Today there are 2 vitual quilts. Our blocks are growing and growing when we are done we will have more than 600 blocks. That's a lot of cottages!

Another 2 packages with Christmas Cottage blocks came to my house. I can't tell you how sweet it is to open a package with the cottages made so well by the girls in our exchange. The cottages are warm and inviting and really show a fun almost child like spirit of the Christmas holidays. It is like opening a present when I open a package of blocks. These blocks are from Dawn on the left and Chen on the right. Lovely job girls.

Sometimes I participate in Vintage Thursdays -a theme
Eileen introduced me to a bit ago. A few weeks ago my husband brought home a box of vintage story/reading books from my MIL. She was a teacher and she is destashing her blooks.

These 2 little books were very loved as you can see. I know why, the stories are so cute and the illustrations are just engaging.
Bonnie Miles is a legendary quilter and coordinator/teacher. She has a quilt retreat in Bryce Canyon at
Ruby's Inn every year. The retreat is in February and I've been invited to be a teacher/presentor and I'm excited but scared.
Sherri is going to the retreat and sent me
this link today (thanks Sherri) showing what quilts will be featured. I didn't even know it was on the internet yet. So it's exciting to see who is presenting/teaching and what will be featured.
Nedra is teaching and so is her friend Ricci. My friends Flora, Paula and Sherry from our quilt group are teaching too. It's going to be scary to be among such talented people. I'd like to take the
Parker Homestead quilt class, (if I can keep it together enough to take a class right before teaching) but it looks so hard and I've never done anything like that.
That sounds like so much fun. Have you read the Elm Creek Quilt Books? Is this a quilt camp like in those books? I'd love to do something like that!
wow! you've really hit it with these cottages. thanks for showing these books. i love vintage children's books.
I'm so impressed with the quilts you gals make. I love quilt making but I come no where close to the talent you people have.
Love the way the cottage quilt looks with the red around each house and its neat how some have different colored sky's.
Thanks for telling me about Bonnie's site for Bryce being up. I didn't know either. Hey, Ricci and I are not Pattern Designers like YOU! I think we should be a little intimidated teaching next to you! Actually, I'm just excited to go and be with everyone. It will be a lot of fun.
You and Shelbie will love Ruby's Inn. Bonnie's retreat is great every year. You will be so pleasantly surprised by how fun it is to teach these classes. The Ruby's group is so very very nice. Can't wait.
How exciting you get to teach:) I know you will do an awesome job:) What class will you be teaching? It is exciting?
I just found your blog and I LOVE IT! I am going to list it as a favorite if you don't mind. I am not a quilter (but I want to be). What would you suggest for a beginner?
You will do a great job - I wish you weren't so far away - I'd love to be in one of your classes.
Good luck and looking forward to hearing all about the class on the blog.
Cuuuuute cottages a plenty ! :>) they're so lovely...
And I'm so happy about your teaching retreat by next February. Don't worry, Nanette, you're a champ' and everything will work like a breeze.
If I had the opportunity to attend such classes, I'd choose yours, of course ;>), then the "Heart 2 heart" quilt, and also the "Fresh tradition" one.
I just found you through Lily's blog. What an amazingly neat workroom you have - I'm looking forward to seeing all the cottage blocks too.
600 blocks!! Simply amazing!! I love the quilts in the link, beautiful!! Thanks for sharing.
you will do just fine.
I wish I could be in your class.
I love all the cottages and I love, love, vintage books, but I am very proud of you! I knew you had a lot of talent, i wish I lived closer so I could take your class, way to go girl!!!
The cottage blocks are just all so wonderful! What great quilts people are going to be making with these!
I love vintage books too -- what a treat for you to have those.
Nanette, you will be a great teacher, I'm sure! Your jitters will disappear as soon as you see all the wonderful, smiling faces. I hope you have a great time! Cheers!
Congratulations Nanette! How exciting to teach at a cool retreat. And what a fabulous place to have it!
Ruby's Inn is in such a gorgeous area...it will be fun to take your class (hope I get in)!
Awesome little cottages! Very nice! 8-)
Happy stitchings!
The cottages are looking great. You'll be a great teacher.
I think I better get busy on my cottage blocks! You must be having a great time seeing all the different fabrics. This afternoon, I dug into my stash of rick rack as I really like the addition of trims that several people have used. What a neat exchange you have created!!
OMG Nanette!!! You have some really talented readers out there! Thank-you for putting the cottage block tutorial together so we can all make our own cottages!!
What a lot of lovely cottages! Those old books are great.
All the cottages are wonderful! What a community you're going to have by the time you've received them all.
I enjoyed looking at the old story books. Some of them are very well loved!
Congratulations on being a teacher at the retreat! Good for you! I say "Yes, Yes Nanette" - you go girl!!
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