Day 4 - Bag Kit, Patterns and Friendship

Welcome back to the Hive. Some of you have asked questions or made comments I would normally like to reply to - but several of you do not have email addresses attached to your profile/name listed with your comments. So next time you comment, if you haven't left me your email address, please do. If you win, that way I can get a hold of you. I'm still working my way through comments in no particular order. I can almost hear your voices as you remark and your many personalities come through to me. Thank you.

Okay on to the "business" part of the post and then some fun show-n-tell.
Today's prize up for grabs includes 4 Freda's Hive patterns and a kit to make a bag. The patterns are original designs. Three are for quilts. I figure if you don't make quilts or make bags, these might be a good gift for someone on your list, if you win this prize.
Here is the pattern to make the bag included with the kit.
In honor of the black and white challenge sponsored by Jackie, I had my black and white fabrics pulled so I made a black and white bag kit with a little bit of color thrown in. It is a fun mix of fabrics with some vintage, Japanese novelty and some just plain fun prints from my stash.
The bag will look like this when it is done - except of course it will be black and white. The covered button and rick rack are included. You will have to furnish lining fabric and interfacing. This bag has been my most successful pattern and I have made dozens of them myself.

Now for the show-n-tell:
The fabulous Eileen at Eileen's Attic sent me a package last week. Part of it I left wrapped and put under my Christmas tree. I have a feeling it is vintage fabric but I don't want to spoil my own surprise! There was this sweet little basket/pouch/bag included made with the most wonderful vintage fabric and vintage button. I'm a vintage girl at heart and Eileen knows what I like!
And inside were these darling ornaments. Two turtle doves, three cute owls, and I hung them immediately on my tree! (you could almost sing to that) Eileen's work is impeccable. She is meticulous and everything is done so well. The fabric she used is vintage and absolutely wonderful. Look at the little tiny cups and saucers on the breast of the turtle doves. I love the textured fabric she used on the V of the owls and the tiny tiny yo yos for the whites of the eyes. Go ahead, click the picture. It is worth it. Can you see the little tiny bells she used for feet??? So clever. You can see in my blog header they are on my tree. But these ornaments will not go into the closet when Christmas comes down. They will go in my sewing room along with Terri's angel. I'll find a cute spot to display them. Thank you Eileen. You are a dear friend.
Stephanie of Loft Creations is also a dear friend. She knows me well judging from the package of fun that arrived yesterday. It was packaged so sweetly I hated (almost) to open it up.
Inside the tissue paper was the softest, cute pillow case. Stephanie is famous for her pillow cases, among other creations. I am a kitchen fabric/teapot/dishes lover. And the pillow case suits me perfectly. The first thing I did was have my daughter run up to my room to grab my pillow to put inside. So so soft.
And then the rest of the goodies - yummy candy from Ohio (might cause trouble in my house because of it saying Ohio State Buckeyes so I'll have to eat it myself!), Mary Englebreit soap, and hot chocolate mix. Truly a custom picked package for me.
I don't know how Stephanie knew that I love Verbena/lemon. It is my absolute favorite scent. I look for lemon scented everything. And the top has this cute gingerbread teapot. Don't you just love ME items. I will save the box most definitely. The last item made me smile and appreciate Stephanie all the more. It is a little thing, but it means a lot to me. A while ago I mentioned to Stephanie my love of teapots but I told her I don't drink tea. I also told her I love hot chocolate. And of course she remembered. Now that is a friend. Thank you Stephanie.

Both of these great girls are very special women. The best part of blogging is getting to know people all over the world that share my interests. I would never get to make these friendships without Freda's Hive.

Thanks to everyone for playing along with my little blog anniversary this week. See ya tomorrow!

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MichelleB said...

What cute gifts you received. I just love owl ornaments. They are so cute.

Eileen said...

I'm going to try and get here a little faster today!
Yes.. Stephine has an incredible knack for picking gifts.. doesn't she? It is like she knows all our little passions!
That black and white kit for the bag is a good idea. :-)
And I'm glad you liked your little bag. The fabrics just screamed your name.

Sherri said...

It is so fun to read about all the goodness that comes from blogging! It just makes my day! And everytime I see one of Stephanie's pillowcases...I think, "Now THAT one is the cutest...but there are always more that are cute!" Have a terrific day!

Purple and Paisley said...

eileen and stephanie are true are you...=)

Funky Kim said...

Those are some fun gifts you're showing off!

