Never a dull moment at the Hive. We've acquired an exchange student. And my daughter (Allison's mommy) is quite ill with her 2nd pregnancy so Allison and Whitney are spending a good deal of time with us. It is fun to still have a full house.

Shelbie and Whitney took Allison on a short shopping trip and Allison got to have a little ride. I'm not sure if she is excited or terrified in this photo. You can see she's wearing her
Harajuku jacket Shelbie bought her. Little girl clothes are so cute. It is a good thing Allison is getting a sister so she can pass down all her darling outfits.

I finished my quilted heart table topper. It really was such an incredibly fun project. I would love to make more. It is a perfect little holiday pop of color for February. I didn't have red size 12 perle cotton. so I quilted it with regular thread.

I wanted to try my perle cotton technique borrowed from
Braveheart Des at Quilt Taffy. It worked really well. I used it on my proof of concept extra block from the Row By Row quilt.

I am sure I'll use this thread and technique again and again. Not sure what I'll do with this little quilted gem. I didn't use insulated batting so I can't use it as a potholder. I will think of something.

I need to find some other colors of perle cotton since I can't imagine why I wouldn't want to do most of my machine quilting like this.

I hope you all have a nice Valentine's Day. I like to celebrate Red and February is a great month.
The red heart table topper turned out great! And I'm glad to know the pearle cotton worked well for you. I need to try the technique too.
Adorable little jacket your sweet Allison is wearing. Sorry to hear her mommy is not feeling terrific. Congrats on another granddaughter on the way :)
Love the little table topper! The striped binding sets it off so sweetly. And the little block will make a good spot for a vase of Valentine flowers, right?
Allison is so sweet and what a cute jacket. Is your Valentine topper one of your patterns?? I just love it and think I need to make one :-)!!!
How exciting an exchange student!
Cute pictures, love the table toppers! I've been wanting to try that with the perle cotton, but have been apprehensive, maybe I'll give it a go now.
Happy Valentines's Day to you. Love your heart.
I am amazed how much Allison looks like that black and white photo on your profile.
Love your Valentine table topper!
I really like the Valentine topper. It is perfect in so many ways, and I think AnnieO has the right idea for your concept block. It would make a mighty pretty spot for a vase to rest. Any time of year. Poor Allison. She does not look happy. Even though she does look pretty, and she DOES look a lot like your picture as a child.
Aren't grands great??? Love it. Love your goodies!! Wow. Been having trouble with my hands and can't do anything like that right now and it is driving me crazy!!! Happy Valentines Day!
I love your sweet quilty red heart:)...and the perle cotton quilting is fabulous!!!
Everything you do is sew fun.
Happy Valentines Day my friend:)
The topper is so cute!!
Oh I love both the heart and mini quilt. Adorable!!!!
This is the great technique to make fabrics design on the fabrics.It is the best and simple way.This one is really incredibly fun project.
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