wedding shmedding by Natalie

I hate planning this wedding. There, I said it. It is painful and stressful and I'd rather go to Las Vegas and have some totally tacky marriage ceremony presided over by an Elvis impersonator or an alien or something. But, we're having this wedding. A western/picnic/country themed wedding at that. And.... I guess sometimes the details have actually been kind of fun. There, I said that too.

Take, for example, the invitations (which, by the way, I have been up past midnight working on for the past six nights). We wanted something to look old and simple, kind of like a very old newspaper. We didn't want perfect ink or a perfectly straight layout.

So we decided to get stamps made. McGee's Stamp and Trophy (a local Utah company) did an incredible job putting these stamps together. They're simple and easy to use. The look is exactly what we were looking for. The ink doesn't go on completely uniform. There are smudges and lighter areas. The stamp is usually crooked on the paper. It just works, you know? Like an old timey newspaper or something, but without the tackiness (my opinion).

We even had an address stamp made (I tried to show you below without actually showing our address, sorry for the blurry pic below) that has made it super easy and fast stamp our envelopes. We're using a lot of red, white and blue so these patriotic flag stamps worked out just perfect.

Justin's mom found us some dishes at an estate sale with a "C" and an "M" monogramed in them (the intials of our last names). We thought it looked like a brand so we made a stamp out of the monogram. We're going to use it on lots of different things for the wedding and it will tie things together. Before we send out the invitations we're stamping the front (back?) of the envelope with the "CM." It looks kind of old fashioned and adds a special detail that I really like.

Here is a finished invite before it goes into the envelope to be stamped with the "CM" and mailed out. We found bandana print tissue paper and wrap the invites up, taping it off with some fabric gingham print tape I found at an online etsy store (my new favorite one, go check it out!). Then we tie the whole thing off with baker's twine.

Okay, because I couldn't resist, I wanted to show you the boots I'll be wearing for the wedding. Aren't they adorable? They just came this week and I am trying not to put them on and wear them around all the time.

Here is a pic (blurry again, sorry) of the rodeo grounds where we'll be holding the wedding. You can kind of see the mountains in the background - one of the reasons we decided to hold the ceremony here. The other reason is the view. You can see the whole Utah County from these wedding grounds. I'll show more pictures later. I also like the banner they used here (at the actual rodeo last weekend) and wanted to do something a little more home made for the wedding. Any ideas?

And here is the groom! We were scouting out the rodeo grounds for the wedding before the rodeo because the grounds are usually gated off. We took lots of pictures and were trying to map things out for the big day.

I'll have more posts coming soon with more wedding maddness. I've found a lot of neat online shops that I really want to share. We have some cute ideas too that I'm excited to post about. -Natalie

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MichelleB said...

What a totally fun wedding theme! And seriously? All of the work will be worth to be able to wear. those. boots! Man, they are incredibly cute!

We went to Tahoe and got married because there was no. way. I was planning a wedding. My kids have been forewarned.

Abby and Stephanie said...

I've seen lots of banners being made on blogs. How about bandana print with the CM on them...or every other penant C and M? Just thinking! You could string the penants with twine. Simple foldover penant shape...leave casing at the top for the twine to thread through and stitch up the openings leaving raw edges.

Megan said...

Don't fret! I'm in the final throes of wedding planning, and we just sent out our invitations a few weeks ago. It was, by far, the most stressful wedding planning experience thus far. Hopefully, things will start looking up!!

Natalie said...

OOOH! I like the twine idea, especially because I, inexplicably, bought over 300 yards of twine a few months ago and still don't know what to do with it.

Sherri said... much work...everything is really cute though...what a great idea with the stamps! I don't envy you one bit in this, though!

SandyQuilts said...

What a cool idea. Congrats by the way. Love all your little touches.

About 15yrs ago we went to a western themed wedding. The happy couple and all guest were dressed western (required). Way back at that time country dance (twostep) was super popular. Everyone was a twostep-er including us. It was great fun.

Oh and yes they're still married.

