper bag I'm having fun with!It's great to see what all you've been up to!!

Mary said...

Is basket-making a new Olympic sport? 'Cause I'm thinking gold is in your future.

You are one productive woman. And cute/creative/colorful.


Kim Walus said...

Love it! I must put them on my list of things to make. They would definitely make great friend gifts for christmas or birthdays! Thanks for sharing with us all of your wonderful creations!

BTW, I loved your comment on my blog go read my response :) if you want too!

Anonymous said...

My gosh, you sure were a busy bee today, and they are all so super cute.

Kay said...

Seriously cute and seriously stocked! What's a woman to do with all those baskets? I need to make some, I printed the instructions just got to get around to it, you've motivated me ;)

Darlene said...

Oh my stars they are absolutely adorable. I tried to pick a favorite but simply couldn't. You've been on a roll and very busy.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, now I HAVE to make me some of these! They are darling. And your white chenille spread/quilt is gorgeous! What a great idea. x

PamKittyMorning said...

How cute are those. And you of course!

CJ said...

You have been busy! The baskets are adorable. Love your mix of fabrics, they are all so different yet so cute. I am wondering what you are going to do with all of them. Christmas presents?

antique quilter said...

just love these!
the pink and black one is my favorite
the last one!!!!
wow, you must have enjoyed making these to make so many!
thanks for sharing all the pictures.
Nice to see something done in different fabrics.

Abby and Stephanie said...

Love them. Lucky folks on your gift list. I know what you mean about getting "obsessed" with a project. I've done the same thing. Thanks for sharing and giving the tip on sizes.

Anonymous said...

It's difficult to choose a favorite since they're all so cute.

Clare and Mike said...

What a really great idea, so colourful and pretty - and useful too!

Nan said...

I saw your comment on Calico Daisy's blog and had to come visit you, since we share the same first name! Silly, I know... but I'm glad I did, I enjoyed looking over your blog and will have to come back when I have some more time to read.

jlk said...

That's a lot of baskets, lady. They are way cute! I may have to do some as Christmas gifts. They would make cute card holders.

Anina said...

Sooooo cute! I love the rickrack.

Amanda Jean said...

these are great! the ric rac is a nice touch.

Happy Zombie said...

Basket mania! All are so cute and I can see why you keep making them. Just adorable Nanette!

HomeMadeOriginals said...

Those baskets are adorable. I just may have to make some from felted wool.

Thimbleanna said...

How adorable they all are Nanette! Like Connie, I can't pick a favorite. I thought it might be the Mary E. basket, but then I looked again at the others and nah...I can't decide!

Anonymous said...

Wow, you've been busy. These are all wonderful. Love all the great color/fabric combinations.

Fun project.

Kim said...

I'll have to try one this week- that and the thread catchers everyone seems to be making from jelly rolls. I definatly need a thread catcher with the hand quilting/ piecing. Enjoy your time off

Anonymous said...

It looks like they would be just as darling, turned inside out!

Red Geranium Cottage said...

CUTE CUTE and some more CUTE!!!!

Jodi Nelson said...

Oh my heck!!!! You crack me up, you crazy basket makin girl! I LOVE em. I got out some fabric this weekend, to make a few. I have a few thank you gifts I need to get out. But I've not even gotten remotely close to the sewing machine yet. Grrr. Love the rick a rack! So cute!

Nan said...

Everyone of your baskets are absolutely adorable! Such a wonderful idea for gifts, too! You are certainly a busy sewing bee!

Eileen said...

Nanette, these are the most adorable things! Wouldn't it be nice to use these as little gifts when you need them quick?.. you already have them made up.

I can't believe I am just now getting to this post. Hope I don't totally miss you before you leave for vacation.

Anonymous said...

love them all!!! How much fun =)

Lisa said...

goodness! I think I am going to have to try making one of them! I love them all!

Lisa said...

goodness! I think I am going to have to try making one of them! I love them all!

Joanna said...

I think those are so dang adorable! Not like I don't have enough projects or anything, but I might have to try it.

Mymsie said...

Cute and I love the ric rac idea! I made one awhile ago too.

Rhondi said...

The baskets are so cute. I love your color choices!

Des said...

Man oh man. These ARE fun to make. I just made one!! Now I want 22 just like you!

Oiyi said...

Wow, I love the baskets! Thanks for the link to the tute.

Ginger Patches said...

Wow look at all those cute baskets!! I have to go check out that tutorial. I'm starting to think you must have cloned yourself you get so much done lol!!! I love everything you've been working on...really love that American Jane quilt...just beautiful!

Karen said...

WOW those are adorable - and I've seen a few flying around blogland. I need to check out this tutorial - looks like you've been on a roll, LOL. Enjoy your time off

Hugs - karen

Corrie said...

I'm going to have to make one of these. Cute Japanese one. How fun. Thanks for the birthday wish. Hope you had a good trip to Idaho.

Megan said...

wowee!!! these baskets are adorable! I might have to make one or two or ten....

Billie said...

Wow, so cute! Your one busy person!

Sandra :) said...

Thanks to you, Nanette, I've made one basket and have plans for several more --- they are sooooo much fun - thanks for the inspiration, you basketcase you!! ;)