Belonging to a blogging community for creative women is very enlightening. I have enjoyed learning from all of you very much. Thanks to all your comments. They are inspiring, comforting, entertaining and thoughtful. I appreciate all the suggestions for my dear birdies quilt and I think I've found a direction to move into.

This is a gift of cowboy fabric for my cowboy stash
Diane sent me. Isn't that great? A gift just because. Thanks Diane.
Beata in Canada makes the most amazing things. I ordered these from her
Etsy shop (they are all gone!) and they came today. She sent me a cute little key chain with a babushka on it, too. The workmanship on these dolls is incredible. The wool is so soft and the stitching so perfect. What a great job Beata, thanks! I wish I could have one in every color.

I made a little order at Etsy for this vinyl coated babushka fabric (don't ask me what I'm going to do with it, I don't know yet!) and look at the cute little gift
alittlegoodness sent along with my purchase. Etsy sellers are so great. Whenever I have a gift to get I look at Etsy first to support women making things at home. I find the best gifts at Etsy.

Last night I finally used my new hole punch from
Martha to make holes in my button cards and then crocheted (did I spell that right?) around the edge in red. I got the idea from
Anna and I think she got it from
Pam. I will definitely do this again and again and I look forward to playing with cards and crocheting around all kinds of things. Anna has some instructions for the crochet as well. (I admit to being rusty at crochet, I had the card turned backwards so the stitching front is in the back, oh well).
This month is a tutorial contest at
Sew Mama Sew and I'm seeing some fabulous tutorials being shared. I love learning new things and its great to find women able and eager to share with the rest of us.
Liesl at Distressed has a great tutorial for freezer paper appliqué, a technique that I have talked about on our blog. Check it out as this is a great skill to learn. T at
Purple and Paisley has a great tutorial for freezer paper piecing that I'm dying to try out (not only that she's hosting a give-away so go over and leave a comment!). She makes it look so easy. And she got her idea from
Linda has a really neat tutorial for a book or folder cover. It looks so fun and easy. I am hoping that all the participants in the tutorial contest will be listed and not just the winners because there is something for everyone to learn.
I get so inspired when I click down the list of blogs on my side bar. There is so much talent out there it's just incredible. - nanette
It's been way too much fun looking at all of the wonderful blogs on your sidebar. They are definitely AWESOME! It brightens my day to see what everyone is doing and gets me thinking again. I sure miss being creative!
Hey! Glad you received it! Aren't crochet and crocheted strange words!? I blogged about that word a while back, wanting it to be spelled differently, like crowshae. Who could I call, Webster, who...??? let me know...and I'll get that changed.
The cards are great, I've done that around old Christmas cards cut in circles, to hang on the Christmas Tree. Thanks for all the links! like I need to spend more time at the computer, I need to stop staring and start sewing, as Jona's blog name suggests...
Thanks for the tutorial link!! I'm headed there right now...when I should be headed to bed..oh well :)
And I got the idea from my friend Tamara, who gave me a crocheted card! The world is so small sometimes!
I agree, etsy sellers are just great ! I love your little babushkas
thank you for the link, my friend! eeek! what a happy surprise! you're the best...=)...p.s. keyboard thirsty? never feed it pepsi!!!!!
Oooh, your cards look so cute! I need to do some button cards too. So far, I've only done plain cardstock -- button cards would make cute gifts for sewing friends! Those little babushka's are just adorable!
Words to describe your post, Nanette: cute, informative, adorable, fun, appealing, educational, sweet, etc. :-)
Thanks for all the great links!
I refer to blogging as belonging to an International Guild - so much inspiration!
What a CUTE thing to do with button cards! I was just thinking the other day there MUST be a creative way to display these. Thanks Nan for the links to Pam's and Anna's directions and pictures!
Great cards and what a wonderful link! Thanks mucho :-)!
Oooooo - There they are Nanette!!...Thanks for the sweet mention -- I'm so happy you're pleased with them!
Beata xxx
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