Market Goodies and a Giveaway

So really, this is my last market post. I thought I would recap some goodies I've already touched on and then show some of the rest of my market goodies. I really wish you could have all been there with me at Quilt Market. Be sure to read to the end of this post....for a little quilt market sharing/giveaway.
I went to Andover's school house and won this great book by Nancy Murty. Nancy is an identical twin and had her sister there with her. She's an artist and lives in a beautiful area of rural New York. I've been to that area several times and it is wonderful and it is how Nancy gets lots of her inspiration.I also was at Lizzy House's schoolhouse, also with Andover. Lizzy's blog is one of the first ones I started reading years ago. She has a new fabric line out with Andover called Castle Peeps. They gave out cute bags at Andover and you can see both of the bags above. Super cute.
I talked about getting my free book at the book signing for the Moda Bakeshop book. The book is great with some of the free patterns seen on the bakeshop blog. So glad I got this.Kim gave me this amazing magnetic pin catcher ring. Kim is featured in the Moda Bakeshop book. You can read more about that at her blog. This ring is so cute. Not only is it magnetized but the pin catcher comes off like a snap! So clever. Thanks Kim.
Moda was giving out these great totes. I missed getting one but Shelby from Material Girls was sweet to share with me. Thanks Shelby.
More free patterns. Gotta love that. And these aren't all of them.I got this pattern at Jeana Kimball's booth. I think it is really really sweet. You may know Jeana from her fabulous straw needle line, which I pretty much use exclusively for applique. Jeana has new embroidery needles out and I got a free sample of those, too.
I hung my Pam stuff up immediately on my bulletin board when I got home. She also has a free pattern to that cute strawberry decorating her booth. It is on her blog so you can get it, too. My kids keep wanting me to open my little Pam Jam but I'm saving it to admire.When we had our little retreat Pam was so generous to share some Daiso goodies with me. She knows I'm insane about the Japanese treasures.
Another look. They are all so cute and she gave them in this little carrier. I don't even want to separate the cuties. I just want to look at them over and over.
However, I realize it is probably more fun to use them than look at them. I put the little scrubby and sponges in a tiny strainer and placed it in the window above my kitchen sink. I even used some of the little tissues packaged up so darling. Thanks Pam. I love everything.
Pam also gave me this Romantic Homes book to enjoy at the retreat. Next to the magazine is Pam's pattern found at Elizabeth's website. I have plans for this runner pattern. If you've not shopped at Elizabeth's Store, you won't believe her beautiful fabric and patterns. One of my favorite quilts I've made is Elizabeth's Vintage Christmas.
Let's talk Lori for a bit now. Lori gave out these darling cherry licorice packages with some of her Sew Cherry fabric at market. I was lucky to get one.
Lori is a great gift giver. She always has the best stuff and finds the cutest things. She gave me 2 of her new patterns in the Sew Cherry pattern line. I'm currently working on the pattern on the left called Cherry Cheesecake. Lori had Beehive Cottage custom make these notebooks for us with her Sew Cherry and vintage flair.
Look how cute the cover is decorated inside and out. And it came with a sweet vintage tag. Love it.This is the back inside cover. I want that apron!
Lori also gave us apron water bottles to use as we sewed along with a pattern for the mini apron. Thanks so much Lori.
I was so privileged to meet Jennifer Paganelli at market. Jennifer is one of the nicest people and has the loveliest fabric lines. I wasn't present during the signing for her brand new book but Lori was kind enough to get it for me.
Jennifer signed it to me. Sweetness.
LinkThe book is photographed and put together so well. I can make Allison some lovely things with the patterns. I thought this simple ruffled tote in the book was so stunning.
I did get to meet Monica at market and get some of her fabric at sample spree. I previously blogged that Lori and I shared her fat quarter pack by dividing it into fat eighths. Monica has a free pattern for the cutest zig-zag quilt. You can get the pattern free here. I drooled over all the great fabrics at the Kokka booth. Fabric Worm and Superbuzzy carry a lot of the Kokka lines. I was able to get these sample fabrics during market. Sew sweet.I already talked about BariJ's Paris Apartment line I snagged at sample spree. Bari has great patterns and I can't wait to open this pack up and get at it. You can look at all Bari's stuff and a better look at her fabric at Fat Quarter Shop. This is the new line of Lecien Flower Sugar. You must jump over to Fat Quarter Shop for a closer look. This is a big picture of an itty bitty 2.5" fabric pack. I think every fabric company should be making these 2.5" squares. I love that size and I use it over and over in my quilting/sewing. I got this from the Cotton Way booth. The fabric line is called Ruby and it is really really cute. Go over to FQS to get a better peek since it isn't out yet. It is going to be a big hit. Remember that pattern of Pam's for the table runner above? I'm going to use this little pack of Ruby to make that table runner.
You know I went to the great 80's party bash that Riley Blake threw at the Depot. They gave out these hard bound books about Utah as a market keepsake. It is a great book to have, especially for those visitors to SLC. I am so glad I got it.
I have to include in my goodie loot post all the great stuff from the Blogger's party. We had so many great donations of goodies. Our supporters were fabulous. Thanks again to everyone for participating in this event.
I got these cute pens from Sew Sara at the blog party. Sara has cute stuff.

