Day 3 - Flour Sack Dish Towels - Did you "Freda's Hive" today?

Here we go for Day 3. I'm enjoying this even though I'm slow at picking through the comments. Some of you are very funny and all of you are very kind, mostly way kinder than I deserve! Thank you all so much for playing along with me.

Suzan is probably the only other blogger that knows what I mean when I say "Did you Boscov today?" When I was a kid my mom always did Boscov month - I think it was March. If you went to Boscov's Department store every single day during the month and had your calendar validated, you got the nicest prize offered and were entered into a grand prize drawing. If you went only a certain number of days then you got a lower prize. Well Freda, mom, went every day (in those days it wasn't open Sunday). And even stood in line to get her calendar validated. Boscov's is a great store and I still shop there - but online - since I don't live near a a Pennsylvania Boscov's. Anyway, they had radio jingles (Did you Boscov? Did you Boscov? Did you Boscov today? - silly but sometimes I still find myself singing it) and all sorts of newspaper ads declaring Boscov's Month. It was a big deal at our house. So it was with my memories of Boscoving every day that I came up with my idea for a week of daily comments on our blog. Did you Freda's Hive today? If you are reading this - then I'm pretty sure you did! I wish I could offer everyone a prize. I'd love to give you all a set of knives or silverware or electric blanket - like the ones from Boscov's long ago. I know this rambling doesn't mean anything to you but it is a good childhood memory - making sure we got to Boscov's everyday was like a family competition for us.
Plain old flour sack dish towels. They are extra large and very absorbant. I really like them but they are harder to find anymore. I remember we could get these plain ones at the grocery store. Williams Sonoma has them for the outrageous price of $14.00 for 3. The Towel Place has a set of 12 for $26.39 - a better price, but I'm sure you could get them cheaper than that if you looked around. I've had some tucked away for just the right project.
I cut a strip of fabric 6"and sized it to the width of the dish towel. Then I ironed the edges under 1/4" on each side of the printed fabric and the ends. I pinned the fabric in place and topstitched it to the towel. (hmm seems like these are the headless horses, I don't know how I did that but I didn't notice until I was done - oh well)
Then I sewed twice to stabilize rick rack on the one end of the towel. And . . . Done! I don't think this took more than 1/2 hour from start to finish. It was really easy and a smartly priced gift idea. I'm into kitchen towels this Christmas, in case you didn't notice. I wanted to make them in red and green but not in Christmas fabric so that they can be used all year long.

So these jumbo flour sack towels - embellished - are the prize up for today. They turned out rather nice for a 1/2 hour project.

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calicodaisy said...

OOOoooh! I'm first to be "Freda Hiving" today. I'm getting this in before I have to go out to an appointment. My flour sack towels probably aren't as hefty as yours, but you can get 6, I think, in a set at Walmart for $5.00. At least they are good for projects!
-- Michele

hetty said...

Thanks for the memories, Nanette. Your post has awakened my past. Memories are nice, aren't they? Love your towels!

Claudia said...

I'm sorry I was late for the first two "happy birthday's giveaways", but I'm here today! Happy blogsversary and many mores to come!
And you are in my blog today:

Krista said...

I love your handmade dish towels. I would love to own them. I didn't get the opportunity to participate in the first two bloggy giveaways but I'd love to participate today!

epban said...

I missed "Freda hiving" the first 2 days...Have been enjoying your blog for the last couple of months...Happy Anniversary and keep inspiring us! I found Martha Stewart flour sack towels to embellish at KMart....Love the name of your youngest daughter's middle name is Freda!

annemarie said...

Oh these towel are beautiful - such memories - flour sack towels - rick rack - it doesn't get any better. Your did such a great job with these.

Michaela said...

I love those towels.
Great childhood memories!

Mary Beth said...

Ah yes, Boscov's. We lived in PA for a time and went there and heard the commercials.

Treasa said...

