I confess I sewed most of Saturday. When I have a complete day to sew I like to watch old movies I have DVRed. I don't watch closely mind you. I'm sewing! But I listen and steal glances as I cut out and sew. I can't think of many better ways to spend a Saturday. It was relaxing and I got quite a bit accomplished. Friday night through Saturday night I watched "Funny Girl", the original "Cheaper by the Dozen", "Two for the Road (Audrey Hepburn)", "The Butterfly Effect (disturbing)" and"Erma LaDuce (I really like Shirley MacLaine)".

I had pieced this baby strip quilt a couple weeks ago. My daughter Chelsey needed a baby gift for a friend and the friend hates pink. So I went to my 14" x 4" strip pile and picked out some more earthy tones along with yellow to make the quilt. It went quite fast. I cut my strips up into different lengths and then chain pieced the strips. I cut the sewn strips to 32" and then just sewed them together side by side. I used this yellow dot to make the scrappy feel more cohesive. After seeing and getting some of
Monica's lovely buttery yellow dot fabric, I found more on sale at the Quilting Cottage in American Fork. Sorry - they only had 1 1/2 yards left and I bought it all. It wasn't exactly like Monica's fabric but it was close enough.

Saturday I had time to machine quilt this. I tried out my new superior thread. I should have gotten a machine quilting thread when I was down in St. George so I used Master Piece thread and the titanium needle. It went really well. I think the machine quilting thread is a bit thicker quality and would have been a better choice but this worked out. The stitching looks really good and my machine tension liked this thread.

Sunday I spent time with the family and hand stitched the back of the binding. I'm finished and Chelsey picked it up last night. I also machine quilted my sister's umbrella banner Saturday but I'm not done stitching the binding and sleeve on yet.

I cut out and started a new quilt for a "challenge quilt" to show at my Alpine Quilt Group tomorrow. It won't be finished but I'll be partly done. I haven't really used only pinks and greens in a quilt in probably 8 years. The fabrics are really fun in this quilt but I can't say this is my favorite color combination. I used to love pink and green in the 90s.

I finished my quilt patterned after the Japanese Cotton Time quilt I started several weeks ago. I had been in a quandary about what to border it in - if at all. I thought about it at least a week by putting different fabrics next to the quilt body. I ended up with white. You really can't go wrong with white when there are this many fabrics and colors all sewn together. This one is at the machine quilter right now.

