December 7, 2007 was our first post to Freda's Hive (I can't believe it has one been 1 year). If you want to know why my daughters and I (Nanette) named our blog "Freda's Hive" - go here to our first post. Lots of you think my name is Freda. But Freda is my mother and our blog is dedicated to her memory.
Those of you that are regular readers or friends know that I do tend to "over do" things. So I have decided since it is December 7 that I will have a big extravaganza anniversary party all week long and offer 7 different prizes - why not.
Here are the details- if you leave a comment today and leave a comment everyday for the following 6 days (total 7) - I will put your name into the drawing 10 times. If you leave one comment on one post this week - then you get your name added once for the drawing. Or if you visit and comment twice - then you get your name in twice, and so on. If you post about my blog anniversary week party/giveaway on your blog then I will enter your name one extra time (but please email me so I know you've mentioned the giveaway on your blog). Get it? And 7 of you will be winners because like I said I have 7 prizes.
(Warning - you can't comment the day after a post and have it count! I will be checking the times/dates)
The first name I pick will get their choice of the 7 prizes and on down. So the 7th name I draw will get the last available prize. I hope this isn't too confusing/complicated. Well, that's the way I do things I guess.
Everyday this week I will post one of the 7 prizes. I think it will be fun. It is a busy time of year to be checking blogs everyday - sure. But if you win, you might possibly get a prize that you can regift! HA!
Today's prize is a quilt kit to make the baby quilt that I designed and made for Fons and Porter's Baby Quilts 2008 magazine . The magazine is just out this month - I finally got my copy! My quilt is on page 80 and of course I think it is the cutest quilt in the magazine. I submitted 5 baby quilts to their 2007 contest and they sent all of them back to me except 1 (no I didn't win the contest). And this baby quilt was kept to put in the special issue of Fons and Porter magazine. There is a long story behind it but I won't bore you with it. But it has been a long ride. I love how it is photographed in the magazine and there are some things I did differently than how they describe making it but it isn't a big deal and I'm sure their instructions are better than mine.

Good Luck! I hope we all have a happy week and I hope you'll join me here each day to see the day's prize on display.
Congratulations on your blog anniversary. I always enjoy reading and seeing what you and your girls are up to!
Happy Blogiversary to you!! (I sang that really loud just now!)
Your blog is one of my favorites because I know that we would be friends in real life.
(shameless is having a giveaway too)
Love your blog and love your style. I'd love to win! Congratulations.
Congratulations on your first anniversary! I'm definitely going to mention you on my blog - you have a great blog and share so many interesting things! I'm just love your cottage block tutorial and although I didn't participate in the swap I decided to make my own. Thanks!
Merry Christmas!!
You girls have such a great blog to be only one year old! I was at B&N today looking at the fons and porter magazine and wondering which issue you said to look out for - as I forgot to click on the button earlier in the week and see the cover shot. Congrats on that! I'll get it next week to support you.
-- Michele
Happy Blog-a-versary!!
Happy Blog-a-versary!!
Happy Blog-a-versary!!
Oh shoot, it just doesn't type as good as it sounds!! LOl
Love the quilt pattern. So cute and I have a niece due in June, so this would be great....
Congrats on your first year. Here's to an equally successful 2009!
Well Happy Anniversary to you and the girls. I admit I used to think that Freda was your name - I was so confused at first when we started reading each others blogs :) See I admit for all to see. I'm glad you got your copy of the magazine, I was at Joann's again today with DD getting backing and batting for the bk/w/r quilt for her bf and they only had a few left. I had them put one aside "just in case"
Love the background quilt today also :)
Oh yeah I'll post on my blog about your giveaway :)
Happy Anniversary! I just came across your blog this year and I love to follow along! Great Projects and Great Patterns. I plan to order your "All Dressed Up" pattern after the holidays, unless I win it first!LOL (I do not have a blog though.)
Congratulations! I like your blog and what you make, and would love to win your kit (or anything else).
Yay. One year. I'm a new blogger and blog reader but I've been enjoying your blog for a couple months and have really enjoyed it. It's on my favorites list.
