When I got home from work last night the counter top was covered in packages. It was like Santa had come by. The Christmas cottage blocks are rolling in. I'm loving it. They are all so cute. I keep thinking my adjectives describing the blocks are getting stale but they really are all so sweet and darling in their own unique way. It just tickles me to see them and touch them.

These are Alisa's blocks. I love the snowmen and vintage
Santas. It is just so fun to see such unique fabrics and the texture they create as they form the cottages. Great job Alisa.

These blocks are Cheryl's blocks from
Polkadots and Rick Rack. The whimsical pets in the windows are really great. And look how she pieced the curtains in the other window. What a fabulous touch. I really love them Cheryl.

These are Melissa's blocks from
cornbreadandbeansquilting. The richness and color of her fabrics make the cottages come to life. Like real cottages. Melissa's blocks are very well done and I love the mix of them and how each one is so different. Such sweet cottages Melissa!

Okay now this is the embarrassing part. All the lovely and thoughtful gifts that arrived today (and before today!) for me. I have this dual conflict inside when I get a gift. I love it and want to be full of glee but my mother always taught me not to do that, not expect or encourage gifts but to give to others. So I get kind of mixed feelings. I don't know if I said that right. My sisters would understand. Well anyway - I'm just going to enjoy the thoughtfulness and have gratitude like the title to
Cheryl's post yesterday. In the picture above is this well made, fabulous thread catcher made by
Cheryl. Isn't it so cute.

Look at the fabric - it is a great print with teacups, hearts and flowers.
Cheryl knows what I like! And look at that clean edge to the scalloped lining. Sweet! It is so funny. I tried the other day to attach a fabric
baskety thing to my sewing machine table because I needed a thread catcher desperately. My trash can is on the wrong side but it doesn't fit my sewing space any other way. So ergonomically I've been dealing with this problem and making little piles of thread and fabric on the side of my sewing table and then every so often stopping and putting them in the trash. But now I can use Cheryl's thread catcher and problem solved. It is weighted down with sand (I think or that stuff in pincushions) so it stays in place and can be moved easily around. And then you can put pins in the top part and thread in the basket part. It also has a little pocket for scissors or seam ripper. What a great idea and a great gift Cheryl. Thank you! I think this would also be great for holding hand sewing as a take-a-long bag.

I don't know if you remember me telling everyone that my box of Christmas fabric was destroyed and thrown out over the winter/spring this year when we had a leak in the roof of our unfinished attic area above the garage. So it has been fun to enjoy gifts of Christmas fabric to welcome into my stash. This fabric is from Alisa. I love snowmen. Thank you Alisa.
Candace from Squashhousequilts sent me these "home" themed gifts in honor of the cottages we are exchanging. How thoughtful and sweet. They look great in my entry way hung by the lights. The colors of the flowers are perfect with my fall quilts. And they look cute hung right there.
I love the aged look and the style is perfect for my entry. Thank you so much Candace. I just can't believe how thoughtful these are and the quote is so nice.

Now yesterday was
Stephanie's birthday. But you'd have thought it was mine!
Stephanie sent me not 1 but 2 gifts. And she's in Terri's exchange group! I was pretty shocked to open
Stephanie's box and find this fabulous bag inside. She's been making these and of course I've admired them on her blog and commented on the handles and how cute they are. Look at the cherries too! I guess I've got pretty distinctive taste when everyone knows exactly what I like! I love it. I love how the bag opens right up and you can see everything inside.

And she sent me this too! I've admired these big wooden bobbins/spools before. I'd never run across one myself and I thought they looked so cute displayed with rick rack and trim around them. But Utah isn't a good place to pick items like this up. My dad and his family worked in the textile industry when they were young and when the industrial boom was moving the economy of Reading Pennsylvania, where I grew up. I imagined as I held this wooden spool yesterday that this would have been the kind of spools in the textile factories where they worked long hours.

