Computer Update: Thank you so much for the sweet messages, kind words and sympathy dealing with the illness of my dear computer. I really appreciate that you haven't forgotten me and you care. It means a lot. I am not yet able to use my computer and have only been able to view blogs sporadically using other computers.

It is slow going. My data is intact but all programs (and I mean all) have to be reloaded and it is slow going getting it to where it needs to be. I have gotten a few immediately needed things off the ghost data back-up, such as my new pattern (90% finished).

My photo program isn't loaded yet and I can't get into my Quilt Pro yet to extract the diagram for my new quilt. However, I was able to get some photos from Shelbie's computer for my new quilt. Mr. Hive said, "think baby steps". And with being busy with the grandbaby due next month and the wedding, I have plenty other things going on in the mean time.

If anyone is interested in proofing my new quilt pattern and or making a "Kettles in the Kitchen" quilt with a pre-released pattern (2-3 people), please email me. There will be a little tiny reward. I hate asking my friends for help!
Just FYI, Fat Quarter Shop, Pink Chalk, and one of my local quilt shops Pine Needles, has some Lecien's Flower Sugar fabric. I have been aware that it is showing up here and there a tiny bit. Flower Sugar is so cute in the small version of "Kettles in the Kitchen" (above).

Have a nice weekend. Hopefully sometime next week I'll be posting? Hope so.

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Unknown said...

Nanette, I am so glad your computer is getting back to normal and that all your data has been saved! Your new pattern looks like so much fun. I wish I could take on a big project like that right now. I would so love to proof your pattern, but this time of the year is so busy for me. I hope you will ask again on other patterns in the future. Please keep me in mind. Have a great weekend!

Sherri said...

Hi Nanette...I'm so glad that things are getting fixed...and that you didn't lose your pattern! Today just wasn't the same without your "fabric Friday" post! Have a great weekend!

Patty said...

If you do not already have your pattern testers I would love to give it a try.

Sandi Linn Andersen said...

Nanette, So good to see you posting. I had virus problems last spring and they are not fun. Your Kettles in the Kitchen quilt is soooo sweet!

Jan said...

You, my dear, have been missed! I've been anxiously awaiting news on the sick computer and am thrilled to hear that things are looking up in that area :) The new quilt is gorgeous and I would sooooooo love to say "oh yes, please let me test it;" but I'm afraid my cup runneth over w/work and a sick hubby. I hope you find the perfect testers :)

Thimbleanna said...

Eeek! So sorry about your computer problems -- I hope you get it fixed! Your little quilt peek sure is cute!

Cathi said...


I am SO glad your computer is slowly getting back to normal. Thank heavens you were able to access the important stuff like your pattern!

tara said...

hi, I'd love to test your pattern. Tara

Lotta said...

I'd love to help you test sew your pattern. I'm always looking for something new to sew and right now I'm between projects. I've been following your blog through Google for some time now and I think you make gorgeous quilts.
Lotta in Sweden

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Oh, Nanette, it's so good to see you back, even if just partly back! Your new quilt looks lovely. Wishing you well with baby and wedding planning. Hugs, Elaine

Nedra said...

You've been missed!

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Oh, how excited was I to see you had a post up and running. You have been missed! I wish I were a better quilter, I would love to test your pattern. But it looks as if you have a lot of girls that would love to help. My it is a cute pattern!!

dotti white said...

Nanette...so happy that things are looking up in the computer area! Miss your recent posts but also am so happy for your awaiting the wonderful journey of being a grandmother!!! It is the BEST!!!

Joanna said...

I'm glad that your pattern is intact. What a relief for you! Hope your computer gets back to 100% soon!

Béa said...

I'd love to help you test sew your pattern, hugs from France

Micki said...

If you still don't have a pattern tester, I would love to do it!

Rumi said...

So glad to hear your computer is on the mend. Slowly but surely. Hope you are up and running full steam very soon!
Kettles in the kitchen is fabulous--the little peek of it anyways.

Betsy said...

Nanette I am sure you have enough testers but if not please include me. I am glad you posted today. I have missed reading your blog. You were smart to go get an IT specialist to work on the computer. When the virus took mine I lost everything including pics of my kids, 1st quilts, etc..

Jodi Nelson said...

Glad to see you my bloggin friend. So sorry bout your computer. And that quilt looks simply awesome!

Kaaren said...

So G-O-O-D to hear from you again and that your computer is getting back to 'normal' again, Nanette. I've really missed your posts.

Awesome new quilt!

Browndirtcottage said...

OH...OH....I want to STEAL this quilt...it's sweet...cute and FAB!
Sorry about the computer headache...I recently had a scare with not being able to get any of my photos out.....took me ALL day to get it working again!!!!

West Michigan Quilter said...

So glad you are able to post. Have missed you. Can you share with us how you got this virus so we can avoid the same? I'm scared to download anything or even do a search.

PamKittyMorning said...

Love the quilt, OF COURSE. Miss you xo.

Jodie said...

Being computerless is awful isn't it? I hope it all comes together again soon Nanette....

Momoo said...

So very glad to see you are back, even if not at full speed. Your quilt is gorgeous.

em's scrapbag said...

I'm glad your are retrieving your files. Slowly but surely. I think I saw a quilt from your dress pattern at a quilt show today. Good luck with everything

Debbie said...

I am so glad you are getting your computer issues fixed! I would be happy to test your pattern especially since I am addicted to TEA!

Anonymous said...

YEAH! You're BACK!!! Even if we only get you in small doses that's okay - as long as we get you! I have missed your posts and am so sorry for all your troubles - computer issues are right up there with toilet issues if you ask me! I wish I had the time to help you out with your new pattern - I'm swamped getting ready for Houston...trying to finish things that should have been finished months ago! Oh well...Have a nice rest of the weekend! xo, The Other Nanette

Annette said...

So great to hear from you again. You are greatly missed. Hope your computer continues to recover. Your Kettles in the Kitchen quilt is so sweet!

Mel said...

I've missed your posts!!

I can't wait until your charming pattern is ready for purchase!!

Dawn said...

Your quilt looks yummy!! It looks like you have enough testers. Sorry for your computer headaches.

Pat said...

I hope your computer woes are cleared up for you soon. *sigh*

Lori Holt said...

Hi Nanette-
yes...I have missed you,sorry you have to deal with all that computer stuff in the middke of other things!
I'm anxious to see the wedding star quilt...any progress?

Will I see you Friday and is your darling quilt on that stove I was telling you about?
It sure looks familiar to me!

Elizabeth said...

I am sending lots of good computer wishes your way! I love the photo of your new quilt with the stove and kettle - very nice!!!

Maggey and Jim said...

That quilt is adorable.. Just love it and love my tea..

Candace said...

Nanette, I'm so glad you are slowly getting your computer back. Mr. Squash got a Trojan virus on Friday - much to his surprise as we have all the firewalls, virus protection, etc! He was lucky that he has 2 drives in the computer that got infected - one which he wasn't using. So he spent a lot of hours re-loading everything on the 2nd drive and reformatting the infected drive - We SO sympathize with what you've gone through!

Purple and Paisley said...

gasp! omg - the tea kettles are so great! i love the colors! swoon!

sorry about your computer...if it's not one thing, it's another, huh?

Carrie P. said...

I see you have lots of volunteers to test your pattern. I would love to test one later so put me on your list.