Cowboy Quilt Revisited...

Natalie here, awhile back I posted the cowboy quilt I made for my boyfriend, Justin.
All the comments were quite lovely, but I received several good natured yet incredulous exclamations in person like: "I can't believe you made a quilt for your boyfriend!" and "I hope you've made arrangements to get it back when you break up!" Whenever I discussed this with other quilters they expressed similar sentiments and were taken aback that I would spend so much time and energy making something for someone who may not be permanent in my life.
And while that makes sense, what I knew then, and what I know now, is that I wasn't wasting my time at all. I adore Justin and his support and encouragement to pursue my hobbies, talents and dreams is why I know that I want to be his partner for the rest of our lives. I have always anticipated that we were permanent features in each other's lives.

So you can probably see where this is going now...
We're officially engaged! I can happily announce that the cowboy quilt will be safe in my family forever. We can take it with us on family camping trips with our kids or on picnics with our kids....but I think I'm getting ahead of myself.
Justin proposed in a beautiful canyon of granite rock beneath a natural spring waterfall after an early morning horseback ride through the desert hills of the southwest. It was romantic and beautiful and we're very excited to start our lives together. I love him for many reasons but because this is a quilt blog, the most relevant ones deal with his enthusiasm for my hobbies and interests. He lets me show him all my fabric and each and every little stitch I make. He even escorts me into quilt stores on occasion and patiently waits for me to browse. He tells everyone about my quilts and proudly shows everyone the projects I've finished. I am so lucky to have found someone who supports me unconditionally.

Thanks for letting me share the good news!

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Carrie P. said...

Congratulations!! It sounds like He is going to be a fine husband!

Sandi Linn Andersen said...

That is the most beautiful thing I have read on a blog. Your mama must be so proud of you. And you are so blessed to have found someone who loves you for who you are!! This really made me smile! :-) What a lovely way to start my morning and Congratulations to the two of you on this new start of your life together - and the Cowboy quilt, too!

Jeania said...

Congrats to you both!!

flora said...

Yahoo! Natalie and Justin! You even look good together. Here's to your future happiness.

Darlene said...

Congratulations - wishing you years and years of happiness!

Ruth said...

Congratulations! That is wonderful! I love the quilt. Hope it lasts a long time and that your life together does as well.

jen duncan said...

Yes, you are VERY lucky indeed. And you know Natalie; before I realized where this post was going, I was going to say "we make quilts with no strings attached for strangers all the time!" When I used to scrapbook I heard other people say "They'll have to pry these out of my cold dead fingers!" about their finished albums. I for one can hardly wait to give them to my grandson(the star of my albums), or more likely; his wife. Some people don't share well. Those of us that do share well reap the rewards tenfold, of that I am sure.
Huge Congratulations to you!

Dresden Quilter said...

Congratulations! A supportive husband is the best kind. Wishing you both all the best.

Meredith said...

Yeah!!!!! I am so happy for you.

Elizabeth said...


Sue H said...

You know he's good husband material if he's already learned how to "oooooh" and "aaaaah" over your quilting -- kind of like he was seeing fireworks for the first time! Congratulations to both of you.

Thimbleanna said...

WooHoo -- Congratulations! What a beautiful place to get engaged. LOVE that adorable cowboy quilt!

Jana Nielson said...

Good Job!! That is one way to keep a quilt from falling into the wrong hands!!

rachel griffith said...

omg natalie!!!
how exciting!!!
congrats to you & justin.

and nanette...

my ♥ is SO happy for yall.

Rumi said...

Congratulations to you both. What a wonderful blog. Thanks for including us in this happy time of you life!

hetty said...

Congratulations Natalie and Justin! This was the nicest post I have read in a long time. Happiness always!

Betsy said...

Natalie congratulations!
I am sure your mama is making her list of things to make you already. :D

Sherri said...

Congratulations Natalie...what a fun, wonderful post! Congrats to Nanette too!

Tina said...

Yay! A happy love story, congratulations!

Annette said...

I'm so happy for you. What a wonderful time of life for you. Your quilt is gorgeous and even more special now and will be such a treasure in years to come when you look back on this time of your lives. Your kids and grandkids will know the story of the quilt too. Congratulations.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Natalie, sounds like the best sort of future husband to have.

Dionne said...

That is such a romantic story, what an exciting time! I'm really, really happy for you!
PS - just for the record, I NEVER even thought for a minute you were wasting your time!

Browndirtcottage said...

OOOuuuu...any man who will 'escort' you into fabric stores is MOST DEFIENTLY a KEEPER!!! Congratulations!!!

Rachel said...

congrats! perhaps making a quilt for a man is a precursor to proposal...i too made my boyfriend a quilt and then he turned into my husband! your's is a lot cuter than mine...the the quilt, not necessarily the man.

Carla said...

Congratulations - wishing you years and years of happiness!

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Congratulations!! Natalie and Justin! and I agree with Jen, we make quilts all the time for people because at that point they were part of lives, a happy part, i have many floating all around and hope they still bring happy memories, so you keep right on giving.
Now I hope you or your Mom will keep us up-dated with all the plans. i wish you both all the happiness in the world!!

Eileen said...

I certainly do remember when you first showed us your cowboy quilt. And I never wondered for one minute why you'd be making it for him.
:-) Huge congratulations.. and best wishes to both of you together!
Beautiful ring too. :-)

Karen said...

CONGRATULATIONS Natalie and Justin!!! Quilting Blog, or not, I'm always a sucker for a great love story. The cowboy quilt is beautiful;) Keep us posted;)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!Natalie, You are very lucky and so is Justin!!(of course he knows!) I love your photo with the horse in the canyon. a very kodak moment! How romantic. Oh yes, and the quilt is a treasure too.

Unknown said...