Nancy said...

The bag is really cute. The kit colors are perfect. I love black and white with a color thrown in.

Penni Domikis said...

Those owls are to die for. I love the bag pattern. What a great idea to use black and white. Should we comment every day? Your friends are the best.

Unknown said...

You are so right, blogging is wonderful when you meet people like Eileen and Stephanie. They are truly sweethearts. Second I have to say When I first looked at the picture of the bag kit, without the caption, it was screaming to me Black and White Challenge!! Then low and behold you mentioned it, yay and thank you! You are a peach!! Your week long party has been fun and I am looking forward to tomorrow.

Di~ said...

I love it all! Your patterns are so neat! You should be really proud. Your bag is one of the best I've seen. Enjoy your goodies from friends!

Three Birds Inspired said...

What nice surprises! Those little owl ornaments are just darling.

OK - here I am so stamp me for Freda's Hive-ing again!!

Browndirtcottage said...

HO HO HO nanette.......this was a good eye candy post.....wonderful goodies from steph and for todays giveaway said something about it being a good gift to make for someone on our list..HECK NO!!....i'm the only one on this 'fredas hive' giveaway extravaganza list!!!

Nancy said...

This is my favorite so far! I love the black and white fabrics and all your patterns are so fun. If I win this will be my first choice!

Where in the world is Jefferson City, Missouri said...

Put me on the list....the fabric is lucky to have such good friends. so many talented people.....

Terri S said...

Although I've only been blogging for a couple of months, I've found bloggers to be the nicest people!! And what a great way to make new friends.

I love your patterns, especially the bag!! Love the blacks and whites.

tara said...

I make quilts. I do, I do! And I could make a bag too. Thank-you for the giveaways!

~Michelle~ said...

Those owls are there a pattern for them (hehe)?

CJ said...

What fun mail you get! I'll bet you are cheery even when you find a few bills thrown in with the goodies. What great gifts you received. Those little owls!!
Lovin' today's prize! I love the bag kit (mmmmm, black and white!) and quilt patterns! OH.MY.!!!!
Happy Day 3!

Robin said...

This has been a fun week to check your blog everyday and see what your giveaway would be. Congrats on your one year anniversary. Thanks for sharing your enthusiasm for quiting/sewing and life in general.

epban said...

What wonderful gifts from blog friends...I need to look into how to start a blog as it looks like fun! Love your bag pattern and those owls are adorable...Happy Day 4!

Mary Beth said...

Your mixed bag pattern is a stunner esp w/ the fabric you seem to have such an eye for. I can see that bag in my future!!!!!

Nancy Near Philadelphia said...

You are so generous, Nanette! I'd love to win today's prize patterns.

Patricia said...

You're having way too much fun with this anniversary. Good thing all of us get to play along with you. I love the bag, and your patterns are delightful!! Love you tons.

jlk said...

Okay, I totally hope I win todays!!

Anita said...

Cute patterns! I really enjoy your blog, it keeps me inspired.
thank you and happy holidays!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Okay, you have the most wonderful bag pattern of everything I have seen. And believe me, I have looked at a lot of bag patterns!! Enjoying your descriptions of all the cool items you are receiving.

Unknown said...

what wonderful parcels you got! The bird's feet are too cute, what a genius idea. And the pillowcase is delightful!

Oh, to win your bag kit, I'm hoping!!!!

Poerava said...

Great packages you got.
So far this is my fave prize, my mom has been asking for a bag (black and white is so her) and I have been wanting to buy your leafy treetops quilt pattern ever since I started reading your blog.

jenny said...

the vintage christmas fabric on that pouch is great!

Natalija said...

Really generous!
Good luck to me :)

Lynn said...

Terrific packages - love those little owls. I really like that bag!

John said...

Great little ornaments for your tree. I'm enjoying your giveaway week!

Kim said...

oh I love Eileen's ornaments - you lucky luck girl :)
OM Goodness, I looked up and saw your sidebar and saw the name "My mother in law is a troll" roflmao!! Enjoy your day...

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a lot of "eye candy" so early (for me) in the morning. I should probably get some coffee before reading your blog. Love it all. The owls are just too cute. Made me think of my grandmother-she used to collect owls. Left a few partially unfinished needlework owls I've got around here somewhere....

Anonymous said...

It just gets better and better! Count me in.

Carla said...

It's all so beautiful!! The owl is great. Love the teapot. 2 things I collect, teapot and gingerbread men. The bag!!! I want it. It's fabulous!

