I am just going to blurt it out because I don't think there is an easy way to confess this. Er. Um. I hate the words WONKY and GINORMOUS. Okay. I've said it. Those of you I've offended by my hatred of those 2 words, I apologize. They annoy me. Even though I read they have made it into the dictionary I still don't believe in saying made-up words. And yes, I flinch slightly when I see or hear them. That is why when I describe sketch machine embroidery I avoid the word wonky (
ew, I said it again). It probably is a good way to describe the way the sketch stitching is made but I won't say that word again in my description.

I first encountered sketch machine embroidery in some of my Japanese quilting magazines. I love the fuzzy, free form, out of the lines, skewed stitching. It adds interest and character. So I
incorporated that style into outlining my birds from my In The Leafy Treetops quilt pattern. For my sketch stitching I make the stitch a little wobbly by just barely by setting my machine stitches wider and lengthened.

Jacquie at
Tallgrass Prairie Studio has her own style with some excellent examples on her blog.
Janet Clare is a master at this sketch machine embroidery, again with her own style. I am sure she has a better name for it but you can look at some of her work
here. Her blog header is more a random sketch work than some of her others - and her work is so artistic that it is on whole different level. I know lots of you do outline stitching. So this really isn't much different than that.

Because I've received some questions about this form of outline stitching I thought I would just show a few steps I follow. I learned from Bonnie Miles (many of you know Bonnie) that a
used dryer sheet works great for machine embroidery and other types of stitching. When I made my birds above, I didn't need a backing material because they were already pieced and the seam allowances keep stitches from pulling. A used dryer sheet works great for a one layer fabric project. It is thin and can be easy removed after you are finished.

I fold my fabric to find the center and then use a ruler and pencil to draw my lines for the house. You can also trace flowers, birds, or any object onto the fabric to sketch stitch and use a darning foot with feed dogs down.

I like the double stitch for my sketch outlining. So I stitch around the outline twice, intentionally creating my 2nd stitch outside and on top of the first stitching line.

I didn't even pencil in the door or the window. I just free form stitched where I thought they would lie. And again, I stitched 2 outline stitches.

Here is the back after I've clipped my threads.

Then you can tear or cut away the excess dryer sheet.