OK, NOW THE GIVE AWAY......I will pick 3 winners.
I won this incredibly cute Trick or Treat fabric from Riley Blake. I simply love it. Go look how cute each piece from the line is at the link above. However, I know I won't get to make a Halloween quilt this year so I'm going to give it away as my first prize. Just leave a comment to win.
This is a Robert Kaufman fabric I got at sample spree. It is especially cute. I really like it and the colors pop. Leave a comment to win this fabric roll. I picked it up at sample spree just for a giveaway.
Adorn it is a Utah company and I love to support locals. We went to their schoolhouse class and talked to the gals at sample spree. Leave a comment to have a chance at winning this fabric above. It is a layer cake size pack and would make a great quilt for that kid in your life.

Here are the rules ....there no rules. I like easy giveaways. Just say hi or any short note to me and I'll put all your names into the drawing for Friday, June 10. I won't reply to comments but I will read and enjoy them all. You do need to make sure I have your email address. Friday I will post the winners and which fabric they have won. This is just my way of bringing Quilt Market to a few of you.

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jlk said...

I would love the Halloween fabric. I'm hosting Halloween in June on my blog this month. It's so fun!

Anita said...

Hi from (hopefully) sunny Northern California. Looks like you got some great stuff at quilt market.

Staci said...

Wow! Your suitcases must have been bulging! So glad it was a lovely experience for you!

Colleen said...

Love the fabrics you picked up. And I agree-I love the 2.5" squares!

Cecilia said...

I love all of the great fabric and goodies you got at market! Thank you for sharing.

Denise in PA said...

What great goodies! I have really enjoyed all of the market posts- thanks so much for taking the time to share it with us!

Tiffaney said...

Wow - it must have been like Christmas for you at market!

Tiffaney said...

Wow - it must have been like Christmas for you at market!

Shannon said...

Fun, fun, stuff. You scored big time. I really like the Treasures and Tidbits Jelly Roll. It would go great with my fat qtr. packs that Becki gave me. Can wait to do something with them. Glad you had a good time.

Lynn said...

What a great post, so much fun stuff and great fabrics. I had fun reading through the post, following the links. Isn't funny how something like cute tiny sponges can make us happy?

Melissa @Lilac Lane said...

Looks like you really had fun!

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Thank you for sharing all you little market lovelies with us. Just think those sponges with tin are adorable!! Thank you for the give away.

Darlene said...

Thank you for sharing your Spring Market experience with us. You have no idea how much I'd enjoy winning one of your tidbits. :-)

Debra said...

Love your blog and all the posts about Quilt Market. The new fabric lines are beautiful!

Laura said...

Thanks for the chance to win this cute fabric. I love all these owl prints.

beth said...

how fun! you were able to pick up some GREAT things!

Anonymous said...

Nanette.... I have so enjoyed Quilt Market with you. I doubt that going to market will ever happen for me but I feel that I have had the best seat in the house to view so many wonderful things thru your eyes. Thank you for sharing with us all.

Margaret said...

Good thing you weren't flying home from QM--you would have had some hefty extra-baggage fees! I would love to win some fabric; however, the Halloween fabric would be wasted on me.

debbie m said...

