I received a package this week from Nan at Pots and Pins. Nan and I have mutual friends and and tons of things in common. Nan is a fabulous cook and quilter. She warned me the package was coming and I was excited all week about it. When it came I carefully took pictures of the wonderfully wrapped prizes before ripping into them. Have you ever had pictures vanish from your camera? Well sadly my pre-opening package pictures disappeared. I wish you could have seen how cute everything looked when I opened the box.
Well anyway, I want to show you what was inside the package. This vintage fabric above has the texture of feed sack but it has a selvage. It is in mint condition and the colors are vibrant. It is lovely. Thank you Nan and friends for thinking of me and giving this lovely fabric a good home! I'm always proud to take in forgotten fabric and give it some new life ;-).
Not only does Nan know I love vintage fabric but she is a fellow peep lover and she sent me this fun book about the delicious marshmallowy concoction called Peeps! The book is full of new and imaginative ways to consume peeps.
So I sat down to read the book this morning with peep hot chocolate. And it was good.
I got the idea from the book. Though I have to tell you I've thought about putting a peep in my hot chocolate before but thought that would be too indulgent. Reading this book made me decide it is okay to indulge in the peep/hot chocolate thing.
Who would have thought that peeps could be a decoration? Well you have to admit they are beautiful!
This is one of my favorite photographs in the book. Bride and and groom peeps on a cake. Hmm I wonder if Natalie and Justin could be talked into this for their wedding?
Nan also sent me some other vintage thrifted fabric. Cute isn't it. I'm going to cut the green fabric with the little red roses into a teapot to applique this afternoon.
And last but not least she included vintage mini Christmas prints. These remind me so much of the Japanese Mini Miu prints Superbuzzy had last Christmas. I'm sure I'll use them when I start making Christmas gifts this fall. Thanks again Nan. You're such a supportive friend.
Tuesday at at quilt night Janene brought me a little fabric love. Teapots! I did have this fabric before but I used it when I was making Christmas gifts. This is such a classic "Nanette" fabric. I really need it in all color ways don't you think? Thanks Janene.
One day this week I came home from work and there was a manila envelope with my name on it in the mailbox. Inside was this wonderful black and white retro 50's print. There was a mix up at my house with the wrapping and the envelope and I don't know who was the kind friend that put this in my mailbox. It is kind of a funny mystery. But I hope to solve it.
Dear Mystery fabric friend: please let me know who you are so I can properly thank you and enjoy thinking of you when I use this fabric. Don't you think this would look great in a bag? Look at the waists on those women! I don't think my waist was that small even when I was a newborn.
Fabric rules!
I can already tell we are going to see some cute Nanette things out of these fabrics.
I so love looking at all the fun fabrics you show us each week!
We used to have the same problem with photos dissapearing from our camera. After a visit to our local camera store it turned out our problem was the memory; we were using an 8GB memory card when we should have been using a 4GB memory card. We no longer have lost photos and it is such a relief!
I love the 50's mystery fabric-- so cute!
That black and white fabric is outstanding!! I've never seen anything like it :o). Oh yes, it would be a fabulous bag - can't wait to see what you come up with!!!
Joy :o)
Fabulous fabric!!! It really made me smile. I was taken to the fabric store today because my mean boss tried to break my spirit in a serious way and I came home last night a mess. I love it when Hubby does wonderful things like that.
I LOVE black and white retro 50's print..
Yes, I'm thinkg a bag also!
Julia ♥
Ha! I love that you put the Peep in your cocoa! Isn't that book great? I bought one for myself too...and I love the peeps in the vase - going to do that this week for Easter. You simply MUST save a few peeps for the wedding...just sneak them in SOMEWHERE!! What a kick that would be. The Seattle Times has a contest each year with Peeps - people make the most interesting things with them but for me - eating them has always been the ONLY thing to do! Have a great weekend - you deserve it! xoxo, The Other Nanette
Yeah, I love FFF day!! Love to see all your goodies and what a selection today!
My middle daughter loves Peeps, I just have to find that book, it is darling!!
Just love all the fabrics you received this week! They are fabulous! But I have to say I am intrigued with the peeps book. My kids adore peeps, I may just have to go out and find this one.
Where to start...I love your phrase "celebrate fabric"...if I were looking for a blog title I might call it that...and I love the phrase "fabric rules" as well! You received some lovely fabric gifts this week...can't wait to see what you do with them...and guess what...I've never had a Peep before...but I bought some at Target the other day!!!
My DH likes to put peeps in the microwave with toothpicks so they can joust as they swell. yep, a little odd.
Love the teapot fabric and the black and white.
Peeps are new to me - sound like fun! Love those fabrics!
Hugs - Lurline♥
So many pretty fabrics! Oh, the fun you'll have with those. :)
Yes...I'm feelin' the fabric love!!
Wonderful fabrics. Wow.
I never thought to use Peeps in hot chocolate. That actually sounds good.
great minds think alike...i always use peeps to decorate cupcakes :) yum!
Beautiful fabric! I love the one of the teapots!!!
cute fabrics!
ok, I need to go buy some peeps today to put in my 3 pm coffee....caffeine and some sugar, yep that will get me thru the rest of the day!
You always get the cutest fabrics! Thanks for sharing :)
What IS it about peeps anyway? My husband loves them! He likes to open the package and let them get a little firm before he eats them. LOVE that teapot fabric Nanette!
Peeps in hot chocolate -- what a great idea! I always chuckle when I see fabrics from my childhood referred to as vintage -- Ouch Nanette LOL!
Love the fabrics!! A peeps book...who would have thought!?! Enjoy your weekend!
Hi N, Can't say that I'm a peeps fan, but I LOVE that you do Fabric Friday;) I must admit, tho', I'm a bit jealous of all of your fab fabs;) The teapot fabric is adorable, as are the others, but I espically like that one;) Have a great weekend;)
Well you made my day, Nanette - multiple uses for Peeps - I love it! Hope your find your mystery fabric friend!
I love the wedding Peeps, too. I think the reason those waists are so small is because they lived pre-Peeps. Barbara
More gorgeous fabrics - love the one with the teapots on it!
Great fabrics here...and I love the Peeps book. I love all the great colors the Peeps come in now....and I saw the chocolate ones early in the season and now can't find them anywhere. Guess I should have bought some right away. *sigh*
You are just a hoot and I love your blog. I am going out first thing in the morning and find some peeps so I can have peep hot chocolate.
I heart you, you are my idol! I love your fabric, ideas, and so on and so forth, You inspire me!!
floating peeps...how fun is that! as usual fab fabric!
yes. You definiltey need that tea pot fabric in all the colorways that they make. :-)
LOVE those peeps in the cocoa. Why didn't I ever think of that?
Thanks for the link to Calli, Nanette! Its so much fun to meet new, talented bloggers! I already know Mel and for anyone who doesn't - she is a dear to say the least!
Happy Easter to you and yours!
I am sooooo far behind in blog reading once again, Nanette! Computer time has been at a minimum lately, I'm afraid.
I sent you the fabric, and I'm so pleased you like it! As soon as I saw it, I knew it was for you. I guess I should write to you and tell you I'm sending a package, but I wanted it to be a surprise. It certainly was, wasn't it?
I love everything Nan sent you, too. It was a "Nan" day! Peeps - is there nothing they can't do?
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