Even though I barely have time to work on my own designs I really enjoy looking at quilt books and magazines to see what is going on in the quilt world. I try to incorporate other designer projects into my sewing time when possible. I have this group of relatively new books and patterns above that I've been enjoying looking at.

I recently got this pattern from a local shop,
Pine Needles. It is a great store with a wonderful selection of patterns, fabrics and ideas. I saw pictures of this caddy made on their
blog. I would swipe the cute pictures to show you here but I didn't have Sandra's permission. Click the link to their blog to see how cute this is. And I do have some bits of this fabric left I could use to make this project.

When I was at
Material Girls sale last week I was talking to
Nadine about market and I picked up a couple new magazines. I love the Quilt Sampler issue that features shops. I just love to read and look at what shops feature across the USA.

Kari Ramsay is a local gal to Utah and a great designer. She has a company called
Fresh Cut Patterns and she put out a
new book recently.

When I saw this quilt I immediately wanted to make it. It reminds me of a fun outdoor scene behind a window pane. Kari has a great mix of quilts and accessories in this book. Wonderful book.

This is a book I've had for a while but I keep looking at it rather than put it on the shelf. I'm always wanting to improve my machine quilting and this book had a few ideas.

I'm constantly afraid to try something new on a quilt top I've spent so much time making. But I need to break out of my shell and try new techniques.
Lori Holt, my wonderful
BFF, just completed this quilt and has it hanging in her family room. You simply must see it. I love it so much.
Click now! I really like this pattern from
Fig Tree Quilts that Lori used. I love that the baskets are floating so your points don't have any chance of getting cut off. And I really like the blocks set on point. Lori did such a nice job interpreting her version of the Fig Tree pattern.

I'm so excited for my friend
Jill Finley's new book. Jill lives very close to me is one of the most sharing and caring people and so remarkable at her quilting business. She's a smart lady and I really admire how she has marketed her company
Jillily Studio and gone national. But behind Jill's success is real talent. Her book is fantastic.

I've heard Jill's lecture about how she has organized family quilt retreats and I have wanted to know more about it. It is so impressive to me what Jill has accomplished with her family retreats. Even the young girls with no sewing experience have been making quilts.

I'm planning on hosting a family retreat in September so Jill's book is going to be really important for me to read.
Great selection of books and patterns, Nanette...and a fun post to read! Jill's book is at the top of my list right now! And Happy Birthday!
Wonderful assortment of books and patterns. It's so much to pull a pile of books, magazines and patterns and just sit on the couch leafing through and dreaming!
A belated birthday wish to you, my dear Nanette.
A cute young mom in my ward is related to Jill! She has told me about all the quilts they get done! and about their family retreats. I can see her in that group picture!:)
Your post always get me in the sewing room. I'll be hopping over to Lori's blog to see her quilt and put some of the books on my list.
Did I miss a Birthday Wish, Many, Many More Happy Birthdays!!!
Nanette thanks for showing us all the beauties on your blog today. The arm rest caddy is adorable.
Oooh, looks like you have some fun new reading material Nanette! That armchair caddy is too cute -- love that flower sugar fabric!
It is always fun looking at patterns and magazines. I never get tired of reading quilting magazines. The Sampler one has a local shop featured this time, what fun that was for the staff there and the patrons. I may look for the quilting book, I really need to break out and try some more adventerous quilting.
That machine quilting book looks great! I'm going to have to try and find that one...
Jennifer :)
How funny, I am just like you, always lots of quilting reading inspiration to keep up to date on new techniques and patterns. There is so much out there to be inspired by. Lots of talent, including you!! Okay, so here goes...
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear Nanette...
Happy Birthday to you... one day late!
I hope you had a wonderful birthday. But then again anyone who has a birthday in June usually does. We share the same birth month. Ahhhh... summer!
I'm trying to stay away from more magazines and patterns but I did get the Quilt Sampler, as I also like to see what shops are offering around the country. I wish there was a large quilt store in my area but there are a few within 20 miles so I am not too deprived!
Oh! I missed it--but Happy Birthday Nanette! Hope there was cake...
I know exactly what you mean - and seeing those beautiful pictures of quilts and other projects just inspires me to want to do more.
Thanks for more eye candy!
What a lot of gorgeous inspiration! I have many projects in progress, but just love finding more to add to the list. I have a little bit of a book/magazine addiction problem. And I know I'm too old, but could you adopt me in time for the family retreat? x
Ooooh, what a wonderful selection of books and patterns you have there, that little lot would have me curled up on the couch for ages!!!!
Hope you had a wonderful birthday!!!!
Joy ;o)
Fun works to keep your eyes and hands busy!!
Glad you posted the info on Jill - the book looks great - I'll have to get myself a copy!
First off, Happy Happy Birthday!! I hope it was a great one. Thanks for sharing your inspiring books and patterns.
I love books..Great selection of books and patterns, Nanette..
Happy Birthday Nanette...hope you had a great day..
Julia ♥
Oh, my..now you've done it...you have made me want to buy MORE books to add to the 100+ I already have!!! Belated Happy Birthday to you, too.
Fabulous reading material there. I just love that flower sugar line and I hopped on over to see the basket quilt and what did I spy? Ric rac that looks fantastic. Happy belated birthday wishes fro me too.
Lovely assortment of patterns, Nanette... more patterns means more eye candy for us in the near future ;-)
The family retreat is such a wonderful idea... I'm sure you'll have tons of fun :o)
Belated Happy B-day! I've always wanted to buy One Line at a Time but haven't seen a good review of it. Do you think it's worth the sticker price?
The One Line at a Time book looks intriguing -- may have to keep my eye out for that.
The basket quilt is stunning!!
I've been trying to be good, and not buy very many new books, but the Jillily one is on my wish list. I thought her trunk show,and stories of the family retreats was just captivating.
Well I guess it's no big suprise that we both have Sandy's pattern for the flower sugar armchair caddy!
I bought mine at Pine Needles last fall...have I made it?...NO.
What is wrong with me?
Too many projects...not enough days.
there's always tomorrow!
Happy Birthday to one of the most talented women in the blogosphere!
Hope you have a fabulous day.
thanks for the overview of a few of your books and magazines Nanette. I have the one line at a time too, and love looking through it for inspiration and for technique.
Hi Nanette... I want to come to the family gathering this fall... LOL. I want to meet everyone in your family, go and see Lori at Bee in my Bonnet and check out all the little towns and the quilt shops!! I love, love, love your blog and you!! Thanks for being in my life even if it's just on my computer. I am keeping up with the quilt squares on Konda's site. I have three quilts right now at the long armed quilters. One is an Egg Money Quilt I started four years ago. I made one for my 20-year-old that she got when she turned 18. Ta, ta for now....
Will "On My Desk Right Now" be a regular feature like Fabric Fridays? Hope so! Best--KP & RC
One Line at a Time is a great book. It has helped me see my darning foot in a whole new way. Good recommendation --KP
Nice reading material, some I will have to check out like machine quilting. I don't like it at this moment. And happy birthday, Nanette.
Looks like that is entirely tooo many wonderful books and patterns to detour you from other quilty projects....throw a towel over them so you can't see them....LOL...that never works for me either!!!
Thanks for including my book on your post. That stripe quilt is so darn easy and I love it too! Thanks!
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