And here they are. All are
slightly different from each other but similar. It is fun to go outside the lines. You might call them the
"w" word but I prefer to call them machine sketched.
Am I the only crazy person or do other people find some words painful to hear?
"Disrespected" as in "He disrespected me." That drives me over the edge, around the bend, etc. It is a totally made up word. "He was disrespectful to me" is the proper phrase. When I hear grown adults using the phrase I just cringe. It is not "hip" - it is stupid. There, I said it. (I am getting off my soapbox now. Bet you are sorry you asked!)
Ha-ha-ha! Well I have to admit.. the "W" word is in my vocabulary as you well know.. but I don't use ginoromous or whatever it was you just said. Sometimes the "W" word is the only one that fits a crooked quilt block though!
Not your houses. Or birds. They are adorable, and I love how they are sketched. Thank you so much for your tutorials.
No you're not the only one Nanette, I must admit I'm not fond of made up words and it annoys me to no end when people mutilate the English language, for example I done that, grates on my nerves and all it is, is sheer laziness. Time for me too, to get off the soap box. I love your sketch embroidery, leaves room for all sorts of creating. Have you used this type of stitching in your machine quilting?
Oh no, I love wonky! And ginormous! I know there are some words that make me cringe but I will have to think some more to remember what they are! But I'm afraid I'm a fan of your hated words lol!
Thank you for explaining the sketch stitch.. I was getting ready to ask you what it was :)
At the moment I can't think of any words that bug me.. I'm guilty of mutilating the English language all on my own so can't say much when others do.
I just love your little sketched houses. This is something I can definitely see me doing! Thanks for sharing the tutorial.
I like your sketch-stitching a lot and while "wonky" doesn't bother me, "ginormous" does. And while we're at it, I really really really do not like being called "guys" by waitstaff.
I do like "prolly" and "viola," however.
I totally love your houses...those would be cute around the border of your cottage quilt. What did you make them for?
I hate the word sample. I just hate how people make the A long and it's just sooo Arggh!!!
I love your sketch stitched houses...thanks for explaining the technique! I don't like the words you mentioned...and I have quite a few others I could add to the list (many of them used by teenagers who are friends with my teenagers)!
Is wacky ok with you??? I'm with ya, I can't stand _____ and _____.
See, I'm not even brave enough to publisize. The taste you gave yesterday of the little houses had me intrigued. I love love those machine scetched little cuties. I'll have to try it. My machine doesn't do embridery, would I need that? Does it have to be a BOUNCE sheet or can it just be western family??? :) j.k.Thanks Nanette.
I happen to like the word wonky. but I could live without hearing the word ginormous ever again.
I LOVE your machine sketching tutorial. I am going to have to try that out soon! it looks like a whole lot of fun!!! thanks for posting such a great idea.
Well, I only recently read the word g_______ on a blog and wondered why the word gigantic or enormous wasn't sufficient. The w____ word doesn't bother me because it makes me think of the original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. I have to be honest and say that I'm not sure that "sketch stitching" is for me butI really like your houses and I bet we're going to see them end up in something really cute!
Oh, I use the W word, but the G word drives me nuts ... and one of my sons, who happens to know that, uses it all the time just to get my goat. My peeve is using good instead of well, as in "you did so good".
I love the embroidery idea and can't wait to give it a try!
There are plenty of words that I cringe when I hear them. I won't share them though! :) Your houses look great!!
The phrase "I'm loving it" drives me nuts. I can feel the hair on my head pop up. I'm sure there are a lot more, but can't think of them now.
Love the houses and thanks for the tutorial.
why are you making the outline houses?
Will you be making a quilt out of them? I am quite intriqued by what you are doing.
Your sketched houses are very interesting. Like "Fiesta", I am wondering what you are going to do with them. I guess we just need to be patient. I do have one phrase I detest and it is when people say Holy C----.
You probably heard it too. Yuck!
You made me laugh because my SIL hates the word "awesome" and he challenges people to come up with something else. Listen to how many times people use that word! As for me...I hate it when people use "irregardless". Correct word is "regardless". Funny how things like that can set you off.
You do something on purpose not by purpose, by accident, not on accident, that makes me crazy, sorry people. I love your houses what are you planning to do with them? Well ,I ordered $75 dollars worth of cute fabric, some Japanese. Do I need it, no, but I will love it!!
PS I use the "W" word all the time, please don't hate me for my made up word, it just fits sometimes!!
I'm not a fan of "Wonky" - but hey "Ginormous" takes me back to my childhood. I really can't stand it when intelligent people say "irredundant" or "irregardless"
HELLO! They cancel each other out! The "ir" in the front of the word is a negative and the following words are also a negative. Double negatives and therefore not compatible! O.k. - Off my soap box...but really, good word usage isn't what it used to be.
BTW - Your sketch houses are adorabe! :)
I don't like either of those words either. Mostly, I have phrases. I hate when people say "you go girl," among other things
