After the ham is eaten and the Easter grass
vacuumed there are still some things to enjoy this week.

Flowers from Justin and Natalie. Thanks! They smell so good, too.

s'mores. Thanks
Nan for the book! My peep book will work for every holiday but especially for Easter. You can see the peep heads starting to melt and the sugary outside cracking slightly like lava after a volcano. This is a shot from inside the oven. They were really yummy.
Shoo fly pie, a Pennsylvania Dutch favorite I sometimes make for holidays. If you've never had it, you are missing out.

Have you ever had
red beet eggs? We usually make them at Easter with left over hard boiled Easter eggs. This has been a tradition since I was a little kid in an Easter hat and white shoes. They are so good with kosher salt and cracked pepper sprinkled on them. They may look odd and even if you hate beets (I do) they have a great flavor.
I'm going to have a go at those eggs , very clever .
In response to your 'leftover' pics:
1. Beautiful, fresh flowers are so nice and the Blue Bird quilt makes the scene extra cheerful!
2. Yummmmm! NOW I know what to do with Peeps!
3. I've heard of it, I'll have to try it
4. NO thanks!! Really? It's good? I'll take your word for it!
ok, those peeps just look so good!!!
even if its early in the am.
love the bird quilt in the background of the pretty flowers...
I'm glad you mentioned those eggs as I've not made them in years. (We call them pickled eggs in my house.) I'll have to do that again soon!
So funny I bought that book and the smores Peeps was one of my favorite. As you must know, I have had shoo fly pie (because of hubby's heritage) and I can vouch that it is yummy!
OH, Nanette, those eggs are making my mouth water (more than the S'mores?!?!). I LOVE pickled eggs and beets. mmmmmmm...
I think those eggs look yummy but of course, I love boiled eggs and beetes. Your flowers are so pretty too. I have never tried s'mores before but heard about them. I will have to give them a try.
Thanks for educating me on the red beet eggs! I had never heard of them but think they will be on my table soon.
Flowers are the best "leftovers" but those Peeps s'mores would really be good too. I've seen the recipe for Shoofly pie but haven't tasted it yet. I have never heard of beets and hard boiled eggs together but makes sense with beets being a natural dye. I imagine they would give a mild flavor.
You hate beets and eat those eggs? mmm. I hate beets! Maybe I'll try the eggs. My dad loves beets and loves hard boiled eggs. mmm. I bet he'd like these. ooxx`jod
Thanks for the red beet egg receipe. I am going to have to try it. My kids love making smores. I will have to see if there are any peeps still around.
OhMyGosh -- I NEED a peep s'more -- that looks awesome!!!
Great leftovers!!! Sometimes they are better the second time around.
Those eggs look great! I'll have to try those.
How can anyone hate beets? The best hamburger I have ever had in my life was in the US in 2007 - hmmm, maybe Washington DC - Angus beef I think, but no beetroot! It was lunch at an upmarket cafe/restaurant and the waiter could not understand what I was about - he gracefully got the picture! The original Aussie burger had to have beetroot and onion - that was in the late 50's!
Hugs - Lurline♥
I'm with you on the beets thing. I think the smell of them cooking has stoppped me in my tracks from the very beginning. But maybe if I tried one of YOUR hard boiled eggs that YOU made, I might like it.
Trying asparagus made by Judi turned me into an asparagus fan. I love it now.
Peeps smores? Never heard of it, but I think that I will need to try it!
Those red beet eggs look pretty interesting! And guess what...I loved the Peeps...especially the sugary coating on the outside! S'mores would be fantastic with them too!
I'm sorry I could not get past shoo-fly pie. we used to have a wonderful resturant that served the best shoo-fly ever. but it closed and I have no had it in 20 years, ohhhh how I can taste it now. There is nothing better and i have never found a good recipe, hint, hint.
Ok, wipe the drool from my mouth, there is nothing like fresh flowers, they just smell so wonderful(not as good as pie) yes they smell wonderful. I need to find the peep book for one of my daughters, she just loves them and it looks like there are a lot of fun things in it. I do not think I will comment on the eggs, well, they do look pretty!!! Have a super day!! xoxo
NOW I know what to do with all those peeps around our house. thanks for the idea. Julie
Nanette, what I want to know is how you got inside the oven to shoot the Peeps Smores - LOL!! I've squirreled away a package of them - looks like Smores are in our future!
The flowers are beautiful! So is the pie!! I still have never had a peep...I'm such a loser! And the egg thing...I'll pass..don't like hard boiled eggs or beats, but they do look pretty!
I hate beets (parrots love 'em, btw) but these look pretty.
Hi nanette-
Seeing thet pie reminds me of when we lived in Pennsylvania. My Dad used to buy it from the Amish and it was so good!
Thanks for the peek at those
"hot-chicks" in the oven. They look good, I'll have to tell my kids- they are huge smores fans.
I love beets and I grow them in my garden. How do you make them with the eggs? I'd like to try.
Whoops- just noticed the link,
thanks Nanette:)
Red Beet Eggs are the BEST. We have them every year at Easter.
I'm going to have to make that pie. Sounds like you had a great Easter. Aunt Valeen was also down at mom and dad's I heard all about your pin cushion class. What a bonus a work out with your fun class. hee hee!
I adore pickled beets (that's what they're called where I grew up.) They're also kind of a staple at old-time neighborhood bars, at least in western PA, where I grew up. There's often a gallon or bigger glass jar filled with beet juice and eggs that have been there for who knows how long. I don't know how that tradition got started! Thanks for the reminder - I'm making some! Barbara
Put the kettle on, Nanette. I'm comin over for dessert!
Shoo Fly Pie? My favorite! And while I'm there, can I please raid your fabric stash? (wink)
Neat leftover ideas. The Peep smores look very tasty. The boiled eggs in beet juice look so very homespun. May have to try that one, we have a lot of extra Easter eggs.
I don't know what they are ,but shoo-fly pie and those peeps just look so good!!!
An Aussie burger is not a burger without beetroot!
Julia ♥
I love beet. and eggs...
Must tried to combine them, just like you did!
Thanks for sharing!
Debbie Moss
I love beet. and eggs...
Must tried to combine them, just like you did!
Thanks for sharing!
Debbie Moss
I'm glad you all had a nice Easter. Great idea to get rid of the leftover peeps. The pie looks yummy. Mimi
Peep s'mores? What a genius idea!!
Lots of interesting "eats" at your house. I would probably try those eggs because I like beets and eggs. I have not ever really liked peeps though.
V. here...
Sorry I am just now getting my comment on. I tried yesterday, but I couldn't remember the right way. ( Yes, I have a lot to learn---or remember!) Anyway, Your peeps book is such a wonder!! So many great ideas still coming!!They look yummy as somemores. I love beets so I am truly going to try to red beet eggs. Thanks for the ideas. V.
I think Easter leftovers are the best part! Same with Thanksgiving...yummy! The flowers are lovely - how thoughtful of the kids. Love the melting Peeps - I bet they were delish. The red beet eggs look intriguing. I like beets, especially when they're pickled. I bet they give the eggs a good flavor!
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