Happy Blogversary. I am a few days late. Better late than never. Love the towels. Please enter my name. See ya tomorrow!!

Julia said...

oooh! pretty! I'm embroidering some dishclothes for my mom for Christmas! (that I started this summer and have finished none--slow me!!)

Mary L. said...

I've been sick, but still have to make sure I "Freeda's Hive" today. The towels are will be awfully hard for the winners to choose their prizes.

tara said...

Dhala Horses! Cute fabric. My Sewdish grandma would appreciate it. Three cheers for flour sack towels!!!

Des said...

I was reading and reading and reading and just waiting for you tell us that Freda was a winner of fine treasures from Boscov! Just like you. Winner of all things!

Yes, Yes Freda!

Elizabeth said...

I love the dish towels. I will post a link to your giveaway on my blog! said...

Love your towels!! Hugs, Mary

Kristin said...

Boscov's, now that is name I don't hear everyday. I used to live in PA, nice flashback. The towels are a great idea. I wish I would think of something so clever!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

The dish towels are both something I would like to win AND something I am going to make for hostess gifts. Thank you again for another great idea.

Caesar Beezer The Wonder Dog said...

Oh yes please! Send them my way!! By the way...I am receiving YOUR comments on my blog! Something is haywire...I opened my inbox this morning and there were about a dozen comments, including one I left you yesterday...I have no idea what happened but there you have it! It's not a problem for me, I just hope you're getting them too! The other Nanette

Nedra said...

I loved your story. And it made sense to me! I loved the dishtowels. Great gift to match along with those cute potholders I just made. I'm thinking neighbor gifts again!

Dionne said...

Hi Nanette, I loved reading your story about that department store. I love fond memories like that. I'll have to put that reminder on my blog everyday for the rest of the week! What a hoot! 'Did you Freda's Hive today?'


PS - Your towels are wonderful!!

Busy Little Quilter said...

I guess I "Freda Hive" every day! It's so much fun here!

I love the dishcloths.

Yesterday I went on a Christmas Tree making frenzy. You'll see when you visit me today.

Have fun!

Terri S said...

I love the towels. I've found them at WalMart too, although they're probably not as nice. I like to use the waffle weave dishtowels from WalMart and embellish them with fabric. They come 2 to a pack for $2.90 so they're reasonably priced and they do make nice gifts.

kristie said...

i LOVE them! so so cute.

rachel griffith said...

oh what a nice story.
how cute that your momma did that.

the towels are lovely!!!
{as always!!!}

and yayyy...i did "freda's hive" today!!!

Quilt Monkey said...

I like your idea of two rows of stitching to attach the rickrack! Now, I would have put one row of stitching down the middle and then over time those darn edges would have curled up. You learn something new every day!

Jeanne said...

The towels are such fun, they make me smile! Please include me today!
Jeanne :)

Fran said...

I just adore your towels. That is such a mart idea to make them so they can be used all year round. I love the idea of this "party" and just wanted to let you know I did post you on my site (Making Memories One Stich At a Time) and told the folks about you and to come on over. Sorry Nanette I could not post a link as I don't know how yet. Belinda is going to give me computer blog lessons 101 after the holidays...*lol*
You have me anxious to come see what's new until tomorrow...


Sandi Linn Andersen said...

Cute towels! Loved the shared memory of "Pomeroy's" that you left on my blog. For me, it was a place called the "Boston Store". Loved going there.
You are gonna be the "Comment Queen" this week. It's so fun to read them but really hard to keep up and answer all of them!!
Snow fell yesterday but thankfully we didn't get as much as the weatherman first predicted!! Slippery out though so a good day to stay home and sew and decorate!!

Kim said...

Oh there's a Boscov's in NY up Rt 59 from me :) And there's one in PA by my grandmother that we go to when we're up. So did I Freda's hive today? Of course I'm pulling squares to do your snow man pattern :) Have a wonderful day :)

Momoo said...