Susan said...

I can only imagine what "voice" you would give me. LOL! You have some pretty cool bloggy friends, Nanette; that's how I feel about Freda's Hive.

Mary L. said...

Such good friends! What cool gifts!

Tina said...

Ooops, I think I commented on yesterdays post today...where did yesterday go? I friend whisked me away to go shopping and we both had a well deserved day away. So, sorry about that. But, I'm here today and I love your purse pattern. What fun! Have a great day!

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

What wonderful friends you have - what scrumptious packages. This is super fun. Thanks

Karen said...

LOVE the patterns for today's giveaway. I missed out on the other days, but I'm keeping watch now. This is such a cute idea and so very sweet of you. Great little giftie in the mail for you - don't ya just love mail, LOL.

Hugs - karen

Little Lady Patchwork said...

I love your blog and everything that you make, so I would love to win your patterns!

Blog friends are the greatest! They are always there when you need them and they never forget! You are so lucky.

Thanks again!

Ruth said...

I love the patterns & kit! Please add me to the drawing! Those owls are so cute!

Annette said...

That is an awesome giveaway...patterns. Your patterns are lovely! And the bag is so fun. I just finished one in black and white and its a new favorite theme for me now.

Dawn said...

Oh Oh Oh, I really WANT the bag kit...(my hand is raising wildly above my head)...I know I shouldn't say that out loud and I should first say how cute your gifts are...but I can't help it!

Anonymous said...

I love those cute little owls and so beautifully stitched. How sweet it would be to be the lucky owner of a few of your patterns...... Stephanie sure is a sweetie.

Elizabeth said...

You always have suck cute stuff! I love your blog!

Joanna said...

OK Nanette, you better pull my name out of your magical hat - I want to win this one! I love your patterns. And I love black and white - this bag would be so cute on my arm at church!!

Quilt Monkey said...

I am in love with those owl ornaments! It seems that owls are going to be the next big thing -- I'm seeing them everywhere. Reminds me of my grandmother, they were a favorite of hers.

Rachel said...

Day 4!! So far I have caught them all. :) Love the owls, i wonder if there is a tutorial on the web for those...

athenagwis at hotmail . com

Trisha said...

Wow, this one is a good one! I bet those fabrics will make a cute bag!! And what fun things you received!

Betsy said...

Nanette, lovely prezzies. enjoy them. They are well deserved.
I would love to make my daughter that bag. I joined the black and white challenge because my daughter wants a black and white quilt for college. What better than a black and white handbag for her to carry around.

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

I so agree with you, they are two very special ladies, you are so lucky to call them friends. Have a wonderful day! Hugs

Nedra said...

What lovely gifts you receive! And today I'm going to be making some of the teatowels you demo'd yesterday. I had to run right out and find some white flour sack towels, and even ordered more from "The Towel Place". I think those could be addicting!

Ruthie said...

I would be happy to be the winner of any of the 3 patterns or the bag kit. The sweet little basket/pouch/bag is just adorable.

Claudia said...

Great gift! I still hoping that I can be part of this wonderful giveaway, since I live so far away...

Unknown said...

You are so blessed! Would love to make that b/w bag :)

Thimbleanna said...

Oh, you poor, poor dear, you've finally lost your mind. Are you nuts??? All those comments to weed through at this, the busies time of the year LOL ????

Luckily for you, I've been swamped, so that meant three less comments for you to weed through! ;-)

Amanda Jean said...

what a fabulous and generous prize package!!! I'd love to have my name thrown into that hat. I have to agree with Thimbleanna, how you are managing to do all these giveaways at this time of the year is beyond me. I'm barely keeping my head above water!

Sara said...

I already love your bag pattern and the black and white is gorgeous. I would soooooo love to win.
Your blog is great and always beautiful.

Cathi said...

What fabulous goodies you got in the mail!! The little owls are wonderful as is the teapot -- as is everything!
Your patterns -- oh, how I'd love to win those and the kit to make the bag!! :-)

Des said...

I can't believe you have readers that don't have their email addresses attached! :) That NEVER happens with my readers.

I love your patterns. What a great treat!

audreypawdrey said...

Those patterns are awesome! What a great package! You also received a lovely package. I love your ME item.:)

jodie said...

The patterns are amazing!! I love that bag too.

Dianah said...

I love the bag pattern. I looked at it last night on etsy.

I hope I win it!

