Last Thursday Mr. Hive, my son Mason, and I went on a little trip to the St. George, Utah area to visit my sisters, family and some friends. It snowed most of the drive down and then was in the 80s when we left Sunday.
When we got to my sister's home in
Toquerville I discovered that I left the battery to our camera at home in the charger!!! So I was left to use my camera phone and my pictures are sparse and generally not great.

You can't see the majesty of the southern Utah vista well through a car window anyway but trust me. This was a magnificent site.

My sisters, niece and I did a little shopping Friday. We went to see Lynette at the
Main St. Hurricane Utah Quilt Cottage. Every picture I took in Lynette's shop was terrible and I'm sad to say none of them turned out. It was Lynette's mother, quilt teacher and designer Blanche Young's, 90th birthday party.

I had ordered this quilt kit from Lynette when I was in Bryce in February. The big giant teacup in orange, yellow and red dots was screaming my name. Everyday at Bryce I eyed this kit. I'm so glad that I had Lynette make one for me. I'll show more of what is inside tomorrow when I talk fabric.

Friday we met the fabulous
Nedra to give us a tour of Superior Threads in St. George. Left to right are my sister Paula, my sister Michelle and
Nedra. I couldn't believe how large the
Superior Threads building is and they are doubling it in size! Great things are happening there.

I had been saving for and postponing thread purchases knowing I was headed south to Superior Threads. I was able to buy thread at the warehouse along with the new titanium needles to try out. I haven't used the
Alex Anderson Masterpiece thread yet but I'm excited to sew with it.

I've been wanting one of these fabulous lights since I saw them introduced on the market. Several years ago I had a detached retina and since then I my need for good light has greatly increased. This light is a pricey tool and my sweet sister Michelle bought it for me at Superior Threads. Thank you Michelle. This is something I can move from machine to easy chair (when appliqueing). I'm extremely excited about it.

Michelle had made a umbrella banner from my pattern and kit. She brought it along when we shopped to get find matching fabric for the back. I brought it home to machine quilt for her. I can't wait to get it done. She did a fabulous job piecing it. It turned out so beautifully.

Saturday I spent time with (l to r)
Nedra and
Sherri. We are old friends now and we had a wonderful time together. It was so fun to spend the day doing what we love - talking about and looking at quilts and fabric.

Sherri made us these darling zipper bags (don't you love that
Momo fabric! - I'm going to use the bag as a camera case) and
Nedra embroidered and sewed the most darling hot pad. She also gave us a charm square of vintage fabric (so ME!). You've got to enlarge this picture to get a good look at the cute prizes! Thanks again girls.

We had a fabulous lunch at
Nedra's. Everything was delicious and the table was all set. I think Sherri, Dawn and I felt like queens! So much better than meeting in a restaurant.

We had a tour of her lovely southwest style home.
Nedra's home backs up to beautiful red rock and no one can build behind her. Loved it.

We got an up close and personal look at
Nedra's artistic quilts. She's amazing. They are all fantastic.

We brought some show-n-tell. This is Sherri's vintage Dresden plate block from her grandmother. I wanted to divert her attention and pocket these blocks. But of course I just petted and sighed over them.

Afterward we did a little quilt store hopping together. It was fun to peruse the shops and compare notes on what we liked. There was so much to like!

This particular quilt caught my eye at
Lazy Daisy Cottage.

And this very sweet picnic quilt with beehive and bee caught my eye, too. Of course.