Add me to your list of posters for today. I'll take it as a challenge to post each day. :)
And, I'll post about your blog on mine too (tonight maybe, but tomorrow for sure if I can't get to it).
what a sweet baby quilt. and as expected. an interesting combination of great fabrics. happy anniversary.
Congratulations on your first anniversary! and what a way to celebrate, I will put it on my blog right now, and I got my copy today, I am so proud to call you friend. Love the Kitten fabric, is that the one you cannot find?
Hey, Congrats on your blog anniversary. Pls pop me in the draw.
Congratulations on your anniversary!! This will be such a fun week to read your blog -- although it's always fun anyway!
Okay - now I have to go get a copy of that magazine!!
Congratulations on the blog anniversary. It seems hard to believe it has only been a year. I truly look forward to each of your posts. Freda's Hive is one of my favorite reads.
Congrats on one year!!! I just picked up the magazine with your quilt in it yesterday...and yes, it is the cutest one! I love it! I don't have any babies to sew for right now...but someday! And, of course, you know I'll be commenting every day!!!
Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary. I'd be thrilled to win this kit or anything! I'll be mentioning your give away on my blog too.
Happy Anniversary! I love sitting down with a cup of coffee and catching up with your posts. :-)
Happy anniversary! I love the Japanese prints on the baby quilt.
Happy Blogiversary and many more. I love the Janpanese prints. I wish when I lived in Japan many years ago I had been a quilter .... also all I did was play yahtzee. LOL
Love reading your blog too. I adore the little cottages. I hope to make some next year.
Looking forward to participating in your 7 day giveway.
Merry Quilting
Congratulations on your first year here! I just found your blog tonight but look forward to getting to know you better and love the baby quilt.
Happy Anniversary and congratulations on such a dear baby quilt being published - I really do love it!
Hugs - Lurline!
Happy blogiversary! I love that baby quilt-it is so cute!
Kits are good. Here's to hoping that I remember to comment. ;)
I have just read your first post - what a wonderful tribute to a wonderful lady - big hugs, Nanette!
Happy anniversaray and congrats on the magazine entry! Your work is always inspiring!
Yay, it is your anniversary and you are having a party! I will definitely be attending everyday!! As you know, I already have that issue and love the baby quilt you have submitted. I am going over to my blog right now and editing it to tell the world about your giveaway week.... fantastic!
Happy one year anniversary, Nanette and your beautiful daughters! I've gotten so much joy from reading your posts, learned so much and have an awful lot of fun! I look forward to opening up Freda's hive every day! Oh - and what an honor to be in Fons & Porter - congratulations, Nanette!
Your mother looked to be a beautiful woman - and how fortunate to have had such a talented mother - she would be so proud of you and your daughters (and let's not forget about your son!)!!
Happy Anniversary! Your blog is wonderful, one of my very favorites and I always enjoy your posts and the gorgeous photos of your latest projects. I got the Fons and Porter Baby Quilts Issue and your quilt is my absolute favorite. I am already planning to make your darling quilt. Thanks so much, Carol Broughton
happy blog anniversary Nanette! How fun to have a giveaway a day!
Happy Anniversary! Your blog is wonderful, one of my very favorites and I always enjoy your posts and the gorgeous photos of your latest projects. I got the Fons and Porter Baby Quilts Issue and your quilt is my absolute favorite. I am already planning to make your darling quilt. Thanks so much, Carol Broughton
Happy Anniversary my dear friend! I feel like I've known you forever.. can't believe it's actually been LESS than a year because I didn't get here until February.
I'm glad YOU'RE keeping track of all the prizes and times.. all I'm going to do is worry about signing every day.. because sometimes I do miss it until the next day. I picked up the F&P issue today at B&N.. I was SO thrilled to see your Quilt in there.. and picked it out RIGHT away. I would know your special fabrics anywhere. So proud of you!!!
Congrats on one year of blogging! And, big time congrats on a published pattern. That is so exciting!
you know I will your blog daily because I love it! I saw this quilt in the magazine but I did not know it was you. Congratulations!