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Oh Natalie, How fun!!! Love everything! My daughter is getting next July and they are getting married at the Zoo! They also made stamps for their invitations. Oh, you are going to have such fun, all the last minutes things will pay off, what super, super fun!!

LOVE!!! Your boots!!!
Just an idea, my daughter is having out of town guests and we are making up baskets for the Hotel room, filled with items that pertain to Chicago. Maybe you could do something western in your bags!!

Jodi Nelson said...

Fun wedding theme! Very cute. Although personally i think you might want to start wearing those boots everywhere! Broken in boots are much more comfortable. And nothing could be more miserable than a bride with blisters ! LOL Bandana fabric with twin for the pendants would be very cute. Maybe even the tissue paper will work ?

pratima said...

Hi Natalie, Congratulations!!
Such a fun theme... your wedding cards are so charming!
Those views are so beautiful in the background :)

Purple Quilter Queen said...

The invitations are adorable. How creative! Jenn

dotti white said...

Natalie--your wedding sounds like so much fun--and very busy planning. The invitations look adorable! Great ideas but I agree with Jodi--break in the boots!

Unknown said...

What a great post Natalie and it really made me smile with excitement for you...I definitely needed some of that today.

I have a suggestion for the banner...there is a great banner tutorial on Moda Bake Shop and using that have everyone who visits here make some banner pieces in your color scheme and then put them all together. It will be a great way for everyone to get involved and then afterwards maybe they can be sewn into a table topper to use on your anniversary! I would be willing to make as many as you might need. Let us know!

Robin said...

seriously...your wedding is gonna rock!! it looks like such a fun wedding to plan and to remember!

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Well, Natalie, it looks like you're going to have a one-of-a-kind wedding! Not that I'd expect anything less from your mother's daughter. :) I've seen all the marvelous things she shows us, so I know you've got to be super talented as well. Keep up the good work!

CJ said...

Ohhh fun western theme!! Go to Anna Maria Horner's blog and see a wedding she just posted about. There is a link to go see more pictures too. I LOVE the hay bales for seating (with quilts on top of them). There are those BUNTING tutorials all over online! Ya gotta make some in your wedding color/theme!! Mason jars for vases and glasses, buckets for flowers....FUN!!
LOVE LOVE LOVE your boots! Will they show with your dress?? I wore cowboy boots for my wedding, and a dress that just skimmed the top of them. I hope we get to see more pictures.

CJ said...

just a few for get your mom busy on those! ;)

CJ said...

ohhhh I love the idea of using chambray shirts, and how about jeans???

Anonymous said...

V. here... How fun to share your wonderful ideas for a special day.. I LOVE your boots!!!WOW Everything is so personalized and uniquely yours. All of this work will make for an especially unforgettable wedding. You have wonderful ideas! March On! (down the aisle--er arena). v

Asiyah said...

Those boots are killer! I love the invitation stamps.

Rumi said...

I think that at some point, every bride feels like escaping to Vegas! Hang on, all that planning and headaches will pay off in the end and you will have a lovely wedding! With all your personal touches, it will be a fun and memorable day!

Anonymous said...

The invitations are gorgeous! My husband and I spent 8 hours doing all of our invitations all in one day - the dext day over breakfast we wanted to admire our handy work and my husband noticed that it had the wrong wedding date on it (which I had typed up)!!! Oh, I almost died....but we got them done alot quicker the second time around from that 8 hours of practice!! Erin :)

Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Natalie and Nanette, this is so cute for a wedding, but I'm from Texas. I really like the invitations. What about bandanas for the penants, you can find them in all colors now. If you have Just a Dollar store up in Utah, they had all colors. Keep us posted on all your finds.

Shari said...

Wow Natalie! You are very organised and I just love the theme! It will be such a wonderful celebration! And do wear your boots a little to get them worn in - no sore feet on your big day!

Karen said...

Your coming up with some really wonderful ideas to make your wedding special and all about your and the groom. Those boots are awesome and I agree, you might want to break them in a bit. It's going to be fun watching this wedding come together.