Quilted Works this was my favorite quilt. It was made by a friend of
Nedra's. Enlarge the picture. It is a 3D quilt with chenille poking out in each block. It is very original and unique and the western style is fun.
Well I'm home how. It was a really great mini vacation and being with my family and friends was totally the best part.
Looks like you had a wonderful time! I envy your trip to Superior Threads. I would have been so tempted to just load up the trunk!!
Camera phone or not - those shots were great! I love Southern Utah, in small doses...after living in the Northwest for almost 20 years I need my "green!" But I do love to go and visit there. The quilts and projects (Loved the gifts you got!!) are adorable and just what I needed to see this morning. I'm thru with my work stuff so today I'm going to sew!! Now I'm inspired! xo, The Other Nanette
Me again...your visit to Superior Threads reminded me that I've been meaning to tell you about Fabric Depot for a while now - but kept Depot is in Portland and they have a great mail order system on must check them out because their prices are consistently 25% lower than anywhere else - and they carry EVERYTHING you could ever want! I've been there a couple of times- it's a giant warehouse full of wonderful fabric and notions but it's also a 4 hour drive from me so I now order from them on line and have never been disappointed! xo, Nan
What a fun trip! I'm glad you got to get away and enjoy yourself. I LOVE that umbrella that you are going to machine quilt. It is SO cute!
CUTE stuff! Makes me even more anxious to get out of this sling and start sewing again!
That sounds like it was a fabulous mini vacation. Thanks for sharing it with us! Love that little Toasty hot pad.
It looks like you had a great time. I agree that your camera phone shot great pictures.
Seeing your pictures was just like reliving the day all over again. I had such a fun time. Thank you again for making all the effort to come. I asked my boss Heather yesterday if she would help me translate the Japanese into English on the kit you gave me. She said she'd love to. It's on the list of things to do.
Oh by the way, the quilt you loved the most is by Annie Unrein. You can find the pattern at
Years ago Blanche Young came to our guild and taught a class. What a fiesty and fun lady she is! Looks like you ladies had tons of fun.
What a fantastic trip and sharing it with us! And I had to giggle about you using the darling bag Sherri made you as a camera case.... there's room I assume for your charger too, right!
Your camera shots are way better than mine (could be the operator);)
Isn't it sooooooo fun to just hang out with friends and do what ya like in nice weather???;)
oh how fun!!!
it looks like yall had a great time!!!
lots of nice quilts to look at!!!
My goodness...I am ready to pack up and move to UT right now. What a great time you had and the photos you shared were really great to see.
Hi Nanette...your phone takes great pictures!!! It really was so much fun! I can't wait to do it again some time! And I so want one of those bendy's on my "list."
What a wonderful mini-vacation! It must have been so nice to spend some time with your family and friends. It looks like you also got some nice weather!
Thanks for posting pictures. I LOVE seeing all the pictures!
Hi Nanette,
Thanks for sharing all of ya's fun. I have to get a new phone and need to know what kind you have. Takes great pictures. Did you get the behive quilt pattern, it looks like it would be perfect. Nedra's home is beautiful.
Keep Stitchen'
Now that is my kind of trip, Nanette! And you must have some fantastic cell phone - all the photos are great! I've used Alex's thread and love it - now I'm curious about those titanium needles! So glad you gals had a great time together!
For not having your regular camera, you did take some terrific photos. It just looks like you had way too much fun for one person, so it is a good thing you were surrounded with friends and family.
What a fun time. Wish I could have joined you (oh, I guess I did, virtually).
wow, what a wonderful time you had. I have used the superior thread for embroidery and it is delightul.
I am curious about the titanium needles. Do you have any info to share about those?
Wow, my phone does not take pictures like that,yours are wonderful. Wow, what a geat time, your two boys off having a father and son day and you got to have a family and friend day. I love all your show and tells, and I see your sister has a lot of talent too! How sweet it was of Nedra to have you over, you are right, so much more fun than eating out. Then getting to shop and see what each other likes, superior threads reminds me of the warehouse where I go to get my fabric, rows and rows of bolts of fabric. Come and visit me, I will take you there!! I am so glad you had a nice trip.
Well, your camera phone sure takes good pictures. It sure looks like you had a great time. I'm hoping to ogle those gorgeous southern canyons this summer!
looks like a fun time to me - thanks for sharing photos.
I think your phone takes pictures as nice as your camera! I really enjoyed this "newsy" and photo-laden post. Sounds like you had a wonderful trip...thanks for sharing!
What an album of lovelies. Enjoyed.
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TTFN ~ Marydon
Nanette--So much to enjoy from this post. I love the wonderful thoughts that you all have shared about the great weekend time together. I will be posting some blocks soon that my grandmother made and another vintage quilt that I will be working on of hers. You might enjoy looking! Have a fun day!
Thanks for sharing that lovely part of the country with us. I still say you have the best area for quilting; nothing like that here :-)
What a wonderful trip you had and while you called it a "mini trip", to me it looked like a giant good time!!!! Yep, that coffee cup looks like you. :-)
Aww... such a lovely trip with friends and family :)
Thank you, Nanette for sharing these beautiful pictures. They doesn't look in the least like cellphone pics.
Have a nice weekend!
Thanks for sharing your trip with us. Lots of goodies to look at in this post...loved it. Have a great week-end!
i was so distracted by the giant polka dot cup that i had to go back and start reading again. sounds like a fabulous trip! friends and quilty things and great scenery...can't ask for much more!
What a great mini vacation. We could all use one like that I am sure. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much for sharing your vacation with us - what a delightful time you had.
What a fabulous get away. I've been debating on whether or not we should go to Utah again this summer. I've decided! We are! I miss all those places and I Love Utah and the sunshine! Maybe we'll get to hook up this time. ooxx`jodi
V. here...
I love St G. My daughter lives there and when I visit I include lots of quilt store stops. I will add the shop in Hurricane. Thanks for sharing all the quilting fun and friends. V.
What a wonderful time you all had! All those adorable quilt shops - new places to visit online, too. Nedra's home and quilts are gorgeous. Thank you for taking us along. I thoroughly enjoyed the trip!
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