Just Peachy Fabric Friday

What is your favorite fruit? I have a hard time choosing. I love raspberries, strawberries, pineapple and chocolate (of course, isn't that a fruit?ha). However, I really think peaches are my very favorite of all.And it is peach season at the Hive. We have a little orchard at our house with several peach trees. We learned years ago that Red Haven variety are the sweetest, hold up best when bottled or dried, and are easy to peel and fun to eat. My question is why does peach season come on just as my kids (my helpers) go back to school? hmmmm Conspiracy I think. Well, I will not be doing much sewing this weekend. I'll be up to my elbows in sticky, juicy, wonderful but time consuming peach preservation.
I was looking at the outside of the red haven peaches and thinking how many beautiful colors make up a peach skin. The inside is a pretty color too. But the outside is a fabulous blend of wonderful color. And that brings me to fabric. After all it is Friday. Recently I acquired the above fruit fabric (don't you love fruit fabric) in an oil cloth. I was going to make a bag with it but I might save this to cover my little cutting table next time as there is just barely enough. Isn't the little peach cute in the fabric. Well all the fruit is cute. But seeing this fabric I thought about how many of my fabrics have a peachy theme or color?So I pulled a few fabrics from my shelves to compare to the peach. Above both fabrics have a sort of traditional peach color inside each fabric. I have used little bits of both these fabrics in a couple projects.I would say these fabrics have the more traditional color we think of when we say "peach". Peach is between orange and pink but there are so many shades of colors in that little space on the color wheel.The tulip fabric is more peachy but also has pink and red in it. And the bud fabric on the left is very pinky peach in the background, more pink. But when compared to the peach skin, both fabric colors are found there I think.
My sweet friend Brenda down under at Bits and Pieces sent me the most lovely "house" fabric. Why are all my most favorite quilts made in Japan? Thanks so much Brenda I love it! Can't you see this fabric used in one of my cottages? I love the colors too. And it has that dark peachy pink as well. Can't wait to use this.

It is a weekend to catch the end of summer. Not much sewing will be done here, but more reaping the bounties of our summer garden.

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Anonymous said...

V. here... Mmmm peach season. We use to live in Alpine many years on an old farm and had a peach tree. The peaches were SO BIG that I had to cut them in quarters to fit through the large mouth jars. They were delicious. yummy fabrics. Too cute little peach flowers. I don't have a good enough imagination to make something from the Black/peach house with Rooms Fabric. I would love to see how you use it. Everything you create is remarkable. v

Jan said...

Ahhhhhhhhh the peaches look yummy! They were our Daughter's all time favorite ... peach ice cream, peach sorbet, peach jam, peach cobbler! Anything peach, she loved :) How wonderful you've got a bounty of 'em on your property :) My all time favorite I guess would have to be watermelon. Sooooooooo refreshing :) Love all the fabric, w/a bit of extra love for that lost gorgeous piece :) Happy "preserving!"

Annette said...

Now I'm craving a peach. Nothing much better than fresh peaches.

jenny said...

that bunny fabric is great.

I only like peaches that are canned or baked into something. the fuzzy skin weirds me out a bit.

Anna said...

I like fresh peaches but they don't like me, so I stick to canned or cooked peaches. I have lots of peach shades in my fabric stash too.

Abby and Stephanie said...

I love the fruits of summer! Great display of more fabrics from your phenomenal stash.

Rhondi said...

The peach looks very pretty against all your "peachy" fabrics! Have fun preserving. My favorite fruit is raspberries.
Hugs, Rhondi

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

MmmMmm, I love peaches! ;-) Love the oil cloth too.

Trisha said...

What a treat to have peaches in your own backyard! I love how you pulled fabrics because of your peaches. Clever!

Elizabeth said...

Beautiful fabric - I just love your Fabric Fridays. The peaches look good, too! :) Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

Peaches, pears, strawberries, bananas...I just love fruit.

Enjoy your weekend...I will be inside as we deal with ark making rains and wind.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Stuck in peaches would not be a bad place for me to be. Of course my rule is that I get to eat as many as I want while in the process of preserving. :)

Julie said...