Hi Nanette! No problem about commenting everyday, I'm here anyway! :-) Congrats on the year!! --Jen in NY
yayyy nanette {and daughters!!!}
happy one year!!!
that's awesome!!!
and a SUPER congrats to being published in fons & porter!!!
*this is me giving you a hug*
and how fun...a 7 day giveaway.
you rock.
Happy anniversary Nanette and girls! What a fabulous find! I'll definitely come back every day for a chance at your wonderful prizes! I'll also add you to my sidebar for an extra chance.
And congrats on the magazine too! Certainly something to be proud of.
Happy Blog Anniversary! I heart your blog (:-)
Congratulations on your first blog anniversary! Just found your blog a couple of days ago, but I love it! Now to get myself a copy of that Fons and Porter magazine. I'll be posting your give-away on my blog. See you tomorrow.
Congratulations on reaching your one-year landmark! I love your blog and I'll be back every day this week. And thanks for the generous prize ... I would LOVE to win that quilt kit! Have a great week!
What a darling quilt! Congrats on being published too! Wonderful giveaway...great job on your 1 year!
Congrads! I love your blog I check it every day. I will post about your b-day and hopefully add a comment every day!
Happy Birthday
Congratulations on your one year blog anniversary! Of course you know I (heart) your blog...I need a trip to the post office to see if my F&P magazine came yet! See you tomorrow!
Well Happy Blogiversary!! I did think your name was Freda for a long time, then I saw some reference to it being different and went and found the post with the explanation. I think it is sweet that you honor your mom/grandma with the blog. :D
Oh someday I hope you tell the story of the Fons and Porter contest and magazine. Most of us will never have that experience so it is fun to live vicariously.
I like GIVE AWAYS!! A big SEVEN though...WOWEEE!!
CUTE quilt. I am going to be looking for that magazine. I can tell everyone that I 'know' the lady that made that quil! :D
Your blog is one of my favorites, there is always something beautiful to inspire me. Thank you
Happy Anniversary! What a way to celebrate! Keep up the good work!
Congrats on a year of blogging.
yippee nanette!! motto has ALWAYS been: ANYTHING WORTH DOING IS WORTH OVER DOING!!! this will be a fun week...i was going to email you today and see if you had fallen down somewhere from exhaustion from all those special little projects i know you are busy sewing up.....ANYWAY.....CONGRATULATIONS!!
Having just started blogging in October, I can't imagine having a one year anniversary. However, I do try to read every day so I am going to give this a try. I will be on the road Wed - Sat so that will be part of my challenge.
Happy Blog Anniversary. Beautiful quilt. I think it is cool that you named the blog for your mom. I hope to visit every day.
Congratulations, Nanette, on having your quilt published. One year blogging, good for you, I think I've been reading since you started. Oh, and I am the youngest of five daughters, too.
Congratulations on your blogaversary!
A week's worth of give-aways sounds like fun.
Congrats on the blogiversary! Thanks for your contributions to my google reader feeds! :)
That is an adorable baby quilt! I just purchased the magazine "Baby Quilts" by Fons & Porter on Friday and saw your quilt in it!
Have a Blessed Day,
Congratulations on your anniversary!
I love your blog so much. I'm so happy that you're my friend. Just look what a cottage exchange will do! Love you ton. Love, Tricia
happy one year blogiversary! it's been so wonderful getting to know you. your blog and you are such an inspiration to me. congratulations.
Congrats on one year, my how fast time flies.
I love this unique way you are doing your giveaway. It will be so much fun to visit each day to see the prizes.
Thanks for sharing so much.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
Happy Blogiversary! Just want to let you know how much I have enjoyed visiting your site over the past year, plus you always leave the nicest comments. Hope you have a good week, and you can bet I'll be back each day.
I love your blog!! Though I found you only about a month or two ago, I love everything you share with us!! Congrats on your 1 year of blogging!! I can't wait to see what the next year brings!!
athenagwis at hotmail . com
Congratulations on a year of blogging! AND the magazine spread! Pretty cool for a pretty cool lady. Thanks for you friendship. It's been fun getting to know you!
What a fun idea for your blogiversary! And congrats on getting your quilt published. I enjoy visiting your blog whenever you post to see what you are up to!