Thanks for all of your sharing! I live on the other coast and am not a professional quilter, so will most likely never make it to market.
I'm with ya on those 2.5" squares. If every quilt fabric line sold those I'd have a little of most every fabric out there, lol.
I also don't see a halloween quilt in my near future, but I do like those little owls and the R K fabrics. Thanks for sharing your loot too...even if I don't win. Blessings :c)

Funky Kim said...

I love all your cute stuff! Thanks for sharing the pictures and stories!

kim DOT b DOT funk AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

I always love the pictures you post. Thanks for bringing "a little market" to those of us who couldn't attend.

Malmbergs said...

I am always amazed at how much you get done and your creativity. Love to read your blog and feel of your enthusiasm for what you do.

Nima said...

wow..what a lovely giveaway. please do add me for the draw

Martina said...

Oh you show us lovely things! Thanks for this treat! I think it is always fun to just see lovely stuff! Thanks so much for the give away! That is a treat!

Sugar Town Quilt Co. said...

okay I love the utah book I wish i had gone to that party. I just picked up that cute fabric line Lifes a hoot for the shop I love it. I love your blog you have so much to tell, It really is like being at market.


Jo said...

Wow what a haul! It sounds like you had a greattime. I am green with envy switting home here and looking at everybodies market pics!

jen duncan said...

Holy cow Nanette- All cool stuff but good luck putting it all away! :-)
I really did appreciate all your market posts and pics. Looks like you had a great time, and I had a great time looking! Thanks much. Now back to 'real life'?
xo, jen

Tudy said...

Love the fabrics you picked for your giveaway. I follow you on Google reader so I know every time you post. Love your blog.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Your Market experience sounds wonderful Nanette! There are SEW many talented people in the fabric/quilting/designing/sewing world. Thanks for sharing all of your photos.

DevonMaid said...

I should love to add that jelly roll to my stash ... and the Adorn pack, too!!

Unknown said...

I have decided that I want to be you when I grow up. You have the most fun and the best quilty friends. I really hope I win.

Nedra said...

What treasures! I have so loved seeing Market from your perspective. I'm so glad things went well and that you were able to have such a great experience with friends.

http://thankfullga447 said...

I love all the descriptions of your wonderful goodies from market. You gave great credit to the designers. You have a wonderful giving heart for the giveaway. Pick me, please.

LizA. said...

I've really enjoyed seeing Market from a first-timer's point of view. Thanks for sharing your wonderful time with us. I'm eyeing that jelly roll with envy.

Rita E in AZ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rita E in AZ said...

The Kaufman jelly roll is my favorite of your prizes.
Rita E in AZ

PamKittyMorning said...

I don't need to be in the drawing but I do want to say I had the best time ever and having the sewing retreat was the best reward for all the work that goes into market. xop

Nancy said...

I am so envious of your trip to Quilt Market. Would love to go someday.
How nice it is of you to give a part of it to the ones that could not go.

Tressa said...

Hello. What a fun giveaway. I always love seeing what you are up to.

Mama Spark said...

What a great haul!! It looks like it was a wonderful trip and that retreat afterwards was incredible too!!!

Susanne said...

What a nice market report :)

You picked some nice fabrics! Thanks for the chance!


trash said...

Hi Nanette,

I have been loving everyone's blog posts about Market. One day I shall get to see all the goodness myself ;-)

Kim said...

It's been great seeing market through your eyes! Thanks for the great blog.

Miz Karen said...

Thanks for sharing Market. Love all you showed us.

Rachel Slote-Brown said...

Thanks for the great giveaways.
I've really enjoyed your Market posts.

Kelly L. said...

thanks for all the quilt market photos - i've really enjoyed looking at them. and...thanks for the adorable giveaways...hope i win!

arlette said...

Thank you for show us all the yummy stuff!!!!, looks like you had a fantastic trip!

quiltingnana said...

quilt market must be overwhelming! I'd like to enter

rjk said...

Nanette, you are such a job to read. You make my day brighter. After reading your blog this morning I really wish I could have been there at market. Maybe I can share in the exitement.

Anonymous said...

I'm a new reader to your blog. I am really enjoying reading about market through your eyes. You have had the thorough and in depth report I've seen, so thank you! =)

Caro said...