Kristin said...

Black and white fabric and a bag pattern. Ohhh, this is just awesome. The prize a day offering is so much fun. Thank you!

calicodaisy said...

I'm back again! Nice prize package. I really liked seeing the purse up close; I don't think I've noticed it before outside of the pattern. I have a snuggly pillowcase, too, from Stephanie. That was a real surprise. Looking forward to tomorrow's post.
-- MIchele

Dolce Deb's Designs said...

Hi Nanette I found your blog from Nan at Pots and Pins. I think I must subscribe to your blog it looks wonderful.

Thank you for the chance to win. Hope you have a wonderful day and TFS.

Debbie/Phx AZ

Heather said...

I never learned how to sew or do much of anything crafty, but the past couple of months I have had a hankering to learn. I recently purchased my first sewing machine, so I was googling information about sewing, quilting, crafting, etc, and I came across your beautiful art. You have now been added to my google reader, and hopefully, with time, I will be able to attempt some of your patterns!

em's scrapbag said...

Freda's Hiving for today. My you have got some nice gifts recently. And the gifts you are offering are most wonderful.

Michaela said...

Hi Nanette,
I am in again, I love your patterns!
Those are some cute gifts you got there. I love those tiny owls...

Simone de Klerk said...

Wow, Nanette, I love the bag! I joined the Black and White quilt Challenge. Seems like so much fun and a way to get my quilt made.
So nice, what you showed us. I love the little owles. Saw them in a Christmas tree somewhere on a blog. And ... I LOVE the ME tea pot. Gorgeous! Unfortunately they don't sell ME in the Netherlands. Enjoy all your beautiful things (O:

rachel griffith said...

warning: you might wanna grab a snack before reading this!!!
{there's SO much to comment on today!!!}

1st thing's 1st:
this morning i decided i would go ahead and finish my baby sister's quilt. {she's due with her 1st baby on monday.} well after i had it basted i could NOT start quilting it until i came to the 'hive'...your blog was calling me. haha.
and now look. i'm late!!!
68 comments back!!!

i've been thinking about your leafy treetops quilt the past few days. the hubby told me that he loves to see cardinals perch on our back fence when it's snow covered. so i've been thinking about making your quilt in reds instead of blues. do you think that'll look good??? i mean you are the expert of this quilt. AND i *might* win the pattern!!!
*dancing an irish jig here*

yayyy the all dressed up pattern!!!
AND a b&w bag kit!!!
did santa tell you that i wanted all this???
i'm thinking he did.
*sneaky santa*

eileen is too cute!!!
i love her.
and the birds are amazing.
LOVE the tiny yo yo eyes & bell feet!!!

lucky you to get one of stephanie's pillow cases.
she's such a sweetheart.
and yayyy to buckeyes!!!

and lastly:
i'm having way too much fun enjoying this celebration.
but SO in a good way.

now i seriously will be able to quilt my new nephew's baby quilt.
i DID "freda's hive" today!!!


Tonje said...

What lovely gifts you've got! Lucky you. I LOVE that stripy bag of yours... absolutely gorgeous.

Have a nice evening!

Dionne said...

What a nice assortment of giveaways you have today. I LOVE the gifts you have received. Eileen is fabulous isn't she! Those owls are adorable, and the turtle doves too!

Sarah C said...

Your bag pattern looks so great, and I love the idea of of doing it in black and white!

Busy Little Quilter said...

Natalie the gifts you have received are so sweet.

I love the patterns and the fabrics. This is a fun week! Thanks so much!


Busy Little Quilter said...

Why did I call you Natalie? I must have been thinking about my next door neighbor. I'm sorry.

This has been a super fun week Nanette!

Candace said...

Nanette - you and Eileen have given me a fantastic idea - a year-round tree in the quilt studio with homemade, quilty decorations!
Stephanie and Eileen have sent you such wonderful gifts! And your give-away gifts are so generous!

Cathy said...

What a great give away...I love black and white and I can see why your bag pattern has been your most popular...gorgeous!! Cathy

Melissa said...

I LOVE THEM!! Nanette- you are great! I love this prize!!

grendelskin said...

The bag is going to look terrific in black and white! Also -Vermont Country Store still sells floursack towels at very reasonable prices (4 for $15 for the large ones I think)

Abby and Stephanie said...

Aren't Eileen's out the cutest? They just make me smile. I won't be packing mine away either. Oooo the black and white fabrics for your bag are gorgeous!!!