Enjoy the ride :)

karen @ badlandsquilts said...

anna marie horner just did a post on someones wedding... it was really cute, the guests sat on rows of bales covered with quilts...

Cathy @ CabbageQuilts said...

Wow Natalie, great fun reading about your wedding plans. I just adore your boots, the aqua and red are so yummy. Thanks for sharing with us xo

Eileen said...

This is going to be so much fun to watch. What I am anxious to see is your gown! :-D Or will you wear jeans? I think that would be adorable.

Unknown said...

Natalie, How fun is this? I have never seen a western theme wedding, but it sure looks like a fantastic time will be had by all. I just love those boots. I have several pairs of cowboy boots myself and love them. They will look so cute as your wedding shoes.

Anonymous said...

I'm in love with your boots! This is one of the cutest/fun wedding themes I've ever seen...would love to be a fly on a bucking bronco that are having bucking bronco's right? Or at least a cow roping contest of some sort??? I wish you all the best 'cause I already know you're going to have fun! xo, The Other Nanette

Tracey M. said...

you just made me soooo excited. i am so happy you are having a wedding that is part of both of you, instead of impersonal. :) i think i would have a hard time not wearing those boots 24/7 too.
x0x0x0x0x- much love and we miss you all!
-Tracey (and eliot)

jacquie said...

wedding planning can be so stressful! i remember whispering in my mom's ear one day when she was ready to pull her hair out...."it's really about the 'i do', mom, all the rest is just gravy". i thought she was going to punch me out. i'm sure it's going to be great! try to enjoy the ride.

Jan said...

Love those boots and the invitations turned out great!!! Well worth all those late nights :) Congratulations to your and your DH2B!

Micki said...

Boy, you have a lot of work. The stamps are a cute idea! Good luck with it all!

Mama Spark said...

You need to go here

She just posted about a wedding and it had a similar theme. Follow her photo link, you will not be disappointed. They had bales of hay for the guests to sit on and they covered the bales with quilts!! I found this out at the link site, they had a "photo booth" with a chalk board and chalk for people to write a message to the bride and groom and they had they photographer take pictures of each guest that did that (although I am sure you could leave dispo camera's and assign someone to do that part and it would cost you a lot less) But what a neat idea!

Carrie P. said...

What an appropriate theme for where you live. The invitations are so great. And You are going to look so cute in those boots.

Live Well With Judi said...

Natalie: It looks like lots of fun! Don't stress too much as the best part is just that you're married and you don't have to worry so much about how the wedding/reception went. Take it from someone who's been married nearly 30 years..the best is yet to come!
Nanette: I know you won't believe this because I am the most computer illiterate person, but I have started a blog! Thanks to all of your inspiration! Here's my address. I'll eventually be including recipes, quilting, etc...just like you! Hugs

Annette said...

It is lots of work, but such a fun time too. Think of all the awesome memories you are creating. I've loved reading the many great ideas and lots of support. I especially loved the idea of incorporating quilts into the wedding.

Dawn said...

The final touches of a wedding can become quite stressful!! Remember to breathe...I love wht you have so far. Seems a lot of readers have some good ideas too!

Trisha said...

So fun to read about your wedding! Love your invites! Can't wait to read more about your plans.

Sharleen said...

Wow. Love the Boots! and the invites are darling. Hope you have excellent weather for the wedding. How unique to have it at the rodeo grounds. You'll start a new trend! Thanks for sharing.

Purple and Paisley said...

what an awsome wedding this will be! wow...and a lot of work, too, i know...where did you get the fabulous boots?????

life in red shoes said...

Natalie, this is turning out just wonderfully! The most important thing to remember, this is YOUR day, you and that handsome groom, are all that matters.
Have fun, lots of fun. The day passes so quickly.
My first daughter was married in January and I had the time of my life, so will you!

Rhondi said...

It looks like your wedding is going to be a lot of fun. I LOVE the boots!

Anonymous said...

Every thing is really cute...
I really like this blog...
Thanks for sharing...
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Anonymous said...

Everything is really cute.
what a great idea with the stamps!


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