Love your blog, congrats on a year blogging. Jenny (from CO) is my daughter, she told me about your blog and suggested I use your cottage block for a Christmas block exchange for my quilt club. I did and think they turned out well, I also made a pillow using the pattern and put photos of a friend's grandchildren in the windows. I put your blog and tutorial link on the pattern I put with the blocks for quilt group, so you may have a lot more Michiganders reading your blog. Thanks for all the neat ideas :)

Purple and Paisley said...

yummy flour sack towels...and the fabric on the one in the last pic (towel on the left) matches my christmas cottage roof from you! =)'re so fun and i love your boscov memories...=)

Coloradolady said...

I want to be sure to Freda's Hive today. I missed the other two giveaways....frown...but I want in this one. This is SO super cute! love it. Thanks for the chance to win.

Brooke said...

Good Morning Nanette!

Thank you for sharring your family memories! I love family stories....they are best! I always will keep mine close to my heart!

These are very cute towels!

Have a lovely day Hun!

~Michelle~ said...

Cute towels - even the headless horses! :)

Browndirtcottage said...

oh nanette....your towels are lovely....just yesterday i was working on some of mine too....sometimes i just have embroidered redwork with ric-rac at the bottom....well, i'm going to go get that i've had my "fredas hive" fix!!

SG said...

I'm late, but I'm still on time: happy blogiversary!

Abby and Stephanie said...

I live next door to PA but have not heard of Boscov. Such great towels; creative, simple, and pretty. You crack me up with the headless horses.

Funky Kim said...

Here I am! Hovering at the Hive!

House of Mouse said...

If you are looking for reasonably priced flour sack towels - try Herschnerr's. They have the best price and nicest towels I have found.


Nancy said...

Consider this my Freda Fix for today. I'll be back tomorrow for more. (Wow I sound like a serious junkie).

Three Birds Inspired said...

Here I am - Freda Hive-ing! I just wish I had a card you could stamp!!

Anita said...

Cute towels! So festive!

Unknown said...

Great towels and idea! I know what Boscov's is although I never shopped there. My hubby grew up in PA and his mom still lives in the same house. They still have Boscov's there to shop at as well.

Robin said...

Your handmade kitchen towels are lovely! Also-- I mentioned your blogoversary on my blog yesterday:

Jeanne said...

Oh, those are great! Wonder what you will come up with for tomorrow? :)

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

What a great memory, thank you for sharing, and i love the towels, I took your magazine to breakfast with me this morning to brag to the girls that I "knew" you!!

Anonymous said...

I'm "Hiving" each love your tea towels. I finally managed to get good quality line and have had fun stitching them up into towels.

Rachel said...

Here's my third entry!! :) This is so much fun, I never heard of that store before, so thank you for bringing a great memory from your childhood to all of us!!


Sherri said...

I love the dishtowels! (What are the approximate measurements of the dishtowels to begin with?) And what a beautiful memory! EVERYONE in blogland is reading your blog...and it seems like they have all posted about it as well! Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Wow! So simple to do and yet, what an easy gift. It sure dressed up those towels. I think I'll have to make some of those. Thanks for the great ideas. Can't wait to see what else you come up with.

jlk said...

Yet another cute project, Nanette!

I live in Maryland, in a town close to PA and wishes it was in PA, and we have a Boscov's. They don't do that jingle anymore, though.

Lovie said...

Great towels, you can never have to many kitchen towels. Pls throw my name into the pot. Can't wait to see whats up for tomorrow. I've already made a set of the Cone Christmas Trees from yesterday, so please keep the ideals coming. . . Lovie

Unknown said...

Memories are so fun! Thanks for sharing :) Your towels are just right!

Jeanne said...