Anonymous said...

Love that purse! I would love to make it, and black and white are definintly my colors! What a cute teapot, I too, collect teapots and the Bellagio chocolate in the background is good chocolate!

strawberrycream39 said...

Hello Nanette! That's funny, I also like teapots but tea? Not so much. And teapot fabric?! Well, LOVE that!! Also, I love today's prize!! oooh, yeah!

What wonderful generous friends you have. You get what you give!

-Jen in NY (

Sara said...

Oh, I really like today's giveaway! I LOVE Black and White - and that bag would be so awesome for me...

Like your blog...

Sara (nhsara at yahoo dot com)

Karen said...

Ooh, Lots of wonderful goodies. How fun is that. I love the little owls.
And that bag looks like a fun pattern to make.

Juli said...

I love bags so I have comment today. I love the gifts that you received especially the owls, they are too cute.


Carrie P. said...

Great giveaway for today. Those little birds that Eileen made are so cute. Where do you get your Japanese novelty fabric?

Cassie B said...

Those owls and birds are so cute! Blog friends are wonderful. How nice to have others to share your passions with. I just started making cottage blocks. I Love Them! My first cottage quilt will be a christmas present for a good friend of mine who also loves to sew. Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us!

Doris said...

Great bag kit! and those owls? Too cute!

annemarie said...

What a lovely post - love your patterns. Hope I am lucky.

Lisa Boyer said...

I love your patterns! I'm in! Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Your give a way today is just so exciting. Everyone enjoys patterns, the bag kit is especially lovely. I love your owls also. You are so creative.
I have my fingers crossed I'll win something.

Wendy said...

Love the fabrics you put together for the bag. Fun everyday on your blog. Thanks.

Megan said...

ooo, love the bags! count me in!

Ginger Patches said...

Oh another great prize!! As long as I win one I will be happy :) And what great gifts!! I saw those ornaments over at Eileen's and they are adorable and that teapot fabric is wonderful!

Oh and I posted about your give-away on my blog so what is that 200 more entries right? LOL!!!

martameiga said...

Wow! Such beautiful presents!! I specially love the owls... they are so cute with the big eyes! and the pillowcase with the teapots is definitely really the sweetest... :)
And... of course! I love your patterns!!! Specially the quilt with the birds in the tree, I put an eye on it the first day I entered your blog... pity I have so much to do before that I just cannot enrol in any more things... unless I win it!! yeah!
Love from today not so sunny Spain,


Gracie said...

Wow! Such wonderful goodies for you and eye candy for us. Love the bag and the fabrics you chose.

Jeanne said...

It gets better each day! Love the pillowcase and bag. Looking forward to tomorrow.

hetty said...

Lovely gifts! How nice to have blog friends!!! Your give-away is getting better and better each day! I am a little bit late today, but I am already looking forward to tomorrow!

Shari said...

Wow! Four of your patterns! I would love to win those! Here I am back for Day Four!!

I love those little owls Eileen makes... her blog photos are almost like a tutorial, hmmmm...

Stephanie is sending me a pillowcase as well... but snail mail to the bottom of the world takes a long, long time... maybe today?


Julia said...

What cute gifts you received. I just love owl ornaments. They are so cute.
Here I am back for Day Four!!
I love the bag pattern.

Dayna said...

Nice little owl ornaments. Love your black and white choies for the bag.

Debbie said...

I am addicted to bags, and the one you have made is simply beautiful, it is the perfect size and the way you have put it together is very appealing. Thanks for being so generous.

Joyce said...

You make me tired! Actually you totally inspire me! Love all you stuff. Keep it up!

Lurline said...

105 comments to scroll through today - my goodness,here I am counting the comments and the all the hard work you are doing, Nanette!
Your give-aways are just gorgeous and so generous of you!
Hugs - Lurline!

Carla said...

What geat prozes you're offering today! I love your patterns!

Leah Spencer said...

Hmm, the bag would be good for Christmas next year.

Wait... I should finish this year's Christmas stuff first, huh? :P

libertythreads said...

Very nice bag pattern. Please enter me in your drawing.
Merry Christmas!!!

Robin said...

Oh my goodness! Such wonderful gifts! :) Those owls are particularly cute. And what a prize pack for today, too!

Kim Walus said...

It's me again. I'm happy to see things are going well with your giveaway. Hugs!

Tracey said...

I have to get my 2 cents in today. Very cute gifts, I love the Gingerbread gift set.