I remember reading your blog for the first time back when you were designing the birds in the treetop quilt. I adore that quilt. This one is very cute as well, would love, love ,love to win!
happy blog anniversary! you were the first person i met through blogging (i started mine on january 10)...i contacted you and asked if i could put you in my tiny list of favorites and you wrote me back and graciously returned the favor...who'd have known way back then that we'd talk almost every day since? so much has happened in the past year in both of our lives...thank goodness i've had a such a good friend in you along for the ride...=)...congratulations on fons and porter, too! i'm so proud and happy for you...and i appreciate you more than you'll ever know...
What a fabulous give away Nanette. I love, LOVE that beehive quilt behind your mother's picture. It is so cute.
Yeah! Happy Blog-a-versary.
I love your quilts
Happy Anniversary! Just found your blog and now plan to follow you to your 2009 Anniversary!!!
Happy Blogaversary! It doesn't seem like a year since you started. I remember when you did. I'm so glad you and your girls began blogging, and I'm so glad to have you as one of my blogging friends. I always look forward to your comments on my blog.
oh how exciting that you are published and have your copy in your hand! i love your quilt. it is so cute and so you. i'm hoping to win one of your fun prizes this week! happy blog anniversary!
Look at you...this post has only been up for 4 hours and already 72 comments...WOW! Congrats on your anniversary and I hope that you have many, many more. The little quilt is just as cute as it can be;)
Congratulations on One Year....This is a fun way to celebrate.
Congrats on your blogiversary!!!
My mother and grandmother were creative influences in my life and I hope I've passed that on to my girls.......thanks for sharing your creative journey with us.
WOW!!! 74 comments and when I last checked you were at 7. I got pulled away from my computer so I'm just getting around to leaving a comment. What a fun post and really cute quilt!
What a generous and fun giveaway, I'm not sure what day it is where you are so I'm not sure if I'm a day late, but I'll give it a go and check back again tomorrow.
Happy blogaversary!!
Happy Anniversary! I love the baby quilt. I love the color for a little girl as I have 2 DGDs.
Congratulations on 1 year! And it's an easy thing to comment on your blog each day because I try and do that anyway! Count me in!
Yay Nanette! Congrats on a fruitful year. I will post on my blog too. :)
Happy blogversary! I just love that sweet quilt!
Congratulations on one year!
Thanks for hosting the giveaway. The quilt is adorable!
Congrtulations on your year of blogging! I read you faithfully and adore the fun you have shared with all. I have gone to many of the other sights you list and appreciate your suggesting them. Please enter me in your give away. I am new with a google account and this is my first comment left anywhere. I have however been quilting for years and sewing since I was ten. My grandmother was a quilter and lived in SLC. I am now retired in Las Vegas and spend my days sewing and belong to a quilt group and a guild. Thanks for sharing the great photos from your quilt group. Very inspiring! Sending good wishes for many years of blogging to you and your family!
Wendy B. in Vegas
Oh Wow Girl you are going here! Fun Fun Fun, Nancy tipped me off by phone about this tonight! AND I would not! re-gift ANYTHING from you!!! are you clear on that? I want the whole story on the baby quilt in person someday, you know when I/we come down there and get together with you! What an awesome picture of your mom, her hair is like my mom's back then! :) Have a fun week! OOOO I'm hoping...
Wow 83 comments already Nanette. How exciting for you, 1 year already, congratulations. I'm so glad I hopped on board for the ride early into your blogging. It's been a real joy to see all your beautiful creations and get a glimpse into your lovely family life. If I was fortunate enough to win one of your prizes, I would never think of people really do that? Congratulations on the publishing of your quilt in the magazine.
Love your quilt in the Fons and Porter magazine and love your blog. Happy Anniversary on your blog!
Happy Anniversary - great going! And great blog - I'll be back to read the previous posts.
Nanette: I enjoyed reading your first post about your mother, and how she provided just about everything from clothing to drapery for your then home. I wonder just how many of us could do that now. I've posted your Blog Anniversay week on my Blog and hopefully many of my friends and visitors will come to vist you. Congratulations on your 1 yr anniversary. I will continue to monitor your goings on. You have so much to offer in addition to inspiration. Rae Ann
Congrats! What a great story to start a blog!
