I had a wonderful Friday spent with the fabulous and talented
Lori Holt. Lori is a local quilt designer and artist that I first met through her blog
Bee in My Bonnet.

I met Lori personally in June when she came to Alpine to give our group a trunk show. It was so fun to meet Lori. She's friendly and helpful and so incredibly talented that I am in awe of her and what she has accomplished. Lori and I had arranged to meet this summer and I was lucky enough to spend 4 hours with her as she gave me a one-on-one advanced applique class on layered applique.

Lori prepared handouts for me with detailed instructions and a sweet treat. It goes without saying the time she spent with me was precious and enlightening in so many ways. I learned new skills people!! New skills. Who doesn't love improving their abilities to make their quilts look better?

I had picked out a Sunbonnet Sue pattern to learn her method of layered applique. After working earlier in the summer with a Sunbonnet Sue applique I knew I needed help.

Lori went through her applique process step by step with me. All I can say is if you ever get a chance to take a class from Lori, jump at the chance. On a side note. I love her ring!

Lori uses a "map" meaning a lay out with tissue paper to keep layers lined up. You can see here that the Sue Lori helped me with lays perfectly under the tissue paper pattern.

I came home and made my lap design board to use as I follow Lori's method. Her board is with thinner foam board. I had this on hand but I will probably make a new one at some point.

Here is the finished Sunbonnet Sue. She's got a lovely vintage dress. Look how elegant her arms are. Lori did those. I finished up but Lori gave me a great head start.

Here is my next block I started. I really hate the arms. Lori's arms are so much better. I may take out the arm on the skirt to fix it. I can hardly stand looking at it. Somehow I got off and it looks like her arm is made of rubber or something. Awful. As soon as I'm done posting, I'm picking that out. Yikes.
Anyway thank you SOOO much Lori. I learned so much. I am so excited to put your method to work now and in the future. The gift of time to help someone is something very precious and dear.
Tomorrow - Alpine Days Quilt Show.
Nanette...I love how your sues are taking shape and how awesome that Lori would be willing to work with you like that! I think we can all always learn SOMEthing! I don't think your arms are that bad but when something I do is bothering me like that, I follow my instincts and re-do. I can't wait to see how these all turn out! Have a wonderful week!
Oh, I think I need to take a class from Lori Holt too...and thanks so much for the info. on Flower Sugar...Pink Chalk Studion just got some in as well!
I'm so glad you got to have some one on one time with Lori. Sounds like you both had a wonderful time.
Nanette: Don't pick it out! Sure Lori's arms are awesome, BUT yours will be soon too! This is your first one, appreciate it. I think they are really good!
What fun you and Lori had. There's nothing like learning from the Master. I'm sure she's logged 1,000's of hours applique by now.
What fun Nanette! It looks like you and Lori had a great time!
What a wonderful 4 hours you all must have had and your Sunbonnet Sue's are absolutely wonderful!!!!! I adore the pattern and fabric you chose :) Get to stitching my dear cuz I'm anxious to see more!!!
Lori sounds great and the Sues are really cute
okay, where's THIS sunbonnett sue been hiding. She's quite elegant! Love, Love , Love your last two ladies. GREAT dress fabrics!!!!!!
Your girls are beautiful!
Beautiful work, such tiny pieces. Did you use needle turn or another method?
That's awesome! Your applique is so beautiful!! Gorgeous dresses too :)
Ifyou're anything like me, Nanette, that arm will bug you from now until forever and that's all you'll focus on.
Now from an artist's poin of view, everything is okay with the arm from the shoulder to the elbow. To correct the shape of the arm, just place the arm from the elbow down pointing to 7 o'clock, without any curves. Does this make sense? Her arm now curls awkwardly upward from the elbow to the hand making it look like it was caught in her Mom's wringer washer.
Everything else is to die for...the pattern, fabrics and applique as well. I too would love to take a class from Lori!
Rubber arm. That's just funny to read. But I love the block, rubber arm and all.
And what fun to spend some time with Lori. I've admired her work for a long time!
Beutiful quilts!
Nanette I have never seen Sue bonnets like yours . They look adorable. Congratulations on your lesson with Lori, I know you will do great!
I love that applique pattern; Sue is very dainty and I love it!
Your Suebonnet Sue is really pretty. I'm on my 4th Lori Holt quilt and her technique is the best! It is fun learning from the "master"!
I love your Sunbonnet Sue patterns. So pretty!
How fun to spend time with Lori!! Your Sunbonnet Sue pattern is darling. I love the vintage fabrics too!
Oh what a fun time! and I think you are being to hard on yourself, her arm is just fine!!
V. here... This is super!! I need to learn to applique better too. My "Atisket, A Tasket" is taking me forever. I just love Lori's designs. The work is perfect.
Your fabrics are great for S Sue. I love your Sue, too. Great Post!
How wonderful that you were able to meet with Lori one on one! She sounds like a delightful and thoughtful teacher, Nanette! Rubber arm or no....she is one beautiful lady - love how you fussy cut the skirt!
I love how your "Sues" turned out Nanette, especially the red one (regardless of the 'rubber' arm LOL) - I really like how you fussy cut her dress, so pretty :o).
Lori's doll in the first pic is just adorable!!
Joy :o)
I love her arm...it's "creative"...and in my mind she's just lost a lot of weight, thanks so eating nothing but lettuce and more lettuce and her arms have a bit of hanging skin so I say LEAVE the arm and think of her as a "work in process"...as none of us are perfect! I love Lori Holt - after seeing her quilts on your blog I noticed her patterns in the quilt shops in Utah and I have ordered 3 of them. Can't wait for them to get here - she is truly amazing as are YOU! xo,
The Other Nanette
I love Sunbonnet Sue quilts. I think your Sue is looking lovely! Be sure to pop over to my blog today and see the old advertising poster that I have shared in photos. It's great fun and I just wish I could buy fabric at the prices listed on the poster!
wow a 4 hour private lesson...now that's what I need!! I don't think I've ever seen applique done that way...did you stitch it through the tissue paper?
Hi Nanette-
I love the blocks!! Really, did you "unapplique" the arm? I could have lived with it...remember, you have to start somewhere...pick your battles.
I hope my method is working out well and it was a pleasure to teach it to you.
Keep those ladies coming...I can't wait to see them all! Your quilt is going to be fantastic!
x lori
ooo.. I love Lori's Patsy doll. :-)
Well I know just what you mean about picking out the arm.. even though I think it looks just fine. I truly envy you that you got to take a "class" from Lori. That would have been terrific. Applique is still one of those mysteries for me.. but one day I'll "get" it. LOVE your umbrella ladies!
Oh...you lucky duck....spending one on one time with Lori...learning a new technique....sounds amazing!! The arem didn't look too bad....did you re-do it???
My theory exactly, you can always learn something new. That is one of the prime reasons to take a class if you can. I just love how your Sunbonnet Sue is Turning out.
This is going to be a really cute quilt! Don't mess with your block!
Every opportunity I have to take classes with applique teachers, I do. I always learn some thing new. The blocks are going to be so cute. I hate ripping out applique pieces too.
Well...you know I'm just green with
envy about your private lesson!! I know it was very beneficial for you!!! Yep...I'm jealous!!!
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