WOW those are cute, I think you could buy the muslin and make them yourself too. Of course the fabric they use at Williams Sonoma is much nicer I am sure. I love flour sack towels, I have flour sack towels that are embroidered (VINTAGE) for my valances in my sewing room. :) THEY LOOK TOO CUTE, I have alot of them so I switch them around depending on what I want to look at. :) thanks for sharing. Jeanne

Breanna S. said...

OOH I just love your idea. I need to get some of these made up for my inlaws.

jacquie said...

you know i love "freda hiving"! you never know what you're gonna find! These are so is your fabric that makes them special!

Farmhouse Blessings said...

How clever! I love that idea. I have one lone flour towel in my workroom waiting to be embelished. I think I use your idea ... so pretty.

I just stitched my first flour towel for my mom's christmas present and she says it is the best towel she has. I had never used them before. Thanks for the wonderful idea.

Christmas blessings,

Ruth said...

I love flour sack dish towels. Please add me to the drawing!!!

Sarah and Jack said...

Well, they are way too many comments for me to see if someone has already told you this, but you can buy them at wal-mart with the other dish towels. (I think Martha has some at Kmart too? They were more expensive than Wal-mart, so I always just buy them there and am therefore unsure, lol.)

Sarah and Jack said...

Well, they are way too many comments for me to see if someone has already told you this, but you can buy them at wal-mart with the other dish towels. (I think Martha has some at Kmart too? They were more expensive than Wal-mart, so I always just buy them there and am therefore unsure, lol.)

Joanna said...

You've done it again Nanette. Another darling project!!!

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Oh - lovely - I too love dish towels. I've been embroidering some lately. Thanks for the tips on a fairly good price.

And so I've FredHived today - see you all tomorrow.

Christy said...

I love the towel idea. I also have some towels like that laying around, waiting for the *right* project. I may steal your idea. :)

Simone de Klerk said...

Ah, that looks nice. What a great gift!

Leah Spencer said...

Those towels are cute - especially since they can use up novelty prints that have you scratching your head in wonder... "why did I buy that?" :P

Cathi said...

I love those towels!!! Those memories are fabulous. Incredible how things have changed, though!

Pat said...

I tried EARLY today and your post wasn't up yet, I am with my second comment. (Missed the first day as I'd not found your blog yet.) Loved hearing your "Boscov" story! I'm guessing you would also recall green stamps and the little books that were used to lick them down in there...then redeem them at certain stores for gifts. There are a lot of things that are no longer done...that were part of our youth and fun to think about. My kids sometimes think I'm nuts when I mention some.....they think I'm imagining it. LOL

Anonymous said...

I love those towels! I have a kind of abnormal obsession with kitchen towels...I always need to have a few cute ones around and have been known to use them in bathrooms as well. Thanks for the chance to win. Happy Holidays!

jennyflowerblue said...

England seems so boring in comparison! I am enjoying the added excitement of hoping over the pond to get my card stamped

Doris said...

Very cute dishtowels! Happy Day #3!!!

Susan said...

Hi, Nanette. I don't know about Boscov's, but I've Freda's Hive today. That's a nice memory.
I love flour sack towels and lately Martha Stewart has some sweet colors in her line at Macy's for $9.99 for a bundle of four. Now I know how to embellish them, thanks.

Mel said...

Funny story about Boscov! I've never heard of that store, I've been here in Utah my whole life! Lovely towels, I'm gong to hunt some down! Love ya Nanette!

em's scrapbag said...

Freda Hiving for the day. The towels are adorable. Headless and all.

Threeundertwo said...

I love these! I've had good luck finding dish towels to embroider at TJ Maxx and other discount stores.

Unknown said...

That's a great idea. I have so many small gifts to give away this season, this might be a nice thing to try!

jodie said...

love the horses!

CJ said...

I LIKE reading childhood memories like that. It stirs up sometihng in my own memory bank sometime. It might be my own memory or something one of my older siblings told me about. I love coming up with a tidbit to share with the family now and again. My dh will look at me like he has NO CLUE who I am :D Nice to have some surprises still ;) The towels are lovely! I think I want to make some of those. I have seen other towels made but I can never find the 'blank' white towels. The search continues.
I FREDA'S HIVEd today!!!