Hi - I enjoy reading your blog very much. Thanks for a chance at your great giveaway.

Kala said...

I LOVE stopping by your blog. Thank you for sharing with us, your life, your creativity, and now this fun give away!

Maxine said...

Nanette, I love to read your blog it really makes the day. And it sounds like you and Lori and friends have such a great time..Market sounded like it could have gone on for a few more days..well maybe not..I really wish I could have gone to market to experience it my self..Love all your give aways...

Remembrances said...

I think Quilt Market must be one of the most fun things to do ever! I hope to be able to go sometime. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!

Unknown said...

Keeping it simple, that's so helpful when I'm just learning to quilt. Thank you for the inspiration!

Gill said...

Here in the UK it has been great reading the many reports on the quilt market - it sounds really fantastic!

Kim said...

Sounds like you had a blast at market. I'll have to go next time for sure. Love your blog.

May Kristin said...

It's been so fun to see all the posts from the market popping up all over blogland. I hope I one day will be able to go to either Houston or to the spring market, until then I have to enjoy the market through your posts!
Thank you for giving us a little feeling of how it is!

AnnieO said...

Gosh, you will be so busy in your sewing room you won't surface for months! What a great load of wonderful treasures to play with. Isn't it funny how we segregate all the "new stuff" for awhile? I did that with my International Quilt Festival goodies too :)

Thanks for the chance to win fabric. Squishy mail is the best kind! I'm torn between the jelly roll and the layer cake...and the Halloween fabric. Oh gosh, can't decide!

Four dogs and one quilter said...

After seeing all your photos of Market decided I have to go to Houston this year. Looks like you had a ball. Thanks for sharing all the fun.

CJ said...

I've enjoyed your market re-cap and all the pictures. You sure did get lots of goodies!

Sarita Leone said...

Love all the photos! Thanks for sharing.

snowdance1 at gmail dot com

circle r motel said...

Hi Nanette... Thanks for all the blogging about market. Our little quilt/yarn shop owners went. I wish I could have gone with them... Hugs. Pam

Heather @ Quilts Actually said...

Great giveaways! I loved seeing your market posts, and hope to someday attend and have half as good a time as it looks like you had.

TaraB said...

Hello - I so wish I could go to Quilt market... I happened to be in Charleston for work. Although Charleston is lovely - I'm sure quilt market was better!

strawberrycream39 said...

Nanette, I so enjoyed this post!! You made me feel like I was there at market with you. :-) All the fabrics, patterns, goodies...ahh! Sweet quilty heaven! The Japanese loot from Pam....oh my, how cute is everything?! The sponges in the colander just may be the cutest thing ever! Thanks so much for taking us along with you!

Marsha B said...

What fun things you get to bring home from market and you want to share! Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

you make me swoon, you must have had a fab week
wish I could go there one day too

Jennifer said...

Wow! You made out like a bandit! And lucky you getting a signed copy of Girl's World... it looks SO adorable.

Jennifer :)

Anonymous said...

Hi and thank you for the chance to win. I especially love the Treasures & Tidbits by Robert Kaufman and the Adorn, love owls! I think the photos you shared of Quilt Market goodies are fabulous!!
tamiquilts at att dot net

Bear Lake Cabin said...

I would love the jelly roll...I didn't make it to sample spree this time.. Quilt market was awesome and I love your posts telling & showing bits and pieces of it.

Micki said...

I love all of the goodies that you showed. You are always so inspiring!

yorkie mom said...

oooh, pick me, pick me!! Love the Halloween fabric! (Allison)

Anonymous said...

Hi Freda,
This is the most beautiful giveaway swo far!
Absolutely awesome. You are not only inspiring but definetly very generous.
Thanks for the chance

CreationsForEleanor said...

I have so enjoyed your market posts and you will love Girls World, I have already cut some dresses for Eleanor! LOVE the giveaway:)

Heather @ The Beating Hearth said...

Such fun stuff. Thanks for the giveaway!

Ariane said...

Wow! What a great giveaway! Thanks for sharing with us. I love all the loot you got from market. It all looks so wonderful. I would have loved to be there. Maybe someday I'll make it. Hugs Ariane

Diane N said...