DaiseyB said...

I purchased the kit and bag pattern and it was extremely easy to sew. The finished product turned out really pretty and I gave it to a friend for her birthday. I don't have any of the other patterns though so I am putting my name in the hat again for this prize.

antique quilter said...

oh my, I LOVE todays giveaway!
2 of your patterns I have been wanting to make and the bag well that is just beautiful!
what a lucky winner of todays giveaway :)
oh that was so sweet of Eileen to send you a present, cute little basket/pouch/bag!
and the little ornaments!
great idea keeping them out all year long
Oh then another present today too
Lucky you!!!!
choc and tea what else could you ask for????

Pat said...

It is very obvious what a special gal you I'm not surprised your quilty friends would gift you with such nice things!! a prize package you have posted today. I am with comment #3 (missed day #1). I'm remembering to "Freda Hive" every day now!!! :) (Come to my blog sometime, okay? It's not nearly as great as yours, but I like to have visitors there...especially since I've only been blogging a couple of weeks.

Annelies said...

Waving HELLO and a big anniversary hug. I am a new blogger, but LOVE it!!! XXX Annelies

amy smart said...

I just rose up off my sick-bed to check out day four at Freda's Hive. Does the fact that I'm sick win me any extra sympathy votes? Figured it couldn't hurt to ask. :)

Would LOVE those patterns and black and white bag! :

Lovie said...

I'm a quilter so I would very much like to win this one. But yesterdays towels are adoreable. . .Lovie

Kerry said...

May I have my calendar marked? Hi Nanette,
And you design patterns too! I just love the bag. I am thoroughly enjoying popping in each day, hope you have a good one.

shelley said...

Some very special blog friends, indeed!! I saw your baby quilt today on the newsstand. I mean the magazine with your baby quilt in it! Congrats.

Anonymous said...

Your friends have been good to you, just as you deserve. That teapot fabric is awesome. I don't think I've wished you happy anniversary yet - but happy anniversary! Barbara

Sandi Linn Andersen said...

I read your post earlier and was going to post then got distracted so don't think I did. I'm in love with your pillowcase. What sweet fabric!! You are one lucky blogging elf!!

Sandi Linn Andersen said...

I read your post earlier and was going to post then got distracted so don't think I did. I'm in love with your pillowcase. What sweet fabric!! You are one lucky blogging elf!!

Kathi Thompson said...

Very fun and diverse. Looks like you're having a great anniversary week.

Anya said...

Great-looking gifts!

Torina said...

I love the bag! I started making bags last month and am hooked.

Torina said...

I love the bag! I started making bags last month and am hooked.

sallgood said...

I think you are so generous! I love the black and white kit. I've made a couple B/W quilts that I like- the large one was a round robin in our group, and I made a baby quilt from my scraps.

Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Hi Nanette, by the time I get over here at night, my goodness I'm down the list. Please put my name in, love the black and white colors you've picked.
Friendship is a blessing,

Mel said...

Darling owls!! Is there a pattern/tutorial??
You are so great Nanette, I hope you are allowing yourself to soak in all this bloggy love!!

Anonymous said...


What a great idea! Ok. If I could have my wish of wishes, I would love the "Dress" Quilt Pattern and that Purse Pattern. That's if Santa is listening! He-he-he!

Good talking to you and seeing your blog.

Mary Grace McNamara said...

I am a bag lover, so today's prize really tickles my fancy!

Lots of nice gifties for you nice!


Brooke said...

Hello Nanette

Oh what fun goodies! I'm just learining to this would be wonderful!

I love all your goodies you got in the mail! Oh how fun it is getting goodies in the mail!

Have a lovely night hun!


Carolyn J. said...

Wow, what a great prize!! and i love those little owls, wonder if there's a tutorial for them to search :-)

Vickie E said...

I found your blog via Ginger Patches. I am curious to see what you've been posting this year. 7 prizes in 7 days is quite fun. I hope I can get back here tomorrow to comment!

dream quilt create said...

I think that is such a creative color scheme, the black with a touch of brown. Only a creative person could pull that off.

Kathy Davis said...

While recovering from hand surgery, my sewing has been put on hold but I have discovered all these great blogs that I didn't know existed. The only blogs I have ever read were education related. - not so exciting. Where have I been?? My hand is healing, so sign me up for your giveaway if I am not too late.
Kathy from the MO Ozarks.

The Demanding Doll said...

