Fall Quilts

Recently I put together an assortment of blocks from Lori's Farm Girl Vintage book, her Quilty Fun book plus some of my own pumpkin block creations.  I found I had enough blocks for 2 full quilts with left overs.
I put together one quilt for myself but I hung it at the reception area of my work place to cheer up patients as they waited for the doctors.  Next fall I will hang it at my house and figure out another quilt for fall at work.
The other fall quilt I put together for a great friend who has helped me through some issues and listened to me when I needed an ear.  I'm very grateful to her and I thought a Thanksgiving theme fabric would be a great border for both quilts.  I used Riley Blake's Thanksgiving Harvest fabric.  And of course most of the blocks are scrappy with odd bits of prints from my shelves.  Scrappy is my favorite.

I've also got a table runner to finish binding.  I will show that one later after I watch a movie and hand stitch. 

Yes, I've been gone quite a bit from my blog.  But I'm still sewing and busy with my usual life.

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Sherri said...

Such great fall quilts!

Miss you!

Sarah Vanderburgh said...

Waving hi, Nanette! Love your fall quilts. Scrappy fall quilts are close to my favorite kind of quilts - a perfect way to use up orange scraps :)

donna said...

Hi Nanette,
It is so good to see you in blog land.
Both quilts are beautiful.

Vicki said...

So pretty. I love scrappy too. It's good to "see" you again!

AnnieO said...

Hi, Nanette! Hope you're feeling much better--so glad needle, fabric and thread are meeting regularly at your house! Fall is my favorite season to decorate for. Love your fall quilt!

dokiquilts said...

so nice to hear from you!!

Lynn said...

What a coincidence!! I was putting away my Halloween house quilt (from the pattern you shared several years ago) and I was thinking about you and like magic here you are!! I'm so happy you are finding time to sew. And your quilts at so happy and bright and scrappy, they are joyous creations!

Thimbleanna said...

NAAAANNNNNEEETTTTEEEE!!! It's so fun to see you back -- I think about you often and wonder how you're getting along! I hope all is well there and that this means you'll be back more often! Love those sweet quilts! XOXO

Lori Holt said...

What a nice surprise to see your post in my inbox! Your quilts of course are lovely...no one puts quilts together like you Nanette! So glad you're getting back to yourself...I miss you!
Let's plan a get together soon! Okay?

Melissa said...

Great to hear from you! Hope all is well. Love your blog and your latest projects.

beth s said...

Wow! Love this quilt! I'd like to have one hanging at my house too.

Unknown said...

So glad to see you back! Yeah!!! Your work has always inspired me.

Shelina said...

These are both lovely. I just got the book, so hopefully I will be able to get some blocks done sometime next year.

michelle said...

It is so good to see you posting again. I miss you!

Anonymous said...

What a treat to find your posts and just when I needed some blog-spiration! Your Fall quilt is beautiful!!! Thanks for the reminder about Spoonflower - off to shop! Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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