Wow! You found a lot of nice things! Please enter me in your giveaway. I would love any of them!

pforgerson said...

Love them all, especially the Robert Kauffman! What great prizes

Martha said...

I love your blog and go to it first everyday! You really had great fun at market. Thank's for all you do for the quilting world.

Jo said...

It's so sweet of you to share the are going to be REALLY busy sewing.

Christine M said...

I've enjoyed "going to Quilt Market" with you! Everything looked so lovely there. Thanks for sharing your visit with us.

rockgranny said...

Thanks for sharing Market, you make me feel like I was there.Thanks for a giveaway

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Oh, Nanette, this post was even better than the ones before. I think I have enjoyed Market as much as you obviously did! (And my feet didn't even get tired. LOL) Can't wait to see what you create with all these wonderful goodies you acquired!

busyascanbe said...

GIveaways are always so fun! It looks like you have had lots of fun lately!

Joy said...

Nanette that was such fun to see all your market goodies, looks like you had a super fun time :o). I'd just love to be in your giveaway - thanks so much for the chance :o)!!
Joy :o)

mom2three said...

wow- I think I'm greener than the grinch who stole Christmas looking at all the market posts.... but you seem like such a sweet person that I'm happy for you getting all those goodies :) It's my dream to someday go to quilt market- thanks for sharing with those of us who didn't get to go.

Cardygirl said...

Great to see all your market treasures...thank you for sharing. I had a coffee & drooled over your loot!

Kathi Thompson said...

Good idea to think of a giveaway item while at market. I was so busy working there, I'm sorry I didn't get to stop by and meet you. Thanks for the giveaway.

Melissa said...

In my friendship group, the Dixie Divas, my friend Verny loves Halloween. And you know what? It is catching! I've got to have one Halloween quilt and this is the year I am gonna do it!

Sinta Renee said...

Oh my goodness... your post was like watching Christmas Market unfolding! What a wonderful bunch of fabulous treasures! Thanks for sharing all of the Market goodness! I can have sweet dreams again tonight!

Lisa said...

Nanette, that post is bursting with color! what wonderful treats!

Gigi's Thimble said...

Wow, I wasn't expecting a don't need to enter me in, but I just had to say "hi" and tell you how fun all of your goodies are. I especially love the goodies Pam gave you. You got quite the loot. Have fun playing.


Slowpoke said...

Thank You Nanette for your exciting blog posts about Quilt Market. Almost like being there with you.(wish I could have). Lucky
you! What a lot you got and good friends to help too. Pam's basket was just too cute! Thanks for sharing some of your treasures in a great giveaway. I like the RK Treasures&Tidbits roll-up bestest.

Becky said...

Thank you, Nannette, for sharing your Market experience with us. Love seeing your photos. What a surprise to read about your giveaway! Again, thank you for sharing with us! Take care!

Anonymous said...

I'm so flippin envious of all those who get to go to this event and to see all the wonderful goodies you collected while there makes me even more envious!! Gosh, I bet this was so much fun!!!
Could you tell me when Adorn will be released? I just love the owls for mom. Even if I don't win...I have to find it to purchase!!! Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

ARGH...I went back to look at the photo of the fabric it...Life's a I'm on the hunt...thanks again!

Linda said...

OMG! what a great giveaway. I love it all. How do I pick.

Lynda said...

I love all three! Working on a baby quilt right now.

sue said...

I don't think I've ever written to you, but I love your blog and check it every day. You do fantastic work and I love all the cute vintage ideas you have. I would love to win anything you have to offer - especially Halloween prints. Thanks

Teresa said...

What alot of fun stuff.
Love the owl material.
Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

Peggy said...

I love giveaways too and your "no rules" are very simple.
I don't quilt, but do belong to a group of cross stitching and quilting ladies who make lap quilts (and other items) for senior citizens and children; it's called World of Charity Stitching; some of our work can be viewed at

nancym said...

Love your blog - market must have been amazing!! mangelnsm(at)aol(dot)com

Trisha said...

I am sad this is your last market post. I have just loved every one. Feels like I got to be part of it. Thanks, Nanette!

Anne said...

So glad you had such a great time at market, love the giveaways so very generous of you to share!