Hey, hey. Day 4. Cute, cute purses.

The Demanding Doll said...

p.s. I totally love lemon verbena myself. Also my ultimate favorite. I had the most wonderful plant when living in CA. Sigh. I miss that plant and that lucsious smell.

Sherry said...

So much fun following your blog anniversary week. Those gifts from Eileen & Stephanie are too lucky girl!

PatchworkRose said...

have just discovered your blog and I am amazed. Love the owls and the turtledoves and your black and wite bag with a surprise hint of extra colour is just lovely. Would compliment lots of outfits.
I am so impressed with all you wonderful enthusiasm :-))
:-)) Lynne

Unknown said...

Cute gifts!

Jeanne said...

Hi Nanette! Here I am for today's check-in :) I'm LOVING that bluebird quilt pattern!!!


Anonymous said...

Hellooooo again, Nanette ! ;>)
Can't miss trying my luck on this one, either ! So please enter my name, as I'm now crossing my fingers AND toes ! HeeHee....


Julia said...

What a great gift package!! It's so great whan friends love us!!

And, of course...Iwant that prize! I adore your birdie quilt pattern And black 7 whit patchwork bag kit! I so have a thing for black&white fabric!!

Caesar Beezer The Wonder Dog said...

Okay, count me in on this one too! Darling purse!!! I'm so glad you got such nice presents - you deserve them and if our personalities come thru with our comments, then yours surely does with your blog! Which is why you deserve those gifts! xo, The Other Nanette

GeeGee said...

You are so inspiring I feel I am a winner every time I visit your blog. Lovely, lovely gifts. I adore the bag and of course I hope to win! Happy Anniversary week!!!!

Kritta22 said...

Oh my gosh! I so want one of your patterns!!
You are so lucky to get another package! Lucky, lucky girl!
Thank for so much for this giveaway. It's fun coming here to see what you are up to!

Kritta22 said...

I went down and read the rules again....if I comment again....does this one count? Can I comment two or three or a hundred times in one day??

I so wanna win something from you! You are my quilting blog hero!

Sydney said...

149 comments!!! That is so impressive. One day I will be able to say, "I knew her when".

jennyflowerblue said...

Those owls again- I just ove those owls! Lucky thing! Those patterns look super cool. I watched the making of the bluebird quilt with special interest, it's my favourite!

Messy Karen said...

your patterns are so wonderful i can't think of one good reason why i don't have any. thank you Eileen and Stephanie for sending such thoughtful gifts to Nanette.

Gari in AL said...

I was on the road yesterday and didn't get a chance to read ;-( or write. but I am back and will try to keep up from now on.

Sue Cahill said...

Another fantastic giveaway!
Thanks for your amazing generosity.
It's so much fun finding out what each day's prize is.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

Kigwit said...

Love those owl ornaments and the yoyos for the eyes are brilliant. I think those would be good for toys for little ones too.

I love your quilt pattern with the birds. Too cute and clever!

jacquie said...

you know i adore those patterns. you are so talented. what lovely gifts and so you! said...

What adorable gifts you received...i love the fabric too! Many Hugs, Mary

Christina said...

Have I told you that yours is one of my favorite blogs?

Farmhouse Blessings said...

Shucks, I missed posting yesterday but I just had to comment on those darling owls! What sweet little thing ~ so glad they won't be packaged up after Christmas. And all the fabrics .... I'm swooning!

So glad that I found your blog. It is so creative and inspiring.


Alisa said...

Ok, your home must be just full of lovely and cherished things. I sounds like you have such wonderful friends. I just love the bag and would enjoy making it. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Aw yes Stephanie and Eileen are 2 very special ladies. They are so generous with their time and praise, -thoroughly good eggs!

Nan said...

I know I'm too late for the giveaway, but I had to comment on the lovely gifts you have received. The Christmas ornaments from Eileen are wonderful, as are the gifts from Stephanie. You are a lucky gal!

Bec said...

What a great bag you have deisgned! Love your bird quilt too.
Your have some wonderful friends to send you such beatiful gifts! Blogging is my quilting circle as I live a bit isolated and have five young children so I very very rarely get to any gatherings or even quilt shops. Blogging has opened up a whole new and wonderful world to me, and your blog is one I read regularly so thanks for being such an inspiration!
Bec xxx

Rebecca said...

What a great kit - love it!

Spss-Tutor said...

I am so grateful for your blog.i Really looking forward to read more! Really Great.