So I quickly wound it with some ribbon and rick rack. I'll play around with it some and proudly display it on my sewing room shelf. It is so cute. The wood is polished and is something that was made to last, you'd never know its age. Thank you so much
Stephanie! Again, I'm embarrassed and excited at the same time. I love both of your gifts.
Everyone is so generous. Thank you all.
One more show and tell - in the photo above under the spool is one of the blocks I'm working on from
Jacquie. I decided on a courtyard steps approach and I'm more than half way done creating the blocks. The red and white is fun to work with and create such a striking blend of color. And the vintage table cloth in the center gives the blocks a great focal point. Thanks again
Jacquie. I love them.
Believe it or not I've got more spoiled Nanette stuff to show tomorrow. Stay tuned. And thank you all for your sweet birthday wishes for Laurie yesterday. She had a nice day.
can you believe how many kind and generous people we are meeting through the exchange? it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside...great gifts...you deserve them...=)...
Lovely gifts. You definitely deserve them. I'm getting all excited about receiving the cottages. :o)
Golly! I'm envious! of all the booty! Enjoy!~
Oh no Nanette, those are my blocks pictured, but you already posted mine once. So I think you have the wrong "Melissa" blocks posted with the gifts another "Melissa" sent you.
This would be easy to do, so don't worry too much, but they are such nice gifts I know you would want to thank whoever really sent them to you =)
Melissa from Cornbread and Beans.
The blocks are adorable - and all of the gifts are great. Enjoy them!
I think you deserve it all. I can only imagine the hours you have spent putting the cottage exchange together, and bringing so many women together. What we send out there (good and bad) always comes back to us double fold, if not more. You inspire so many of us, I think every day should be a "thank you".
How exciting to get all of those wonderful gifts along with the cottages. You must be just smiling and smiling when you open your mail! I love that spool and with the ric rac on it...swoon! :)
Jackpot is right! But you have given us ALL so much enjoyment with your free block pattern. I am just loving all the wonderful goodies everyone is sending you and Terri. You both deserve them.. so enjoy!..GUILT FREE!
I can't wait till we get our houses back. :-)
The anticipation of seeing all of the cute cottage blocks is growing! And what lovely and thoughtful gifts you have been receiving from these kind ladies. We all appreciate the hard work that you and Terri have done in organizing this fun swap. x
you have been B00-ed!
You do deserve the gifties Nanette! And we all so appreciate all your hard work on this swap. What fun it has been making the cottages! Thanks to you :-)!
your gifts are lovely. Very well deserved.
Don't feel bad about getting all those gifts. Quilters are generous people and we love to give.
Oh, I'm so happy for you...such lovely gifts. And you definitely deserve them...you're very generous yourself...and this has to be a ton of work hosting this block swap. So congrats!
I wish I would have met you sooner so I could play in the exchange! What fun!! Happy late birthday to your daughter!
"The ornaments of a house are the friends who frequent it"! How lovely - what a big thrill to receive the blocks and gifts - warm hugs - Lurline!
You and Terri truly deserve all the beautiful presents. It's just a small way to show our appreciation. Please enjoy them without feeling guilty :-)
Lovely cottages like always...
Enjoy all your wonderful gift. You deserve them for all you have done for others.
Just enjoy and say thank you...because you deserve it all. Thanks for doing this for all of us.
It's so fun to see the cottages collecting! I sent mine out today.
I wish I had signed up for this exchange. These blocks are really cute. I love see what you are receiving from everyone.
Aren't bloggers the most generous people. When I saw Cheryls block, I didn't see curtains, I saw a Christmas tree in the window. I too would have liked to been in that exchange, I have never done one, looks like a blast.
I love seeing all the cottages! I'm sure coming home to all those packages was like Christmas! ooxx`jod
Lovely cottage blocks once again - I never get tired of this show and tell. I will miss it very much when it's over. Maybe you'll start a new one?!? Or....maybe not? LOL
All the gifts you've received are lovely, and I think you are deserving of every one of them! Every girl needs to be spoiled every now and then.
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