Natalie...congratulations!!! I am so happy for you!

Baba Nann said...

Mazel Tov! Congratulations!!!
Many many years of happy.

Live Well With Judi said...

Congratulations Natalie! I saw your mom at quilt group and she hinted at it, so I am happy to see evidence! You look so darling together and he sounds like a true gentleman. (the most important thing) Hugs

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Best Wishes Natalie! You found yourself a keeper and you know it a long time ago.

Carolyn J. said...

Congratulations on your engagement and Enjoy the journey as you prepare for marriage.

I can't believe how some quilters "own" the quilts they have given away. Yes, they are tons of work and an investment of creativity and love, but a gift is only a gift if you GIVE it away! Besides relationship are not permanent because our lives are not permanent -- neither are guaranteed a single moment on this earth, much less forever.

Best wishes and keep that special guy close by your side.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I'm one of your mom's new BFF' promise to send me an invitation to the reception, okay? (So I'll know where to send the gift!) I LOVE your cowboy quilt - my first thought was, "If I made a quilt and gave it to George Clooney would he marry me?" Of course, that's SO silly because I'm already married...but, for George...well, never mind, I won't go there. What a wonderful engagement story and he definitely sounds like a keeper! Congrats! xo, The Other Nanette

Kama said...

Congratulations on your engagement! How exciting--that you'll be getting married, are in love and that you won't have to lose that quilt!!! :)
FREE Samples and Freebies

Cathy said...

Best wishes to you both, Natalie. Justin sounds like a good man.

Hillary said...

What a wonderful man, and what a wonderful proposal, and what a wonderful.. yeah you know all that all ready! Congratulations!

Kritta22 said...

Oh congrats!!

You know you have a keeper when he goes to the fabric stores with you!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Natalie! He sure sounds like a keeper and very romantic too! Excellent! Wishing you many happy years together,

Selina said...

congratulations! when you get yourself a man like that, you have to hang on tight and never let them go. and that quilt is quite gorgeous too!

Candace said...

Congratulations, Natalie! He's a keeper for sure! I love the photo of you two - I sincerely hope you find the right outdoor spot for your wedding (your mom filled me in!)

Mimi said...

Congratulations! I think you have found yourself a keeper.

jlk said...

Congratulations!!! Support of hobbies is a rare trait indeed. Make sure you do the same, even if it's playing video games with his buddies every Friday night for the first few months of your marriage...Not that I know that from experience. I'm just saying.

Dawn said...

Congratulations!! It was a very nice post with a happy ending!! I love happy endings!!

Elaine Adair said...

Thank you so much for posting this lovely, warm story. 8-)) Congratulations to both of you.

Jodie said...

Congratulations - you get a husband and a quilt - what a bonus!!!!

Sarah and Jack said...


Kim said...

This man shines like a brand new penny! He's a keeper and I wish you two all the best. What a fabulous proposal story and for sure will be retold for the rest of your lives...especially to those babies just waiting to join you. :o)

Susan said...

A wedding--that's the best news I've read in a long time. My best wishes to you both (and Nanette, too)!
I'm excited, we can talk bridal stuff again since it's been six months since ours.

alobsiger said...

How wonderful! Congratulations--he sounds like the perfect partner for a lifetime! Best wishes!!

Lynn said...

What a sweet post. Thanks for sharing the good news with us and congratulations. Hold on to him - if he doesn't mind going into quilt shops!

Busy Little Quilter said...

Congratulations, Natalie! I'm so happy for you (and you, too, Nanette!) I am blessed to have a hubby that supports my quilting obession, too! I'm just glad that you realized that finding that quality (supporting you uncondtionally) was an important one to find in someone that you are going to spend the rest of your life with.

Thanks for sharing the good news with us!

Unknown said...

Oh, I knew it was serious when you made the quilt! Congrats and thanks for sharing.

Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Congratulations Natalie and Justin, it is a treasure that you find someone that will be there for you and let you grow with what you enjoy. Sounds like a match to me.
Keep Stitchen'

mariarrosa said...


loulee said...

Congratulations. I hope you will both be happy together.

Momoo said...

Such a sweet story. Hope you both enjoy the quilt for many, many years.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Natalie... what a wonderful beginning to your adventures with Justin. He is definitely a keeper to join you in a quilt shop!!! And your stars are sure to shine brightly on picnics, at ball games, stargazing, and snuggling under....
Hugs, Barb

Mrs. Katie Picciottoli said...

Congratulations! He sounds like a really sweet guy and a good friend to you; I wish you both the best!

PamKittyMorning said...

Sounds like you're a match made in heaven. Best wishes to you dearie.

pratima said...

Congratulaions, Natalie!
Your quilt is beautiful and so is your story. Wish you all the happiness in the world :D

Purple and Paisley said...

congratulations, natalie and justin! how wonderful fall in love, huh?...♥♥♥

Leah Spencer said...

When my husband was in his last year of college, he needed over $2,000. He was planning to just use the credit card, but I stepped in and gave him the cash. We weren't even dating, much less engaged or such. I got a lot of grief from my dad for doing that... but I most certainly don't regret it now!! And I probably would have done the same as you did if I had been quilting back then. :)

Willow Grove - Kez said...

Congratulations and best wished to you both. What a beautiful proposal. Romantic.

May Kristin said...

Congratulations and best wishes for
your future together!
Happy Easter!

Connie said...

Natalie - my best wishes to you and Justin.

OK Tax Law said...

Congrats, Natalie! We love Justin! We will be there, come hell or high water!
PS - This is Eliot, somewhat obviously.

Nan said...

Congratulations!!! Justin sounds like THE perfect quilter's husband - he's a keeper!!

Micki said...

Congrats to you and Justin both. It is a lovely photo of the two of you and I am thrilled for you. I wish you all the happiness in the world.