Thank you so much for the giveaway! I'm so excited!
That is so cool you are in F&P! I will definitely have to go get me a copy, not like I don't every month, but this one will be extra special! Happy blog-aversary!
Happy anniversary!....Love your blog...I have just read your first post, what a wonderful tribute to a beautiful, wonderful lady.
Hugs Julia
What a fun way to have a giveaway, Nanette. I hope that it is a great week for you and yours.
Happy blog anniversary,
Congratulations on your first year of blogging! And a very successful year it seems to have been for you. Love your blog and love you!
oh hurry I have one min. You are very popular!! Really this is Sydney but I don't have time to change from carolyn!
Happy Blog Anniversary! I so enjoy reading your blog-- you and your girls are so talented, it is very inspiring! And congratulations on your newly published project! I'll have to keep a lookout for a copy. The quilt is so cute! (I also really like how it was quilted... just lovely!) :)
It's always so much fun to see what you will post about. You show the cutest fabrics and quilts. I love the baby quilt you made for Fons and Porter. I did happen to see that in their magazine and recognized your name.
Congratulations on one year of blogging and I look forward to keeping up with you during your second year.
Happy anniversary!!
Guess this comment is out of date because I just got into your blog early in the morning but here in Spain is already the 8th :))))) But anyway, I will be sooner for tomorrow... and just wanted to say hi. You do beautiful things! I will visit your blog often. mI just got to know it through Belinda's blog (at
Love from Spain
Yea Hoooo!! It's my birthday too!! Not my blog birthday, my real person birthday! (7th)
That is soooo awsome that you are being published! You are so talented and fun, I bet it won't be your last!!
My life has be so much more fun since I found your blog, THANKS!!
I want to congratulate you to the first publishing and to your blog Anniversary!!!
One day too late... but not late to wish you good luck in the next year...:o)
congrats on your anny!
what a great giveaway idea you have there!
lets just hope bloglines updates in time everyday to get to comment! I will check in first thing every morning as I am a regular reader of you and your girls, love seeing their work as well as yours
Ooopss I forgot to congratulate you for being published the quilt is adorable!
just adorable!
Congratulations on getting your quilt published.
One year, congratulations. I began blogging three months ago and read your entry each day. Keep up the great work!
Congratulations Nanette!!! Well I didn't make this one in time but I will from now on. Yesterday was nose to the grindstone day for me.
I know that I'm a few hours late but just wanted to say congratulations anyway. I'll be sure to check back later today to enter!
Happy Anniversary. I dont usually post as I read your blog at 5am while I use my breastpump but I sure have enjoyed your blog. I love reading about all your crafty activities=and Shelby's knitting!
Happy Blogaversary. I love to read your Blog. Can't wait for the magazine.
Hey again, just finished work so thought I'd do my day 2. I guess that right??
Happy Blog-iversary! I guess I'm checking in on the day after and I just have to say ACK! I had the Fons & Porter baby quilts mag in my hot little hand yesterday and PUT IT BACK...only because I quickly flipped through and already had four magazines in my stack. I certainly have to go back and get a copy! Of course, if I were to win the kit, I wouldn't need an extra copy. ;-) Anyhoo, I so enjoy your wonderful blog!! Cheers!
Love your blog, keep it up !
Thanks for the inspiration!
Wow Nanette what an exciting week for you! Your blog anniversary and the magazine - so exciting!! I missed out on the Sunday deadline - I was a little busy - our daughter Sofia got baptized yesterday, so I was a little engrossed in that:) I am here now though and gearing up to get back in the blogging world saddle:)
Oh my word there are a ton of comments here already, but I want to say congrats on getting in the mag. How "cosciting!"
I know I am a day late reading your blog...Sunday was a busy day! However, congrats on your anniversary. I enjoy reading your blog as much as I can and it is evident from the many comments that I am not alone!!!!
I too am late, but congratulations to you! Love your work, and your tutorials too - thanks for all your inspiration and tips!
Happy blog anniversary!
Please include me in your drawing -- I'd love to win one of your lovely creations!
