I'm very glad blogger is cooperating today. There is just 1 week before Halloween so it is time to send off your Christmas Cottage Blocks, if you haven't already. Just a little reminder. .

Yesterday I received more blocks in the mail!
TLC Stitches blocks are above - thanks
Trisha. They are fabulous. Look at the snow she appliqued on the roof and chimney. How cute is that! I love the personal touches on each person's blocks. I can only imagine how great they will be when the quilts are put together.
Trisha is multi talented and I'm so glad she joined our exchange. She sent the sweetest knitted washcloth, too. Thank you

You will probably already recognize
Eileen's blocks above.
Eileen is not in my group but she and I are good friends and she sent me a few blocks to use as extras (just in case!) and 2 for me!! They are so sweet. The vintage fabric is so darling. Thank you so much for your support
Eileen!I hope she knows how much I appreciate her.

I admired her little chickadee fabric that she sewed into some of her cottage exchange blocks so she sent me a fat quarter and she also sent me the vintage blue and white fabric piece above. Of course I love them both. When I make my kitchen quilt next year I'll find a special place in the quilt for it.

It is Friday and we are talking fabric. I've included pictures 2 colorways of a great children's novelty (kitchen) fabric that is a reproduction. This fabric combines all my favorite qualities in fabric.

The pink has a suggestion of valentines. It shows children helping around the house and kitchen.

If only real life were like this! Isn't she so sweet.

This is perfect fussy cut fabric or for a border.

It kind of reminds me of Campbell's kid images. I think I like the blue colorway best. That is opposite of what I usually like. But both colors are really cute. I'm pretty sure they carry this fabric now at Superbuzzy.
Lucky ladies who get those houses! LOL
So sweet and I too love the personal touches that your swappers have been adding.
Love that repro kitchen fabric too! I will have to look for it when I am in Houston next week...I have to be careful in my spending but this would be so cute fussy cut for a kitchen quilt project!
Each time you show another set of cottages, I think they can't get any more adorable. They're all so wonderful.
I prefer the blue colourway of that fabric too.
Everyone's Christmas cottages are very creative and so cute. You have a good collection of prints with children on them, love the pink with hearts.
cute cute cute fabrics!
I so wish I had signed up to the cottage swap - they all look so cool!
The cottages are lovely as ever. And the fabric with the children is just so sweet.
I love the snow on the blocks too. what a great idea.
you have to know that if you decide to do this exchange of cottages again you will have a billion people join!
This post reminded me that I wanted to tell you when I dropped off the blocks that there are 3 extra cottages, two for you and one for the quilt your making for the Tree of Lights fundraiser.
Love the snow-topped cottage! Also, as usual you have some darling fabrics! I'm interested to see the kitchen quilt!!!
Wow, snow on the roof is so creative.. and Eileen's cottages are very cheerful :)
It'll be so much fun to see all the cottages coming together.
Your fabrics are just out of this world. Love them!
I'm so excited to get my blocks! I love the "snow" that was sewn on - wish I'd thought of that! I've been planning what to do with them - while I work on my halloween cottages! Thanks again for doing this exchange! The Other Nanette
More great cottages. Eileen is so sweet!!! I look forward to Fridays so I can see MORE of your darling fabrics.
I sent you an email but saved in in word just incase it got lost in the internet. It did! Our MSN email is down. Tommorrow after I have time to spend with the TECHS I will send it to you.
Again the cottage blocks are so cute!
Oh I do love that snow appliquéd on Trisha's blocks. I wish she were in my group!
Those children doing house chores is too adorable. You're right.. they do look like campbell's kids! Thanks for letting us know where to find it.
Your cottages have been such a huge hit. :-)
I love the fabric with the children...so fun. Those houses are great. Love the snow on the roof on one of the houses.
The snow on the cottage is such a nice accent. I love it. The fabric with the little kids on it is so sweet too.
These cottages are very cute. I keep seeing them but keep not commenting because, why? Because I don't make cottages.
No good for Tea & Bee time and unfit for public! HEE!
Silly Love, *karendianne. who just really wanted to let you know I keep droppin' by and keep not leaving a comment! But now I did.
everyone is so creative...I always get inspired
You have got the cutest vintage fabrics ever!!! Where do find this stuff?? Love the "campbells" kids, that's exactly who they look like! Great cottages coming in!
I just love those cottages and still have the pattern handy next to my machine....soon...meanwhile I'll keep visiting your blog to look at yours.
More cottages! The snow on the roof and chimney is a wonderful addition, isn't it? Eileen's cottages are too cute! I love the fabrics she used. That fabric with the children is totally sweet! I can't wait to see how you decide to use it.
those house blocks are darling.
You always have the cutest fabrics to tease us with! I don't even know where you get some of this stuff!
i love this vintage look children's fabric. it does remind me of valentines too.
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