Anna said...

Hi...thanks for a chance to win!

Amy said...

So many fun goodies! Amy @

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Now that is the way to come home from market. LOVE the notebook Lori made too cute!

Anonymous said...

Well I have read every one of your posts - at least three times - trying to soak in all the market fun. I must say, you did it up right! Of course I'd love to win your giveaway but I already feel like a winner since I count you as my friend. Thanks for the great posts - you really captured market! xo, Nan

Carol said...

Thanks for sharing all of your fun goodies from Quilt Market. And thanks for giving away the pretty fabric. Hope its me.

Shayla Sharp said...

I've loved seeing all the photos from Market--thanks for sharing!

Patricia said...

I am jealous of your great time at market! Someday, someday, someday.
Love, Tricia T.

Calicojoan said...

Looks like you had a great time. I was there the week before for HMQS and loved it. Maybe next year I can make the bloggers party!

Carolyn said...

OMGoodness, I've been literally drooling all over my laptop at all of your goodies from market. I know you must have had a great time, and how fun to get to meet the designers, etc. It's nice to get to know them in person. I would love to enter your giveaway! I don't stitch a lot of Halloween, but I'm also not picky! Off now to cross everything I can cross!
Thank you from Texas!

Heartsdesire said...

Thanks for the market tour. I love seeing all the new books, patterns and fabric lines. And thanks for sharing your winnings.

Barbara said...

Thanks fo the giveaway. I enjoy eading you blog.

Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Nanette, what great goodies you came home with, not only the memories but a lot of loot to get busy on. I can't wait till October, a friend and I will be there for a week Market and Festival. Yeah. Great Giveaway.

Regina said...

These market posts are so dangerous -too much eye candy! Fattening to the stash - slimming to the wallet!

Mystica said...

What a lovely post and thank you for the many links - specially to those with the free patterns!

Thank you for sharing such a wonderful giveaway as well.


Vicki said...

Nanette, I love your blog. Your market posts have been so fun. I'd love to win the Halloween fabric!

Mary said...

Love your post. You always have such fun things to offer. Would love to win your giveaway.I can't wait until some of these patterns and fabrics are in the stores. They all look so much fun to work with.

Julie said...

Oh, it must be wonderful to go to Market! Thanks for sharing pix of all you goodies. You are so generous to give us a chance to win some, too! Love, love, love the Halloween fabrics!

quiltmom anna said...

How fun to know Jennifer P. I loved reading your market posts- it made me feel like I got to experience a little of it. It sounds like you had so much fun with your quilting friends.
I would love to win the Halloween fabrics or the Robert Kaufman fabrics or the Adorn it. Like most quilters I am crazy about fabrics- can a girl ever have too much. Thanks so much for sharing and having such a nice giveaway. Your winners are going to love it when you choose their name.
Warmest regards,

Karalynn said...

Nannette, I would like to thank you for the way you have shared your Market experience. I expecially loved your showing us all of the different things you received or purchased today. Your write a fun blog and I usually check it every day. I would be thrilled to win any of the items your giving away. Thanks again for blogging.....

MaddyMaze Studio said...

Thank you for all the great quilt market pictures!

Junk It Folk said...

I totally enjoy your blog! You are such a creative person and I get a lot of inspiration from you! Thanks for the nice give-away!

Anonymous said...

WoooooHoooo, Nanette, THANKS for showing all these new lovely items... it was like shopping at Quilt Market with you. Such possibilities! ;>)

Oooooh, that layer cake fabric bundle is SOOOOO cute, indeed, and would be perfect for quilts I've promised to my grandchildren !
THANKS for giving us a chance to win (and good luck everyone!)... crossing my fingers and toes ;>)


Christine said...

WOW. Love all your new treasures ... we seem to have similar tastes. Thanks for all the market posts ... I have loved them all.

Joan and Kevin said...

Thank you for the giveaway!

Linda said...

Hi! Love looking at your blog and seeing all you do. Would love to be entered in the giveaway.

andsewon said...

All your goodies from SM are so wonderful! Must have been so exciting to have been able to attend and not too far from home! Lori's water bottle apron reminds me of the dish soap bottle aprons I use to make and sell at craft shows! CUTE! Thanks for sharing your market fun with us! Awesome giveaway!

