Hey Georgie!

You know I've been excited about the newest little Royal.  I think King George is a great (future) name and title.  I'm proud of my 1/4 English heritage so I claim little George as our future king.
In honor of George I drew up a little pram block.  This is the rough draft of pram 1.
This is a rough draft of pram 2.  I prefer pram 1.  I'm thinking I may try another rework.  However, I wish I hadn't used my cute red crown fabric on my trial versions.  The fabric is vintage and I have limited yardage.

Sorry I've not been visiting blogs hardly at all lately.  I am really mourning Google Reader.  I am not really lovin Bloglovin at this stage.  I can't leave comments on blogs that aren't with Bloglovin.  The format is annoying I think.  Or maybe I just hate change.  Either way it makes visiting blogs tough going for me. 

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Becky_Sharp said...

I, too, was a Google Reader. When they pulled the plug, I went to The Old Reader because it was identical. Then THEY pulled the plug, so now I'm using Digg Reader. It's not bad.

Lynn said...

What a darling block. That crown fabric is adorable, I think I like block one better too. I'm glad you are doing a second British quilt, the first one was so much fun watching it come together, this one is too!

Unknown said...

I love the prams! I finally after months of trying got onto bloglovin, it feels like old home week here...Prince Georgie, or Geordie maybe...did you just use left over fabrics from your coronation quilt?

Anonymous said...

You new version of your British quilt is one I am anxiously awaiting - I haven't been this excited about any quilt for a long, long time! I've always claimed my Italian heritage, but I'm 1/4 English, too!! So I simply must make your quilt when you get the pattern done...no pressure! Love the pram - both of them and that fabric is wonderful! I guess I should start collecting British fabrics now!! xo, Nan

Nedra said...

I like pram #1 the best too. Have you thought of adding an appliqued "G" on the pram?

Barb said...

Great block! My 7 year old daughter is so excited about Prince George. I feel your pain about bloglovin'...I've been reading my blogs in blogger.

Lucy | Charm About You said...

Great blocks! Try feedly, I really like it!

girlsmama said...

Love the prams and echo the sentiment to try feedly! It is very close to google reader after a few adjustments!

donna said...

Your blocks turned out so cute. The back ground fabric is perfect. I never used google reader but I have been using bloglovin and I know what you mean.
Hope you are having a great day.

donna said...

Your blocks turned out so cute. The back ground fabric is perfect. I never used google reader but I have been using bloglovin and I know what you mean.
Hope you are having a great day.

•stephanie• said...

it's like pram one is a single cab and pram two is a king cab.
i like pram one the best, but they're both darling.
i {nearly} shed a tear in memory of google reader every time i try to look at blogs.
thanks for explaining why i can't leave comments on some blogs.
i hadn't figured out that was the reason.

em's scrapbag said...

I read blogs from my side bar and also from my blogger dashboard. I've heard there is a problem commenting with bloglovin'
Love the ric rac handle on the first rendition.

pratima said...

So cute, Nanette! Your choice of fabrics and eye for fussy cutting is just amazing!

Sherri said...

Feedly had been great ... I like it almost as much as google reader now!

jan said...

I love love your prams Nanette! That crown print is so adorble. i can't blame you for not wanting to use it up!
I have been using Bloglovin and just can't seem to get along too well with it.I mis alot of posts for some reason! arrrgh. I am going to check out feedly too.
xo jan

Janet Orr said...

Feedly is great. I like it better than Google Reader.

dream quilt create said...

I love the first pram, it is so British!!

Anonymous said...

Lovely. I still think about your London quilt and sigh. I'm using Feedly and it's good. Probably better than Google Reader, but I have to log into it and I'm lazy and I hate change.

Messy Karen said...

i am simply in awe of your Brit quilt. so really excited that you are still at it. i wonder if the wheels could be made out of pearl bracelet. might be too big. but have you seen those wheels on a pram. crazy big.

Messy Karen said...

i claimed in bloglovin. but use feedly. there are 2 ways to click in b. one keeps you inside b. the other takes you sort of out. f is easy to organize my blogs and you can also put other feeds like youtube in it. but you can't search inside it. so you have to tag stuff. or save for later. luckily searching in your saves is quick & easy to view.

Thimbleanna said...

What cute blocks Nanette! I can't wait to see your new quilt -- SO much fun! And, like some of your other readers, I'm a feedly fan -- you might try that???