This is a February quilt made from a Black Mountain pattern (Teri Christopherson). The book is called Days to Remember but it is out of print now. The pattern is China Dishes and over the years I have made many quilts with this pattern in different colors. I love dishes and it is a fun quilt to sew. I call this one a February quilt because the toile border is President's Day themed. I don't think now I'd make a quilt mixing toile and so many scrappy "dishes" but I still like it. Some of the plates have cherries (after the George Washington fable), and some are just red or valentines.

What a darling quilt! I love the whole clever idea of it, the cherries, Valentine's and the Presidents.. Very February!
Very cute! I made the same quilt - it's one of my favorites.
Mixing the prints with the toile reminded me of a room with plates lined on a shelf with a (toile) wallpaper - very vintage, indeed.
You do such fun quilts! They are always so different, and unexpected!
That is a wonderful February quilt. You are very inspiring. Thanks for all the wonderful information you sent me!
Yes, I agree with pkm and all. I like your new banner too!!!
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