Pride Commeth Before the Fall

I had a very productive weekend and I'm so proud of it that I'm just going to take a few moments to wallow in it. I'm asking forgiveness in advance.
A huge huge thanks to Cheryl for getting the post for 2009 Handmade Christmas List updated. I couldn't have done it without you Cheryl ! You can refer to the original post for the update. Although the official deadline is past to submit we can still update with new items throughout the year here and there as I'm sure there will be things we don't want to forget that are great Christmas gift and ornament ideas. I'm just thrilled to be up to date with this.

Sherri sent me this amazing zipper bag she made as a gift to me. Sherri's technique is perfection. I'm thinking of all kinds of cute things I can keep in it. Thank you so much Sherri. Our packages passed in the mail I think. Sherri and I (along with many others) are counting the days until our retreat next month.

Christine showed the bag she made from a kit she bought at my Etsy Store on her blog. It turned out so darling. Christine you did a lovely job. Pam (PKM), Rae Ann and Annette showed their very sweet pot holders made with my Doll House Tutorial. I'm always so proud to see one of my designs all sewn together. Would it be bragging to say my Doll House Pot Holder Tutorial was featured on Whip Up and One Pretty Thing? Thought so. Sorry.

Speaking of - I finished a few more this weekend and I've got a several to go before I'm done making them (for now). It is too fun to stop. Anyone else making the these (or someone I forgot?) send me your pictures or links when you sew the Doll House pot holder and I'll post it. I love seeing them.

Thanks to Shari, Mel , and Iluvbnamom for the sweet blog awards they gave to me in the past few days. I'm so blessed to enjoy such a talented group of women to associate and share ideas with. Thank you.

Mr. Hive is at loose ends these days and when I told him about Elaine's recipe for laundry detergent he was up for making it. Thanks for the recipe Elaine. We did our first load and the clothes came out clean and bright. I couldn't post about it without a pic. So here is what it looks like (not an exciting picture). We poured it into an empty Tide container to use. I'm fairly happy about not spending $15.00 on a container of Tide.

I started a new project this weekend. I've been wanting to make a teapot applique in a chunky shape. I cut out a few over the weekend but I haven't had a chance to put needle to fabric yet. And no, this is not for my tea swap partner. But you never know, if it works out I might use this on "something else".

And continuing with an ongoing project - my quilted valentines are growing in number. I made 10 over the weekend and now I'm binding them. I love the mini quilt/card idea.

Last but not least is the most exciting news. Don't you hate when someone complains about a problem and then doesn't do anything about it??? Well I've been complaining about my Google Reader list of over 500 posts to read. Jane had me convinced to just close my eyes and click "all read". I tried to do it but couldn't. This weekend I blocked out some time and read EVERY POST. I may not have commented on all over them but I did look at/read them all. It was the best feeling to get this done. When I got to under 100, my pulse quickened and I felt like I was winning some competition! I know, I'm very competitive. Next I tackle my e-mail. My inbox is very fat these days.

Happy Monday Everyone.


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Abby and Stephanie said...

Lots of goodies but I especially love the teapot...whatever it may become!!!

MichelleB said...

I love the Valentine's cards! They are coming out so cute. And I can hardly wait to see what the teapot will look like. I just love the start of that flowery tea pot.

rachel griffith said...

well here it goes...

you are the cutest thing!!!
i might have to adpot you as my older, wiser sister.

and the quilted valentines are the cutest things!!!

and about the dollhouse potholders...
i made one. not a potholder. but the dollhouse.
i've decided that i'm going to make melanie a dollhouse quilt out of them.
cute huh???

Funky Kim said...

Congrats on catching up with your google reader! I love my google reader. The only problem I have is that I tend to forget to leave comments. I'm working on that one.

Susan said...

Oh my, YOU are the woman! I have spent an evening reading but 500 that's got to be a record.
Those quilted valentines are adorable. I never go away from your posts without a new idea to add to my ever-growing list. Love it.