Some of you asked about this fabric that I made buttons with last week. It is a Michael Miller fabric called "Lava Bloom". Boy is that picture blurry! Sorry.
Now to take on another week. Here we go. - nanette
Your sewing machine must have been smoking, Nanette. Great stuff as always, especially the fabric choices. I'm in awe at how everything just comes together.
You're truly an inspiration to me. Thanks, and thanks also for sharing.
I can't believe you got that much done...did someone bring you meals to keep up your strength? Goodness, but it all looks fabulous to say the least.
you really have mastered those soft color combinations. and mixing up the styles without it looking too scrappy. the original CBTD movie was the best. i often watch the same movie over and over while i sew hoping that i will catch a glance of something that i did not see before.
you're always SO inspiring.
oooo! The quilting is wonderful! Still scared to try it.. but I'm getting worked up towards it. :-)
Now, that is definitely a great way to spend a Saturday! I was in Atlanta doing the North America Southeast Region Day of Service. Actually, I got to take pictures, so I did not really work. lol But I sweat like crazy walking to get to all the locations. Yikes, it was 89 degrees!!
I love your Japanese Cotton Time-inspired quilt. It's adorable. And the baby quilt is perfect for a non-pink mom-to-be. :)
Hope you have a great week, Nanette!
I do that all the time...watch classic movies and do machine embroidery. Because it takes a long time to do the machine embroidery, a good movie makes the time fly by.
Great post!
I like to put on a movie or two when I want to hunker down and sew, too. I usually watch period films like Pride and Prejudice, North and South, Emma, etc. I have seen them all a jillion times so I can just listen. And I sneak a peek now and then too!
What a lovely weekend! I spent all weekend wishing I was sewing! I love how everything turned out!
PS - I've seen all those movies, but for the life of me I can't remember 'Two for the Road' But I KNOW I've seen it!
I love to listen/watch the TV while sewing; along with old movies I like to watch the old shows like Little House on the Prairie, Waltons, Andy Griffith....
Hi Nanette-
I'm with you, there is no better way to spend a Saturday than sewing.
I watch old movies when i sew too but most of the time, I listen to books on cd. I love to read and never get the time to so i listen to the books instead.
I mostly listen to historical fiction or classics. I really love to find a good series.
Have you read the Elm Creek Quilt series? I have a link to the author Jennifer Chaivarini on my blog. They're really good. They are about quilts and history and friends and family all at the same time!
Of course I love all that you are working on. Your fabric choices are always "spot on" and make each project adorable.
You sew like I do, Nanette - I always have something recorded (or live) on in the background! Great baby quilt - suitable for a boy or girl! I just used Master Piece in my bobbin for some machine quilting and loved how nicely it buried itself in the background!
I like to watch something while sewing too... usually something very familiar so I can just listen.
Glad I'm not the only one who thought Butterfly Effect was disturbing.... hated it. Ugh.
i always love seeing what you are up to. i spent friday night with the old version of Born Yesterday on DVR and a quilt too. what fun!
Your baby quilt turned out lovely. I'm quilting a baby quilt with Masterpiece right now, and I think because it has minki on the back, it's working out well. I've also increased my stitch to a little longer.
I took a friend to Quilted Works on Saturday, and she bought some of the Michael Miller fabric we bought for the buttons too. She's going to put them on baby girl's dresses. I'll be making a few of the dresses too because they are so cute, and I'll show the buttons.
You were busy sewing! And I love everything! And the baby quilt is wonderful...love those butter yellow polka dots!!! I sort of did the same thing this weekend...except I wasn't lucky enough to watch any old movies! I'm going to have to remember that!
Boy o boy are there a lot of Karen's that follow your blog...great name no matter how you spell it. I was named after my Great Grandma on my mom's side...Love your baby quilt. Isn't it amamzing that baby colors aren't just pink and blue...love it! You had a very productive Saturday. Don't ya just hate it when you have a whole day that you can devote just to sewing??? haha;) Have a great one;)
yes, sewing with old movies in the background...what could be better. My favorite channel is TCM
Oh I so agree with you, one of my favorite things is to sew with a good movie, i love Cheaper by the Dozen!! I quess I am a few yeras behind the time as i love pinbk and green, but thanks to you and my swap, I am now starting to fall in love with orange. I also think you can never go wrong with white, so crisp and clean, and what a lucky daughter, hey Mom, I need a quilt for a frined and with you skill and kindness you got it done in record time!!!
Nanette, I was sewing on Saturday and watching... actually more like listening to Alfred Hitchcock's Suspicion. It was wonderful with the rain outside... I could take a few more Saturday's like that one... maybe "Wait Until Dark" next. Best, Calli
Hi Nanette, you had the pedal to the medal this weekend. Lots of sewing, doesn't that make you feel great.
She will love your baby quilt.
We watch the same type of movies and if I'm not watching oldies, I'm listening to oldies songs on the radio.
Keep Stitchen'
Beautiful work Nanette. Everything is springy and colorful.
I enjoy seeing all your inspiring projects. The "Lava Bloom" fabric was absolutely made for those large covered buttons.
We have similar taste in movies. Funny Girl is one of my top 10 favorites of all time, and I never thought I'd read about someone watching "Two For the Road." The Henry Mancini music, all the Audrey Hepburn cool outfits, and the jumping around in the time periods in their relationship. Thanks for reminding me of a movie from my early years.
Sounds like an absolutely fabulous weekend. You really created some wonderful things.
You had a very productive weekend. I love the original movie, Cheaper by the dozen.
I love this baby quilt! I need to start cutting my scraps into strips to make some quick quilts like this. And I LOVE the Japanese Cotton Time quilt, can't wait to see it all quilted and puckery. x
Lots os pretties - do you ever run out of ideas, Nanette? I must congratulate you, you really let the fabric do the talking and not a lot of us can do that! It's sort of adult I Spy - lots of fun!
Hugs - Lurline♥
You sound very relaxed in your post. All that sewing and quilting really did you well! Plus you got lots accomplished. I love them all. Thanks for the info on the fabric, now off to Google it!!
I love to listen to old movies while I sew too!! Your quilts turned out darling! You had a busy weekend.
Oh my gosh, you've been so busy. I always watch DVDs when I sew too...usually the Walton's though.
Wow, Nanette--you really cranked them out! I am very impressed with all that you accomplished. I really love the pinks and greens together. I'm going to have to find some of that fabric for buttons--it is beautiful! Have a wonderful week!
You certainly got a lot done! Congratulations! Love it all...
you are awesome!!
THat's a bunch of stuff for the Spring to Finish challenge! (You entered right?)
These are so cute! You have been busy. I love the yellow dots! and a day of old movies...I do the same thing when I sew. I don't really watch but they provide a chummy company i like.
Wow, Nanette, so many wonderful things done! I love the way you work with your fabrics, the combinations. Very inspiring!
Have a lovely week (O:
Nanette, you've accomplished so much and they are all so pretty.
The baby quilt is very charming. Love the teapot fabrics in there.
Strip quitl is inspiring. I'm thinking of doing one now, too!
Oooh, I want to spend all day quilting! Lately it seems I only can find a few minutes here and there to spend in my sewing room. Must manage my time better and schedule sewing time! I'm inspired now!
There's nothing better than watching old movies and quilting. :-)
I love that buttery yellow polka dot, you in said you bought the last, but could you tell me who makes it? I just received my bag pattern in the mail. Thank you.
Looks like you had a perfect weekend Nanette! I LOVE that adorable yellow polka dot -- I have a little bit, but I want MORE ;-)!
sounds like a pretty perfect weekend of sewing! i love old movies...especially audrey hepburn!
Funny Girl is one of my top THREE most favorite movies of all time!!
Sounds like a perfect weekend!
I love it all...it sounds like the perfect kind of time.
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