Thanks ~ Jeanne
Well, I missed out yesterday - dang it! :-( I do love that quilt, though. BTW, did you get my e-mail about the magazine and my neighbor?
You know you're my first stop every morning - cuz I love you and your blog!
Those trees are super cute - I saw them on Whip up, but am just not finding the time...
Congratulations and what a wonderful week of giveaways. I love the fabrics in this quilt
Happy happy blogiversary!! What a great giveaway!!
Wonder what happened to my comment? Must have thought I did one and forgot. Hate those senior moments. Congrats on the anniversary.
congrats on the magazine---your quilt is adorable!!!
and happy anniversary, and many, many more!
I love seeing your work. It's just beautiful and very inspirational. Thanks for sharing your talent.
I love the kitty fabric and cant wait to get my mag in the mail and check it out.
You know I will be back. And I want to check out your blogroll.
Happpy Anniversary.
Wow, one year for you. That is awesome. What a great giveaway you are having. It will be fun to see the different things you are going to give away.
Nanette, I am a regular reader of your blog. It's very interesting and you are very talented.
Happy Anniversary on your blog! Lovely baby quilt.
Happy birthday!!! How exciting to have something named after your mother to encourage you each day.
Congrats! So generous! And what a fab tribute this to your dear Mother!
I came by way of Jacquie at TallgrassPrairieAStudio...
Count me in on the Happy Blog Anniversary giveaway!! Happy!! Happy!!
The baby quilt is so cute! Please add me to the drawing.
Just to say congrats on both the quilt in Fons and Porter and one year anniversary. :)
congrats on your blogaversary.... please enter me
hi! found you from calicodaisy's blog. happy bloggaversary. it's nice that you are doing a give away!
Congrats on your 1 year blog anniversary and what a cute baby quilt. Please enter me in your giveaway.
Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary. I've been lurking on your lovely blog for some time time. I would love to be entered in your giveaway.
Love the fabric you used in your quilt! Simply adorable.
Happy blog a versary!! I enjoy reading you blog all the time Thanks fo the inspiration!
Just adding my good wishes on your blog-o-versary. Happy One Year Blogging!! And also want to add my congrats on the published quilt in Fons and Porter's magazine. I'm glad you made the quilt as it was the "link" that brought us together in blogland!! So, cute, makes me wish I had a little one to make one for. I think I am going to have to adopt some neighbor children and become granny to them. Tee hee.
Wow fabulous quilt and giveaway...thanks so much. Happy bloggiversary!!!
Oh I NEED this!! Happy Blogaversary to you - you know I love your blog - I've learned so much and get such a kick out of all your do...thanks a zillion times over! The Other Nanette
Forgot to tell you...I blogged about your contest on my blog at I'll see if I can get my dog to blog about it on his, too...but there are no guarantees...we're out of Snausages so he's not very cooperative! The Other Nanette
Love your blog. I can always count on reading something interesting and seeing something visually inspiring! Congrats on your anniversary.
Congratulations on your anniversary! I just found your blog today thanks to Bitty Bits & Pieces. So glad to have found you!
Congratulations on one year - great blog!
Congratulations on your blogiversary! Can't believe I've just found your blog :)
Congratulations on your one year anniversary! Glad I found your blog and really love it.
Congratulations. I'l leave a comment on my blog tomorrow to this wonderful initiative.
What a wonderful celebration!
Congratulations and this would be great with the new grandbaby on its way.
Keep Stitchen'
What a beautiful quilt! I'd love to be entered into your contest!
Happy Anniversary! And congrats on the kilt! It is superb at the magazine!
Congratulations on your 1st Blogiversary!!! The quilt you created for the magazine is very pretty! I'm so proud of you for being chosen! Now if I could just find that magazine......
Congratulations for your aniversary.
What a stunning baby quilt! Please count me in for the draw. Thanks
Bec xxx
sorry for the second post, but congratulations on your bloggins! and how lovely is that to name your blog after your mum!
Bec xxx
What a great kit - I would love to make this!
Wow Nanette! Catching up here all at once. You sure got a lot of beautiful things posted up here this week! Love it all. :-)
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