Thimbleanna said...

Boy, if anyone knows how to enjoy market, it's YOU Nanette! I'm so sorry to see the end of your market reports -- now you're just going to have to go to Houston!

Dorian said...

I love reading your blog posts on Market. Thanks so much for sharing your adventure. Would love to win some cute fabric. Have a great day!

Carrie P. said...

Oh,my goodness! All the great stuff you got. WOW! I would be just setting them all out and looking at them too.
Thanks for a chance to win some great fabrics.

Anonymous said...

Good morning! nice blog. Please sign me up for the fabric give away and thank you ! Lizzie

Kirsten said...

Wow! Thanks for sharing all the goodie pictures with us! It really gives me a tiny feeling of market! *dreaming to win the lottery and go to the next one*

Elizabeth said...

Your posts have been great, Nanette. I have enjoyed reading them and living vicariously through your experience at Quilt Market! :) Thanks for sharing with us!

Unknown said...

OH must have been like Christmas for you. I loved the blog. The 2 1/2" pack is so versatile.
And a giveaway to boot. How good is that?

Truffle queen said...

What fun Market must be! My heart would be racing! Shortness of breath?! I hope, I hope, I hope I win!! Thanks for the giveaway chance!!

Jolynn said...

Wow! I've enjoyed catching a glimpse of the great time you had, and your fun goodies! I always enjoy your blog.

Shirley said...

You got some great stuff at Market! And just reading your blog makes me feel like I was there with you. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway. :)

Purl Buttons said...

Hi, I just added you to my Quilt Blogs Bookmark Folder. I enjoyed your recent posts. If I am lucky enough to have my comment drawn, here is my email:

Glenna @ Hollyhock Quilts said...

Oh my goodness, girl!! You're going to need a new house to store all your stuff in! What great fun!

Donna K. said...

You make it so easy! Thanks for sharing your market experience and goodies with us!

KatyK said...

Thanks for sharing - makes me feel like I participated in the fun, via the virtual world
Would love to be part of the giveaway

Quilt Monkey said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful time! I'd someday like to make it to Market to see first hand what it is like - but it certainly sounds exhausting!

sallgood said...

You are so generous with your great goodies! I'd love to win any of your treasures!

Tina said...

Thank you for sharing all your Market posts. I love seeing what went on behind closed doors.

Petra said...

wow wonderful fabrics. and yeah Hi!!!

Mary said...

Thanks for sharing all the great things about market. I'm glad you had a great time. I can't imagine how inspiring it must be.
I love Halloween and am thrilled to have a chance to win some fabric. Thanks!

Lee said...

I can imagine how great market is - because you shared and many thanks! Halloween fabric - wow - it is great - I went a looked at all of it like you said. Thanks for making this an easy entry, i love easy and thanks again for sharing!

Kim with a K said...

Thanks for sharing all your photos and comments about Quilt Market!
I have really enjoyed them and can't wait to find Moda Bakeshops book and the Paris Apartment fabric in my quilt shop travels!!!

kbzelazny said...

I can't believe all the cool stuff you came home with! I wish I was closer so I could go! Thanks for sharing!

Joanna said...

Nanette, I have thoroughly enjoyed all your posts about Market - it was the next best thing to being there! You lucky lucky thing!! I wish I still lived there!!

Sherry said...

Hi Nanette. Thanks so much for taking the time to post all of the wonderful pics & goodies from market. It has been so much fun to view it all.

carol said...

love all of these-nice of you to share!

Deanna and Gary said...

I love your blog! Market looked like so much fun. I'm totally wishing I could have been there.

carol said...

love all of these -whoops -here's my email

aly said...

Hope my number comes up!!!

CarbonElementaryMath said...

I love reading about your quilts, projects,and of course quilt market. Keep up the good work. Kathy

CarbonElementaryMath said...

I love reading about your quilts, projects,and of course quilt market. Keep up the good work. Kathy

CarbonElementaryMath said...

I love reading about your quilts, projects,and of course quilt market. Keep up the good work. Kathy

CarbonElementaryMath said...

I love reading about your quilts, projects,and of course quilt market. Keep up the good work. Kathy

Heather A said...