Peaches are my favorite fruit, too. I have a bowl of them sitting on the table right now. I love anything with peach in it, too like sobe's, shakes, peach lemonade, and lotions. MMMMMMMMM----I think I better get a peachy something today. Julie

dotti white said...

I love peaches, too...a LOT! How jealous I am that you can grow them on a tree on your property! Enjoy lots of yummy tastes and saving them for winter. I love your peachy sewy inspiration, too! I love those tones together! Have a wonderful weekend!

Unknown said...

those fabrics are beautiful and the fruit looks yummy!! Also, chocolate is a friut! lol... i totally agree! also check out my blog at www.thescrapbox-jordannichole.blogspot.com if you like!

Sandi Linn Andersen said...

I agree on the peaches. I love many fruits but peaches when in season are just delicious. I love it when I go to the grocery store and hit the produce aisle and you can smell them. I would love my own peach orchard but it would probably not survive in Minnesota's long winters.

em's scrapbag said...

Thanks for the tips on the red haven peach. I need to get a new peach tree now I know what kind to get.

pratima said...

oooh.. such a sweet and peachy post. Nanette, I love that shade too. Not too pink and so sweet!
Mangoes and watermelons are my favorite fruits :D
Have a lovely weekend!

Candace said...

Ohhh...next to apples, peaches are my favorite, Nanette (well, you must count chocolate, too)! I'm glad to know of that variety as I always seem to pick a mushier one for pie! The fruit fabric is so much fun, too!

Lynn said...

Peaches - yum!! Next week is peach jam making time for me. A big sticky fun delicious mess. That little bunny fabric - cute!

Rumi said...

I love peaches too but not the rock hard tastless ones at the grocery store! I'm talking ripe on the tree, still warm from the sun kind of peaches. Growing up in California, we had peach trees in our yard. Yum! Yum! Yum!

OK, enough drooling! Lovely fabric too!

Ginger Patches said...

Well it's a cocoa bean so if it's not a fruit at least it's a vegetable lol!! Peaches are one of my favorites too...oh to have a tree!!

strawberrycream39 said...

What a great theme for FFF, Nanette! I love that oilcloth fabric...you're right, it would be great either as a bag or a table cover. And that last fabric could DEFINITELY be in a cottage--perfect!

sallgood said...

Hi! I'm a total peach fan too!!! I've posted my Nana's Peach Cobbler on my new blog!
And I've got a quilt tutorial and some other stuff.

I've been a fan of yours, so would love for you to drop by my blog and say hello!!

Lurline said...

A great Pretty Peachy Post!
Hugs - Lurline♥

Little Lady Patchwork said...

That is definately the perfect fabric for making your houses!

Dawn said...

It's peach season here too! Translation: I just bought a case of peaches from Utah!! haha

Unknown said...

I adore peaches too! They are just so yummy sweet! But, what a fantastic way to compare colors with the peach, through fabric! I love the way you think and all the fabrics you chose. By the way, chocolate is a fruit. At least in my book!

Shari said...

Peaches are a great fruit - and colour range... and of course chocolate is a fruit - the cocoa is a bean (berry) from the plant? And if it's not a fruit it's definitely a vegetable - which is defined as any plant matter that accompanies meat and potato... LOL

jen duncan said...

Super post Nanette. Reminded me of the fresh peaches I have in the fridge so I went in and cut some up for the kid's breakfast. They ate so much they had no room left for the eggs! :-) Have fun canning.

Joy said...

Oh I LOVE Peaches too!!! I'm afraid if I were canning them I'd be eating them as i go along [[sigh]].
Joy :o)

Sherri said...

We're enjoying a case of Utah peaches this week too! And I love your fabrics!

Lori Holt said...

Our peaches are on as well...so I'll be canning this week too!

Kaaren said...

Your post title says it all, Nanette...everything is just peachy!

Cathi said...

Raspberries. Without a doubt, it's raspberries. And our wild Ontario blueberries. When they're in season, we add blueberries to just about everything you can think of!

Carrie P. said...

I love peaches too especially in a good pie. Great fabrics.