Carolyn J. said...

I don't remember Boscov's when I was a kid in PA, but now I live close to that those flour sack towels too!

Sara said...

I didn't get here for the first - but, sure am glad I got here today!!!

The towels are adorable.

Wendy said...

Love the towels and stories of your childhood make it even more fun to read your blog. Never heard of that store until today! I am from the west. :-)

Dawn said...

Yes, I am Freda Hivin'! Love the are so very clever!

dream quilt create said...

I am "Freda Hiving". I love your blog, I have been a subscriber for a while now, and always look forward to what you have to say and your photos. You are an inspiration to me!

audreypawdrey said...

These are so cute! I love the story about the store, too.:) I have mentioned your contest on my blog to share in the fun!

Anonymous said...

I missed the first 2 days, but now I'm jumping and dancing with excitment for those cuuute dishtowels! So would you please enter my nzme, dear Nanette ?
THANKS, dear, and I wish you a VERY HAPPY BLOG ANNIVERSARY ;;;and MANY MORE, of course ! ;>)


John said...

Nice towels. Of course, now my OCD self is just consumed with making sure I visit every day this week! So I'll see you again tomorrow ... ? : )

Melissa said...

I love quick and easy projects!! Those are really cute!!

Anonymous said...

We have a Summer cottage in Pa and I Boscov as often as I can. I'm Freda's Hivin' today. Love and need the towels.

Gracie said...

Sure does bring back memories. They were the only thing we were allowed to use when drying the good china. I have three that are pretty well worn out.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I Have "Freda's Hive" today. I love your idea with the flour sack towels. There for a minute I thought oh know embroidery, that is something I don't do so well. Your idea is much nicer and faster too. Can't wait until I read what tomorrow brings. Thanks so much for this wonderful week of gifts

GeeGee said...

Your towels are lovely and I loved your department store story. Count me in and have a great day!

sallgood said...

I'm Hivin' today. LOVE flour sack towels, especially your cute ones!

Eileen said...

Oh my goodness! I'm number 92 today? Yikes! I was busy decorating the tree!
Loved hearing your story about the department store. We didn't have a Boscov. Bu I can certainly imagine it!
I have one of your wonderful towels.. so if anyone is reading this far and wonders if the prize is worth it.. let me tell you.. it IS! I love mine. :-)

antique quilter said...

nice towels...its fun to see what you will come up with everyday!

Nancy said...

I see one head on those horses!! Thanks for the tutorial. Sounds easy enough and would be great extra gifts for people that stop by.....

So, I have Freda Hived today!!

jenny said...

rick rack does make just about everything better.

Ruthie said...

I bought some fabric to make these on Saturday, now I just need to buy the towels.

erica e said...

what a fun project! thanks for sharing. that would be a fun gift or project for different holidays. this is a fun week! thanks!

Anya said...

Great towels!

Julia said...

I'm "Hiving" each day,love your tea's so hard to get good quality line here, they all seem to be cotton ones from overseas..
Hugs Julia

martameiga said...

Beautiful towels! I will remember this idea to do some myself, I am sure it will look great in my bathroom :))))))))))))
love from spain


Lynn said...

Oops - missed the first two days - but I'm here now. Those towels are cute!

Candace said...

I'm a little late today, but doin' the Freda's Hive....sounds like a jazzy dance, Nanette! I posted a reminder to my readers yesterday and today to come on over! You sure are getting a lot of response...but then we all know and love you!

Cheryl said...

Happy bloggiversary to one of my favorite blogs!!!! Great ideas for gift giving in your giveaways!

Mark said...

Hi Nanette,

It looks like it's going well and you have tons of comments now, Yippee! I also did a post on my blog about your giveaway if you want to have a look.

