I thought I would share some of the good things out there on other blogs today.
Cherri at Cherry House Quilts is giving away quilting books. She's giving away 2 every week until she's pared her stash of books down to a manageable size. Go over and leave a comment to get in on the action. She's got some great stuff and you might come away a winner.

Peek in on the vintage book show-and-tell starting at
Meet me at Mike's . On the side bar is a whole list of blogs participating in the vintage illustration sharing. They are all so fantastic. I have loved seeing the wonderful drawings. And the banner at
Meet me at Mike's is the cutest vintage birds. I'm totally envious of that picture. I want that framed on my wall! Go see it.

Of course I love Dick and Jane. My mother-in-law was a school teacher and let me have my pick of her vintage children's reading books when she retired. I have some great books (mostly put away) but this one called "Happy Times" (so true) has some really cute illustrations along with the sweet and simple writing. Its written in generic Dick and Jane style.

So because I am loving birds right now I looked for some birds in my books. Hey spring is on the way! Mine are not as fabulous as
Meet me at Mike's but they are cute and I love the sweet faces of the children, too.

If you go to
Eileen's Attic then you can see her books that she is showing and also some of her really cute baby quilt squares. I found the vintage children's book share because I read
Eileen's blog.
And now onto appliqué. Jeanette at
Piper's in SLC, a local quilt store, has some video clip tutorials. I always love tutorials. Even when I know how to do something I learn something valuable from each one.
Expert Village is featuring Jeanette. I took an appliqué class from Jeanette years ago at Piper's. She's done some amazing appliqué that is shown in her store. Stuff way over my head. Jeanette shows a quilt from
Anne's Bunny Hill collection that is super cute, too. Jeanette has her master's degree in textiles and has done everything from making bridal gowns to knitting and most everything in between.

She shows English appliqué method in one of the tutorials, which is one method I use. Jeanette shows how to do the process and its well worth watching. She hand bastes her appliqué before needle turning but I machine baste with long stitches.

I clip every 3-4th stitch and pull out the threads as I go. The needle line made from basting makes a great memory place to turn your fabric under with your needle. This is the method Natalie used for her avant garde quilt. I also use the butcher paper method sometimes, depending on what I am appliquéing. I loved all the comments when I talked about appliqué previously on the blog. Its great to turn on your computer and learn new things every day, isn't it? - nanette
These dresses are adorable, Nanette! Remind me of the paper dolls I used to enjoy so many years ago! Sweet project.
I like blogs that share, also.
Wow - Expert Village is a wonderful site. Thanks so much for sharing!
Nanette! I love your blog!! It makes me happy!
Thanks so much for the note regarding my book giveaway! It's been so fun getting to "meet" new friends.
Your vintage school books are wonderful, really special!
Thanks for all the links...wow looks like I'm going to be busy for a while lol!
I wish I could come to your house and watch you applique.
And our minds are on the same track. I just had all my Dick and Jane readers out last night deciding which one to use for today's book. Good thing I picked a totally differnet one. The one with the birds is perfect for now though!
I'm off to look at all your links.
Nanette, just wanted to throw out a thank you for sending me Piper, and Expert Village's way. Those tutorials are fantastic.. They will be a lot of help in the future. Love the gifts. Love Stacy
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