Sherri said...

I'm always so inspired by your blog...the quilted Valentine's are so cute...and yes, you deserve to brag...not just a little...a lot!

Mimi Sue said...

You are truly an inspiration. Congratulations on all you wonderful accomplishments. Mimi

Dionne said...

What a great read! I always feel so very inspired to do more when I read your blog. Thank you!

I can't wait to see the teapot when it's done.

em's scrapbag said...

What a fun post. I really want to try the soap. What a money saver.

Cheryl said...

Can't wait to see your teapot and I just love those Valentines!! Glad to help you out, but it was a tiny bit. We are all so grateful for all your work on Handmade 2009. There are so many wonderful ideas listed with more to come!!
Off to check out Eileen's soap recipe!!

Cheryl said...

oppppps...I meant Elaine's soap recipe!!!!

Celia said...

Oh yes, I've seen your potholder featured these days sooooooo much! I am sooooo happy for it! You've done a great job with it! I want to try one but never feel I can, lol... I have always been so bad with aplique! lol...
Thanks for your creativity shares!

Janet said...

Your Christmas 2009 is a wonderful idea, I'm always looking for things to make. I've just posted a tutorial on making an origami pouch. I made a few of them this last Christmas. Feel free to add it to your list.

Jodie said...

wow! you sure did get a lot done.
I saw you on whip-up and was so excited. You deserve to have a brag....

Sandra :) said...

No forgiveness necessary - we like our blogging friends to have successes and good things to post about - it makes everybody feel good!

I think those dollhouse potholders are going to sweep the net like the fabric baskets ... there's just something fresh and sweet and fun about them - I love seeing everybody's creations!

Ginger Patches said...

I love your little quilty valentines! Wow, I'm impressed with your blog reading :) I'm way behind too but I think I'm going to use the close my eyes method lol!

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

I am soooo proud of you, I bet you feel great!!

Cathi said...

I'm impressed. That is a huge amount of blog reading to get through!! Congratulations.
I'm curious about that laundry soap. Think I have to try that out.
I love the idea of a teapot quilt.

Sandi Linn Andersen said...

I didn't know what Google Reader was but you have mentioned it several times so this weekend I went to my bloglist and scanned further and there it was "Google Reader". I clicked on it and good grief.....over 500 posts!! I scanned some and clicked out and said "one day next week I will do this" tell me ......what's the difference between "Google Reader" and having a list of blogs one follows?
The teapot is looking mighty cute and you haven't even started it! Love the vintage Valentines! I want to make some Valentine postcards to send off to family and friends this year. The post office is losing money so I will do whatever I can to help them out :-)

Unknown said...

You are so funny and also very loyal! I absolutely love reading your blog. I too, like Sandi, do not know what google reader is. I just go to my blog list and it tells me when someone has updated. Am I missing out on something?

Red Geranium Cottage said...

I love your quilted valentine's. Those are so cute.

Kritta22 said...

You are a superstar! 500!

I bet my picture a days aren't helping.

Wait am I on your google reader?

Well I'll think of you anyway, when I post twice a day! :)

pratima said...

The valentine cards are very charming. Especially the cute little faces peeking through.
Love the shape of the tea pot. So cute!!!

Niesz Vintage Home said...

Beautiful projects! Love your quilted cards!
I can never keep up with all of the amazing posts in my blog roll. I just do the best I can. :(

And I'm drooling over the fabulous vintage fabrics in your last post! How awesome! You'll have fun with those.

Kimberly :)

life in red shoes said...

Please keep us posted on how you like the homemade laundry soap after using it for a while. I am a self-proclaimed laundry junky and love my whites white and my colors bright! The price of Tide, and all the other stuff I use is rediculous!

Nan said...

I have never thought of you as a braggart. You have every right to talk about people creating your wonderful projects! It's more like a show and tell, which is always inspiring. The mini Valentines are the cutest things! I love the fabrics!