Hugs, Kim

Ginger Patches said...

I am NOT supposed to check blogs every have led me into temptation lol!! Adorable tea towels :)

Kathi Thompson said...

Of course you didn't let us down today. These are very cute.

Julie said...

Please enter me for the towels--they are darling. Julie

shelley said...

I'm coming in late to "Freda's Hive" today! You are very gracious and generous! Love your towels!

Patricia said...

Ok, so I go to work today, and the SECOND I get home, I go to Freda's Hive and I'm NUMBER 108. Go figure. You have to be one of the most popular girls on the planet. I wish I had a little of your creative genius. I love the towels. I think I will go on over to Williams Sonoma and get a few. Love, Tricia

MichelleB said...

I love the headless horse towels! LOL And you can never have enough kitchen towels (especially good flour sack dish towels), which I'm still trying to convince my husband of!

Shari said...

Here I am for Day 3! Flour sack tea towels... hmmmm... much as I avoid the kitchen the towels would look good...

Lurline said...

111 Comments to scroll through today, Nanette - next thing I will have to set the alarm in the middle of the night, ha, ha! Love the teatowels - inspiring - must have a think about them in the New Year!
Hugs - Lurline!

Sue Cahill said...

Lovely towels, they remind me of my Gramma.
You are so talented and so kind to share your talent with us.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

Poerava said...

Day 3 and i didn't forget to come look (i almost did yesterday).
great towels

Trisha said...

Cute, cute, cute! Rick rack is back! I was a little surprised when rick rack became cool again. At first I wasn't sure because it reminded me of clothes I wore when I was little. But along with everyone else I am converted!

Natalija said...

They are so cute :) Well done!

Gari in AL said...

I love other people's memories, especially when they are of something I have never heard of.

DaiseyB said...

Oh man, I got here two days late. I will definately be here for the next five. Love your towels, hope I win.

Live Well With Judi said...

I love those dish towels. I love seeing what you're doing and keeping busy with. I don't get to quilt very often as I'm caring for my aging mother in law, so I get my daily 'fix' by seeing what you're doing. Thanks for the inspiration and a daily dose of dreaming!

Carrie P. said...

That is so interesting about Boscov's store. The towels are beautiful.

Kim said...

Great memories, we used to go to the dime store when we were kids, as I grew older my and my grandmothers favorite was the 88 cent store. Could get everything there. Can't find those good stores anymore. Beautiful towels. Did you pre-wash them before you sewed them together. I still have you on my blogspot. Have a great day and YES I did Freda's Hive today.

Mary Grace McNamara said...

Love your Boscov story! And the dressed up flour sacks are darling! What a great idea!

See you tomorrow!


strawberrycream39 said...

Hello Nanette! My Dad's from PA, so I know all about Boscov's. My grandparents used to take us kids there. There used to be one here in Syracuse too.

Cute towels! As always, you used gorgeous fabrics! --Jen in NY

Carla said...

Finally I'm commenting on time for the prize! Love your towels...even of I don't win them, I can make some to give for presents. Thanks for your generosity!

Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Hi Nanette,
The Boscov story was great. Brought back memories of Mom buying the detergent so we could have matching towels.
Flour sack towels are the best. I love making towels.
Great giveaway.

Desiree said...

Great towels! What a nice idea. Thank you for sharing your memories with us!

Kerry said...

Hi Nanette,
How are you today? Just popping by for my freda's hive visit, may I have my calendar marked please. Thanks for sharing your memories, it was a lovely story. All these comments must be keeping you so busy!

shauna said...

Love your Bosco Story and your towels. The ric rac is a great touch.

lej619 said...

i just found your blog and i relly like it.congrats o the big ONE year mark. hope you hve many more to come!

Jackie's Stitches said...

The towels are fantastic! I need to add them to my project list! And thank you for the link to purchase the towels!

