Fabric Friday and Floss

When I was at spring Quilt Market I met lots of fabulous quilters and blog friends. One of them was sweet and talented Sharon, formerly of Red Geranium Cottage and now of Daisy Cottage Quilting. Sharon is loads of fun and those of you familiar with her blog already know that.
Sharon has some great things at her new store. One thing that I really like is this Lecien yarn died fabric. It is like homespun fabric only fabulous. It is smooth and soft and has no wrong side. It is great for making little kitchen towels, embroidering and just where you don't want a wrong side to show. It really works great for any project. I needed some yellow yarn dyed and Sharon sent me this beautiful set of fabrics in delicious colors. Thanks Sharon.
I also expressed interest in some embroidery thread since this is going to be my hobby away from quilting (I've decided). I really am lousy at embroidery but one of my sewing room goals for 2011 was to make stitch embroidery projects and get better. Sharon sent me this really lovely buttery embroidery floss/thread imported from Australia. Don't those Aussies do the best embroidery! I'm excited to use this. Thanks so much Sharon. I believe in good tools. And this Cosmo thread is going to be a great embroidery tool when I get going, right!? Nice colors and it is such good quality. This is not your grandmother's floss.
Little did I know when I started dreaming of my new embroidery hobby that Lori had a custom giftie for me. Look how cute that bucket is. It is a beautiful bucket full of my new embroidery hobby.
Lori thought of everything. She is a queen of embroidery. She put in her favorite flour sack towels, her favorite frame and her favorite needles. A perfect marriage for my new perfect floss.
In the bucket were these rolled up papers.I won't unroll all of them to show you but they are vintage embroidery patterns ready for me to trace and make. I can stitch kitchen towels or even turn the patterns into quilt blocks. Thanks so much Lori. I'm really excited to build my stitching skills. I have a little book of stitching directions I can tuck into my on the go bucket. Fun.
Now for some Allison time. My friend Diane, who has her own super cute little grand-toddler, was saying I could up my nanny brag level on the blog. So here goes. She's in her ball pit that Aunt Tracey gave her looking deceptively tame.
Allison in a moment of angst. Toddlers lead the most stressful lives.
Oh I know how to spoil her. However, she started eating it from the cone side right after taking this photo.
And she's our little dirty faced princess. That is the life of a toddler. Your face is always dirty but everyone is there to spoil and give you attention. Life is good when you are 21 months old.


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Darlene said...

The sweet gift from Lori - just relax and enjoy your hobby away from quilting. :-) I'll be here to cheer you on because you know I LOVE embroidery.

Staci said...

Oh, what a little face! Two-ish is such an amazing age!
Enjoy all your embroidery goodies. Looks like a wonderful hobby away from quilting.

Brandie said...

Good luck with your new hobby. And give Allison a hug, just because she's so cute!

Thimbleanna said...

Awww, little Alison is so cute! And she's growing so quickly! Have fun with your embroidery -- I love to embroider. I've been thinking about starting some flour sack towels. They're on the list. {Sigh}

Browndirtcottage said...

Love your new goodies! I have always thought I would like to embroidery too! Some years back I was addicted to cross-stitch!! I'm sure with practice you can perfect your new hobby!
As for Mizzzzz Alison, I swear, she is a clone of you Mizzzzz Nanette!! Your photos were great in showing different sides of her personality!!

Nedra said...

The new embroidery flosses look lovely! And those vintage patterns! You know how much I've been loving stitching up Vintage lately. We need to sit next to each other!
Allison has gotten so big. Thanks for the latest photos so we can see her grow.

Sandi Linn Andersen said...

I am way behind in blog posting and blog reading but had to stop by and see what you are up to. I love the pics of Allison. I wish I had toddlers again. Really. Well, maybe more grandkids and not toddlers that would be around all the time. I have my toddler of a dog to take care of so I probably couldn't handle any more toddlers in my house. LOL! I may have to get me some of the gingham for towels. Cool colors! And I love the vintage pattern gift Lori made for you. Sweet!

Cheryl said...

Your sweet grandbaby Allison is so cute, and she is a beautiful little princess. I can't believe how old she is......being a grandma is the best thing ever!! Love all your embroidery goodies. You are all set to go now.

CreationsForEleanor said...

Love the gingham, I have been on the hunt for good quality for Eleanor's summer clothes, stuff at JoAnn literally falls apart. Have fun with embroidery, great to do while watching the Eagles:) Allison is precious, I need to ship you some bows for that cute head of hair:)

Red Geranium Cottage said...

Glad you like your fabric and thread Nanette. Love your bucket that Lori sent you with all the goodies. That little cutie is adorable too. Love her tiara.

pratima said...

Thank you for telling about this lovely soft Lecien dyed cloth. I love Lecien fabrics and these seems to be so soft and perfect to make some towels. Allison is just adorable! Love her action shots and it was so much fun to read about her various moods :)

pratima said...

By the way, enjoy your new hobby! Really cute patterns and thoughtful presents from your sweet friends :)

Retrogirl said...

Allison is SO adorable!
Can't wait to see you rockin' your embroidery skills!!

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How fun! It sounds like you had an amazing time at Spring Quilt Market meeting so many talented quilters and bloggers. Sharon is such a lovely person, and I’m sure it was great to connect with her in person! Her new venture, Daisy Cottage Quilting, sounds fantastic—looking forward to seeing what she’s up to next. Thanks for sharing this fun experience with us, Nanette! Can't wait to see more Fabric Fridays and your lovely quilting adventures. For ISO Certification In Saudi Arabia do visit our website.