Thanks for sharing all your photos and experiences at Quilt Market ... for those of us who, sadly, couldn't be there! I loved the virtual experience!

Sandra said...

Wow, you made out like a bandit. Thanks for sharing some of your loot. Pick me, Pick me!!!
Would've loved to have made it up there but had just done HMQS. Are you the one who stopped by my appraisal booth with the vintage Utah beehive fabric? I love it.
Sandra in Moab

Debbie Lou said...

Thank so much for sharing. Love all the gorgeous finds you came across. Love all your enthusiasm. Love all your finds and can't wait to see what you do with them. I wouldn't know where to start first.

Dawn said...

By far I think you have the best finds. I love your taste in quilting. Thanks for sharing your market experience with us. One of these days I would really like to go to market. Giveaways are so fun!

Anne said...

What a great giveaway. Fun fabrics!

Amy said...

Thanks for sharing all your quilt market pics with us. And thanks for the chance to win some quilt market goodness!

blinkbonniefarm said...

Hi! I would love to be entered in your drawing. I've been reading your blog for a while now and love it. How do you get so much done!!! You must be crazy busy all the time. I found it through Lori Holt's blog. (I found her blog after I saw a magazine of a quilt shop with Lori's Grandma's Kitchen quilt hanging in the background and called to order the pattern). I've enjoyed reading about your adventures at Quilt Market. It sounds like great fun.


cpurl17 said...

What a fun, fun bag of goodies you came home with!! Thank you for sharing some of your lovly treats with us!

Suzanne said...

I love them all! One of my goals is to go to Quilt Market! Working on designs all the time!

DekMoabgirl said...

Hi, I am so jealous you went to Market, had an invitation to go but just couldn't pull it off. Looks like so much fun. I miss the Alpine Quilt group. Moab lacks traditional quilting ladies. Love the Blog!! Keep up the good work!! Say Hi to all for me!! :) Deleska

circle retreat quilter said...

hi there and greetings from Australia. oh how I would love to one day get to visit quilt market. Love your blog. x Stacey

Jeanie said...

What a haul! So many wonderful goodies to drool over!
And thank you for the give a way..I'd be happy with either one...they are both cute as can be!

LuAnn said...

I never get tired of seeing pictures from market. That looks like a great lot of fun. What a great giveaway. All of those fabrics are wonderful!

qltmom9 said...

OH, what a FUN post. Your exuberance shows. I Hope to win.


Sewcando said...

Thanks for sharing your goodies. What a fun way to see all the different items available. Yum.

Carla said...

It is a dream of mine to spend several unrushed days at Quilt Market. Thanks for bringing it to us! The links you posted are especially helpful. I would love to be able to collect itty-bitties of my favorite fabric lines, it would make on-line shopping so much easier as I live in a very rural community with no quilt shops close by.

Sew Lovins said...

love the
japanese goodies too! so cute! thanks

Beth said...

I wish they would open the Quilt Market to the public. I would be there in a flash! I have been drooling over all the posts about Market. Thanks for the chance to win.

Marcia W. said...

Thanks for the nice photo tour of Market. Any of the prizes would be wonderful to win. As I do not have ties to get into Market, blogs like yours are the way I experience the flavor of the new quilty products.

Susan said...

Awesome goodies!

Jill Finley said...

Nanette, you have the best blog posts! So fun and informative, and always full of pictures! Don't enter me in the drawing, I just wanted to say "HI!" (Let someone win who doesn't get to go to Market!)

Ruth K said...

I think that you already give us a gift, by showing all the goodies. But hey we're not picky another gift wouldn't hurt anyone. Would it?

Teresa F. said...

I love the fabrics. Thank you for the lovely tour through the market.I really enjoyed it.

barb's creations said...

That jelly roll looks soooo scrumptious :) Barb.

chook said...

oh wow all of your goodies look amazing I would love to go in the draw please
hugs Beth

Jenny said...

looks like market is really a lovely overload of fabric. thanks for bringing home goodies to share

Deb said...

I've enjoyed visiting the quilt market through your eyes! Thanks!

Simone de Klerk said...

Oh my, Nanette, your home is filled with loveliness. Looking at the pictures is already so much fun (o:
Have a lovely weekend.