I'd love to be entered into your contest!

Kathleen W. said...

I just had to comment because I KNOW that jingle! I live near the original Boscovs, and I swear they still use that jingle on the radio. And I too remember those days of getting your calender stamped.

Di~ said...

Nice dish towels, one more thing to embrioder on! I've never heard of Boscov until today! I thought maybe it was a Jewish thing???

Torina said...

Dish towels are VERY cute. Eclectic like me :) I had never heard of Boscov either but we don't have a lot of variety up here in MN.

Material Girls said...

Ireceived some fabric to day that just says "nanette" its called Kitchenette, and its so you! Hop you had a great day! I posted about your giveaway!!!

Material Girls said...

sorry about all the typos in my message above, but my family is making me sit in the dark so they can watch the new Dark Knight Batman movie sheesh the nerve!

Cheri C. said...

One day I hope to be creative like you!!

Sydney said...

Yay!!! I made it before midnight and I am Sydney. I love your blog.

Beth at Aunties said...

Where did all these comments come from...LOL You are a popular lot!
I haven't heard of Boscov's but absolutely I am my mother's daughter and love the flour sack towels!
Your 1/2 project turned out awesome!
Natalie just finished a wonderful quilt top for her brother and hopefully we can get it quilted before he returns from his honeymoon:)
Happy Holidays!

Betsy said...

I love the story Nanette. I can actually visualize your mom going to the store and everything. I purchased some flour sack towels at Target 5 for $5.99 i believe. They are not as heavy as the ones I applique but I am going to try to make them your way.

Karen said...

These are really cute. I have a bit of Swede in me so I love the Scandinavian fabric.
Looking forward to Day 4 too.

Kritta22 said...

My grandma used to have stacks and stacks of these towels. We had to dry all the dishes with one towel. It was amazing that they actually did it!! I'm so excited about this giveaway! You are so fun!

Messy Karen said...

our downtown used to have a huge department store called G. Fox. which also opened in the first mall built. then it changed names to Filene's. but now it is a Macy's. but we still say that we're going to G. Fox. we know what we're talking about. but the new shoppers are very confused.

Mam said...

Thanks for the project. I'll make these rather than buying Christmas dish towels

Kigwit said...

I love the towels, especially the one with the dala horses. The Williams Sonoma towels are pricey but they really do hold up well. The WalMart ones are really thin-such a pain to embroider!

*karendianne. said...

Oh my! I just wanted to say I was here and I can't keep up (how about you, ha?) so I'm sending some love and telling you everything on your Blog looks festive and wonderful.

Uplifting Love, *karendianne.

Tina said...

I was just thinking how I need some new dishtowels, and yours are so cute. If I don't end up winning them I'm sure to make some for myself. Have a great day!

Carla said...

The fabric you used on the towel is darling!

Debbie said...

Hey this is fun count me in.

Bec said...

what beautiful towels, I don't think I have ever seen flour sack towels here in Australia but have often read references to them on US blogs/books. Count me in for the draw, Bec xxx

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

I've been wanting to embroider some flour sack teetowels but alas, no luck finding them...
These would be an awesome substitute.

Rebecca said...

I love the added rick rack!

Julsie1231 said...

Still looking for some nice feedsack towels? I found some on in the basic fabrics section. These are excellent quality, better than I have found elsewhere. The rest of the online store is amazing, you will oohh and ahhh at so many dolls and doll making things. Have fun today! Julie

lauren-ann said...

Nowadays, there is a huge number of students who are interested in studying economics from a reputed university. As a part of their study, they are also required to write different assignments like Essays, Dissertation, Case Studies, etc.
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My Assignment Help OZ is well-known for its econometrics assignment help among the students of top colleges and universities. The students pursuing undergraduate, graduate, masters or PhD courses can avail of our economics assignment writing services. Our experts have covered the following topics -
• Effect of Commercial Banks in Agriculture Development
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