It is criminal . . .

Yes Criminal. Harsh words from someone very peeved. Me. Yesterday somehow, some way, while in the normal course everyday activities on my computer at home, I was infected with a Trojan Malware called Windows Police Pro (beware and be alerted, it is out there people!). It is vicious and it has totally taken over my computer. I work on my computer for my real life job and it also has photos and my patterns on it to. Yes, my new pattern I'm just completing. My computer is unusable in the current near fatal condition and obviously I'm not posting from my sweet normally reliable computer. I'm trying to correct the problem.

It is absolutely a criminal act to maliciously try to infect someone's computer and I almost look at my computer like you would a pet! It is dear to me. Though, yes it is just a computer. A tool. But an important one. I've taken good care of my good little computer and it has always served me very well. Until now.

I won't be able to post until it is fixed or I am forced to purchase a new one. Be careful out there, it is a danger zone.

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Nancy said...

I simply do not understand the motivation for creating such software. These individuals must be filled with hatred and contempt.

I hope you can salvage your files.

karen @ badlandsquilts said...

Good luck... had an issue like that once and was surprised that Best Buy was able to salvage almost everything (our sons baby pictures_digital)... now we are much better at backing it up.

pratima said...

I hope your files will be recovered safely, Nanette. So sorry that happened :(

Jana Nielson said...

I am so sorry! I feel exactly the same about my computer. She is one of the family! (and I can't afford to replace her)

I think I wuold go into shock!

Do we need to send chocolate???

~Kristie said...

Nanette -

I work in IT and have seen this problem time and again... Usually there's a popup that says something along the lines of 'your computer is infected with spyware - run this tool to remove them'. Ironically, running that tool is what installs the virus/malware!

I've been able to fix this problem in the past for others. If you'd like me to give it a try on your computer, just send me a message. Our company uses software to connect to your computer remotely and can then run some scans. You shouldn't need to purchase a new computer. :) ~Kristie

Jan said...

OMG! That's awful ... and you're right, our computers are a part of us ... it's just the way the world is today; and we have grown so accustomed to them always being there when we need them, so it's quite understandable why this is so upsetting! I sure hope the story has a happy ending :)

Kim Walus said...

Buy a MAC. I've never had a virus.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

I am so sorry, Nanette! I don't understand why anyone would deliberately hurt someone else, but they do it every day. Hope you can get your computer back up and running soon with a quick cure!

Cathi said...

I agree with Kim! Since I made the switch to Mac, I've not had anywhere near the problems.
Those people who create those viruses/worms/whatever need to be penalized somehow. They cause countless grief for so many people and organizations. Not fair!

dotti white said...

Nanette...I am so sorry--hope that you can get it squared away. I'm with you--it is a crime!

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Nooo, why do people think that is fun, I just do not understand? My brother always tells me to back up my computer, but between me and you~ shhh I do not! Hmmm, think I might now. I so hope you can get rid of it, you are way to busy to fuss with this now!!

Rumi said...

So scary! It's sad how some smart (yes, they must be smart to think up such diabolical schemes!) abuse their talents in these ways! Hope you get your computer de-bugged!

Lurline said...

Nanette, that is terrible and scares me! I wonder when/if disaster will happen on mine. I use Trend Micro security and back up on an external hard drive, though I must admit I am not too regular about it. Here's good wishes that you are able to recover your data!
Hugs - Lurline♥

Kaaren said...

These people need to get a life! Hopefully you'll get it all sorted out without too much lost data.

Thanks for the head's up.

Nedra said...

Yikes! And you plain ol' just don't have the time to deal with this do you? Weddings and babies are much more important.

Melissa ;-) said...

It is criminal, and sick, and depraved, and utterly pitiful. I went through this a few months ago myself. Good luck in the recovery. In time you will feel sorry for the person who did this - what a sorry excuse for a life they must have!

Pam said...

So sorry to hear this. Every day I am more glad to be a Mac user...

Niesz Vintage Home said...

Oh no, I am so sorry.
I worry about that all the time. I run virus and spyware scans constantly, but the scammers are so devious, its hard to know what tactic they'll use next.

I hope you're able to recover all of your valuable info and pictures.

And on a much happier note...I have so enjoyed your peachy posts, I must remember to try drying peach slices next summer. Yum!
And your diamond/star quilt is amazing so far. Can't wait to see it when its finished.

Kimberly :)

em's scrapbag said...

So sorry Nanette. I hope you are able to retrieve all your precious data. And that you are up and running soon.

Trisha said...

How frustrating! Hope you are somehow able to work things out.

Joanna said...

That sucks so bad! I'm so sorry that this happened to you! Did you try this?

My DH says it's a step-by-step process to remove it. HTH!

Unknown said...

Nanette, I truly feel your pain! That happened to me earlier this year. All my business stuff too. My son was able to wipe the hard drive clean and re-install everything. But now I only use the PC for my Quick Books. I use the Mac for everything else. No problems ever with the Mac. I hope you get it resolved and are able to recover some or all of your info.

Thimbleanna said...

Oooh, doesn't that just make your blood boil? It drives me crazy! Hope you're back and up running soon!