you are so funny...and i am so glad you explained machine sketching...i can't wait to try it! my hated words? uber and quite honestly? most of the made up blog words going around - blogiversary, blogland, bloggy friends, blogotastic, blogfabulous, blogerrific, blah, blah, blah...at first it's kinda cute, then it just gets old and grates on my nerves...you know what i mean, don't you? =)
I like the W word! But I'm sure that I have other pet peeves that might seem crazy to you (and other people). LOL
Love your perspective. And this technique, I must try it.
Love the wonky, yes I said it wonky houses! I like the technique very nice. Yes, there are words that are painful for me to hear, but I just can't think of them now, it is late. I might think of them tomorrow though.
I'm with you on that ginormous word. For some reason, I'm not sure why, I hate it. I know I shouldn't hate things but just this once, just this word. Mimi
Oh I love your wonky houses! You should make a ginormous house quilt! haha, only kidding. I use the G word sometimes, but the w one is not one that frequents my vocabulary. I really do love your houses though!
I learn new words on the internet and I can't always know whether they are real words or not. The W word is something I immediately understood (and thought it was a proper word), but the G word even I can see is a made-up word I wouldn't use. I promise not to use either of them! - I hate the same phenomenom in the Finnish language, and the use of double negative.
I don't care for either word but they don't bother me. My biggest pet peeve is when someone says "I seen him/her/it" It's "SAW" people!!!!! LOL
Thank you for explaining Machine Sketching. Can't wait to see what you're doing.
Wonky & Ginormous Hugs for you! teehee
I'm sure that I have words that grate on my nerves too. :) I actually LIKE the word GINORMOUS though because it reminds me of the movie ELF, which I think is pretty funny. I don't think that I use the word though - unless I was just fooling around with the kids. I DO love your sketchy houses and can't wait to see what you are going to do with them all.
aww... thanks for the lovely tutorial. The houses look so cute.
Ugh, me too! The "W" word is okay but the "G" word, ick! I also can't stand "abso-tively" and "uber." "You go girl" is also SO over.
Your cottages are sooo cute! Can't wait to see what you will do with them! --Jen in NY
You forgot to include "whatchamajigger" and "whosamacallit". :-)
Love your blog!
I love those houses! Might even get me to the sewing machine. Might. :-)
My pet peeve right now with language usage is when people say, "And then I go ..." when they're talking about something they said. Drives me mad!! There are many ways English is mutilated daily that drive me slightly insane, but the made-up words and incorrect usage of words are the two top irritants!
Sorry but I love the word WONKY. I love the houses! I am going to try this new technique. Looks fun.
You are one funny lady...what a great day for me to first read your blog...
Lots of words irritate me...not the ones that you mentioned although the sight of the "g" word is sort or obnoxious, right? I will be back, I like what you have going on over here!
Those are dang cute houses! Are you going to put them in a quilt? Can't wait to see what you come up with for them - as always, I am very inspired after seeing all you do! The Other Nanette
Bloggy pals makes me nauseous.
I'm with Carrie P. and Fiesta (Betsy)...what are you going to do with your houses?
HA.... I use the g-word (though don't know if I spell it correctly). I had no idea it was such a disliked word. My peeve word is "acrosst". Even my spell checker tells me it's wrong. Like nails on a chalkboard to me.
I'm feeling a bit ornery (hope that word is ok). I recently used the g-word in a post. I should put it on bold and underline it. Maybe make it a hostage situation. I'll remove my g-word if everyone who's got that darn playlist/music playing on their blogs removes it (interferes with my own music as well as it crashes my Safari).
OK ... I have never been a fan of "wonky" (or "funky"") but have been known to use the g-word on occasion. (Actually saw it in a crossword the other day.)
But my biggest peeve (and this won't be popular) is "LOL". I always think something is funnier when someone doesn't feel they have to tell me it's funny.
Have I now lost ALL my friends?
How funny you dislike those words. I had never heard 'wonky' (sorry, Nanette!)until I started blogging. I happen to think the other word is too funny, and I'm afraid I even use it on occasion. Thank you for sharing your sketch machine embroidery - I like the look of it very much. I don't like to hear "irregardless" - it belongs in the department of redundancy department! i don't think it's really a word, is it?
How about when adults say "my bad"...love the sketch stitching and the tutorial. Very unusual & pretty. I am wondering (like everyone else) what you will do with them. I am trying to think of what I could sketch.
lol, this made me laugh. I don't have an aversion to either word, but have been known to make up words (is ginormous even a real word?)
How cute they are! I never knew there was a name for that! I outline a lot of my houses in black thread and just call it outlined! but I love those WONKY (I love that word... sorry, Nanette) houses. What are you going to do with all of them???
Oh those are 2 of my mostest favoritistic words ever :) I actually do love those words...I love words that sound like what they mean and made up words..I love them..I admire the creativity of the person who thought them up. Now improper use of words is a different story, I am the queen of red pencils! I am in total agreement with suzan, but that is a totally different thing than made up words :)
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