I'm milking Jamie's graduation quilt for one last post. And FYI, I am NOT making matching pillows. I packed the fabric away. If she wants pillows, she has a project for herself!

The other day I was looking at it and realized it qualifies (loosely) for my Black and White Challenge 2009 quilt!
Jackie invited me to join her and so many other quilters I know and admire, to participate in the challenge. Jackie made a blog to showcase our progress, called
The Black and White Challenge Project. So today I'm posting on that blog as well to declare my challenge complete.

I made Jamie dress up to recreate the big graduation day. For some reason her high school let the kids keep their cap and gowns (at least that is what she told me). So here she is modeling her quilt. I'm finally letting her have it only months after, but hey. It's done.

The quilt really is black, white and Eagles green. Football season is starting up so the quilt will be well used as Jamie decorates the family room with Eagles memorabilia for every game. When I started making the quilt I had no idea I would be fulfilling my Black and White Challenge, too. When I was looking at it I realized that it is perfect except for a little bit of gray in the quilt. That might be technically cheating but I'm calling gray a light black instead of gray. That works doesn't it?
Gray, what gray?? Ha! Congrats on your finish!! I am so proud of you it looks terrific. Pillowcases are the perfect project for her!! Congrats to Jamie too!! On to bigger and better things.
Wonderful Nanette, and lovely pics, too! Of course grey is a shade of black!
Hugs - Lurline♥
It works beautifully. I really love the quilt.
Had to laugh, I thought for sure you'd make the pillows to match. Beautiful quilt, I'm sure Jamie will enjoy it.
Gray isn't a primary color so it must be a shade of black.
I like it quite a bit and what's a little gray among friends? We've all got it . . . .
Turned out super cute and I am sure she loves it too!! I love what Nancy said, we all have a little grey too!!! Very true for me at least!!
Isn't it wonderful to have that weight off your shoulders! Now, onward to better things. :)
I love it. You are so talented.
I love this quilt. So fun. And you know, it's all in the tone of the color and way we read it. I'm reading more black than gray. :)
You really did a super terrific job on this Nanette.
it looks fab - whether its gray or black is open to personal interpretation :)
Beautiful quilt. Love the color combinations too.
Really, they were supposed to turn them in, but she knew you'd need it for the back of a quilt sometime, so she 'kept' hers. Jamie's quilt is awesome, I like it. (even tho' you had to work with that theme fabric!)
Awesome job N, and just think unique in all the world;)
Yeah....another completion and a
challenge met AND a happy recipient! You have just been 'pouring' them out....uuhhh..I'm w-a-y behind you and I don't think I will EVER catch up!!!
I'm sure Jamie thought it was worth the wait. Yeah for football season. Too bad Michael Vick was signed with Eagles! Just sayin'
It turned out to be a fabulous quilt.
Congrats to Jamie.
Great job on Jamie's quilt! Fabulous!
Love it, and even more, love that you made her dress up, and that SHE ACTUALLY DID IT. We still have Frankie's cap and gown as well. Everything is disposible now I guess, I remember we didn't get our diplomas till we turned in our cap and gown. But that was in the stone ages, you know.
That quilt is really fabulous! The colors are just wonderful. And yay for her for dressing up for you.
Gray IS black AND white! So I think that works!!!But I'm not so sure about the green..:-)
After all of the fun and amazing things you bloggers have inspired me with, I've started my own blog-so check it out. It's quilting and other creative stuff! My first posts are a circle quilt tutorial, and then a quilt made from over 50 ties for my 80 yr. old father-in-law.
My sons would just love that quilt...we're big Eagles fans here in our house!
I love the way it turned out. Now I want to make a quilt using those colors.... I feel like I say that all the time.
V. here.. Great Memory Photos. Congratulations to the Graduate!! The quilt seems to match your front door--excellent backdrop. How fun. She decorates the family room for each game. !!!Go Eagles & Go Jamie. v
I vote YES, it counts!!! I think it turned out wonderful and I'm sure she loved it and will cherish it for many years to come.
After all the pain and anguish, aren't you glad it's photographed and DONE? May she always appreciate your efforts!
oh, I love this shot! Jamie looks so cute posing with her lovely quilt! It turned out so great :-)
Oh goody......I have "light black" hair growing into my once dark black hair! LOL......wonderful quilt.....and congrats to the graduate!
your daughter is too cute getting all dressed up in her cap and gown again. We had to pay $85.00 for my daughters cap and gown and she had to keep. Like where will she wear this again??
I think or so they say , that every year new ones are made because the dye lot changes. Personally its just a way for me to impale more $$ out of us during this time. Her quilt is beautiful.
Light gray ... light black ... one in the same, so IMHO, it's a done deal; and koodos to your beautiful Daughter for putting back on her graduation attire for the picture :) Her quilt turned out great and what a wonderful way to mark such a special ocassion :)
I can't believe how wondeful you made the Philly fabric work, Nanette (actually, I can!) - good idea to have her make her own pillowcases! And she looks so adorable in her cap and gown!
Nanette...The quilt turned out wonderful and Jamie looks so happy with it! Nice job going out of your box to do something that is significant to her! Give yourself a pat on the back!!!
Light black totally works... a lovely quilt for a lovely young woman!
It looks great! And that's a perfect graduation picture. :)
off to check out the other black and white quilts...
Love the quilt and the model!
such a nice feeling finish. good job Nanette.
congrats nanette! i really like this quilt (if i squint a little so as not to really see the eagles fabric!) i'd also like to know how you got her to recreate the grad scene and put that robe on again...i've been begging mine for a photo session, but no luck yet!
VERY clever. Yes.. I would think that qualifies! You beat me. I don't think I'll get mine done.. but don't tell Jackie!
love this quilt! it's beautiful. The graduate looks happy too! A quilt is the BEST gift.
I love this quilts....
Its awesome!!
lovely quilt for a lovely young woman!
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