Cathy @ CabbageQuilts said...

So sorry to hear what has happened Nanette, it's just such a pointless, heartless thing that they do to someone elses property isn't it? Thanks for the warning too. I hope you can get yours all fixed very soon xo

Mary L. said...

Had the same thing happen as Kristie describes a couple weeks ago after accessing an application of Facebook. I got suspicious quickly, but not quite quickly enough and the next day fraudulent charges had posted to my credit card. I was able to remove the trojan but I'm still watching things closely.

Unknown said...

Oh don't get me started on viruses. It cost us almost $300.00 one year and the internet company had to cut us off till we had the computer cleaned!
Yes, there should be a law. We, the ordinary people who use the computer just plug along without ever thinking that evil lurks in some minds!
I just noted that you are the mother of 8. how many daughters contribute to this wonderful blog?

I am also going to dry peaches next year, that is if we get sunshine during the days and the oven doesn't make the cottage too warm. Great idea.

Joanna said...

Nanette, that is just awful. I hope you are able to save some things. I know there are programs you can buy to recover things - we did that once when we had to start from scratch on a computer and it recovered almost everything - photos etc. Things we thought were gone when we had to wipe the computer clean. Good luck and let us know how it goes!

West Michigan Quilter said...

OMG I just got infected too. I have to go all this long holiday weekend without a computer. I'm at work now, but will be going through withdrawal this weekend. I am so angry about this. You are so right - it is criminal!

Tricia said...

Oh I'm so sorry! I was infected last year and had to completely reformat my computer. It's doesn't even run the same anymore and it makes me very sad. I hope you have better luck then me.

I second the MAC though too. I bought one for my husband in February and it's been great!

Tricia said...

Oh I'm so sorry! I was infected last year and had to completely reformat my computer. It's doesn't even run the same anymore and it makes me very sad. I hope you have better luck then me.

I second the MAC though too. I bought one for my husband in February and it's been great!

Billie said...

Sorry to hear the news, I know how you feel. I've had two computer crashes recently due to viruses, I lost everything. So now I'm on my daughter's hand-me-down laptop. She bought a mac, that will be my next computer for sure! I'm very careful and not online as much as I use to be. I hope you're able to retrieve your files.

April Pantall said...

No fun :(
Technology can be such a bummer when it decides to take on a mind of its own!

strawberrycream39 said...

Oh dear Nanette. I hope it gets straightened out soon. FYI there are Mac viruses too.

Heleen said...

Oh dear, I hope you can get it all back to normal soon.... Had something like this to last year, and no I did not make back ups.... (I'm going to make a back up right now)

Candace said...

I'm so sorry to hear this, Nanette! Good luck in getting it fixed - yes, I agree, my computer is like my pet! I'll be sending good Karma your way!

Gerry said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your 'baby.' Beleive me I understand. Anyway, this site has a free down load for malware removal, recommended by Maybe this will help:;mostPopTwoColWrap

There is an editor's review which is very detailed, user ratings, etc., so that you can 'see' what you might be downloading.

Busy Little Quilter said...

I'm so sorry this has happened to you. I hope all works out well for you.

Pat said...

I"m sorry to hear about this. I always say that if the nasty people who make up these viruses would put their brains to GOOD use, they could be of benefit to society...instead of creating chaos. *sigh*

Micki said...

Sorry that you had problems! Hope it is resolved now!

Doug said...

Nanette, give me a call. If you haven't already gotten it fixed, maybe I can help.

Janet said...

Hopefully, this can be fixed quick. I can't understand what thrills these people get out of it.

Carrie P. said...

OH, I hate that for you. I have heard about it and I will never understand why people have to do such mean things.

Cheryl said...

So sad for you and for us Nanette. Hope you are up and running soon.

Anonymous said...

Nanette, I am so sorry! I lost my hard drive in June and it was devastating. I now have my backup running everyday. I wish you luck in getting back all your precious data. And to know it was someone's idea of a joke... I do believe you reap what you sow... or sew. best, Calli

Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Nanette, hope you get it fixed soon, love seeing what you are up to. I agree with everyone else, don't understand why so much time is put in on creating a virus when they are probably so smart they could cure something.
Keep Stitchen'

strawberrycream39 said...

Nanette, I've been checking everyday to see if you're back! :-( We miss you, I hope this gets straightened out soon!

Barb said...

I am sorry.....truly..

Amanda Jean said...

i hope that you can figure out the issue. computer problems are so frustrating. even worse when they are deliberatly done by others!

Di~ said...


happy zombie said...

Even though I'm a Mac user and these things don't effect us... it's still a good reminder for me to back-up my computer (especially my patterns and images). Because there's one Illness my computer is not safe from... ME!

I'm sooooooooo sorry you're going through this! Thank for the warning!

Niesz Vintage Home said...

Just checking in on you, Nanette.
It looks like you are still in computer limbo. :(
I hope everything gets fixed or replaced soon.
Hang in there.


Wyldhare said...

I adore what I can see of your new quilt pattern. Will you be selling it in your Etsy shop?