Busy busy Fabric Friday. There has been a lot of Allison in my sewing room this week. We have been watching her while her mommy was at Girl's Camp for our church. But we'll be seeing even more of her at our house and in Nanny's sewing room. My daughter Whitney broke her foot while navigating from a zip line to a rope ladder. It is kind of a bad break with 3 bones and possible surgery. More of Allison for all of us! but poor Whitney.

I think most everyone knows of my love for kitchen fabric. I think it really is my first love even over dots and Japanese reproduction. This is a vintage piece I got from
Donna. Donna has an inspiring blog and any vintage fabric lover will want to dream about her wonderful fabrics. I really love this one above.

I received a little giftie from
Monica last week. She sent me a prize from her trip to Market and Iowa. I was so tickled to get it. Vintagey kitchen wonderfulness. In 3 colorways!!!

I put them with some of my kitcheney fabric I got at Material Girls this week during shop hop. I totally think they should be used together.

And this thick cotton fabric I also got at Material Girls. I just couldn't pass it up. I felt it and loved it right away. It is like a thick table cloth fabric. In fact that is what I want to make with it. And I think it would be great in a bag too. It is that perfect weight and the color is just right for my kitchen. Red would compliment it well I think. Lori suggested I sew pom poms to the edge. I think I will just do that!
Busy busy here with Allison and all the going on. Have a great week. I don't know that I'll have tons of sewing time but I sure hope I have some.
Yes, very yummy. I also have a "thing" for kitchen linens and fabrics. To me, a table is necked until a cloth is on it!
Allison is cutting fabric already? What a talented grandbaby you have there! So coordinated for her youth.
The kitchen fabrics look great! How fun to play with. I love the vintage one.
Poor Whitney! Sorry to hear she suffered a fracture. I hope she heals quickly.
Maybe sweet little Allison will inherit a love of quilting and fabrics from watching you.
Two of your favorite things, sewing and Allison. Great fabrics. Poor Whitney, as a Mother, my heart did a flip-flop with that story. I thought only boys did things like that. You all Take Care!
Oh, so sorry to hear about Whitney's ankle. She is so fortunate to have you all to help her. Our daughter Collette was born when we were overseas in Japan and we didn't return home til after her second birthday. Oh, there were days when I just longed for the help of my family. Allison is getting "on the job" training at a young age. She'll be sewing along with you all in no time. LOL!
Enjoy Allison, she's soooo cute. Hope Whitney mends quickly.
Love that first kitchen fabric...to die for!!! Yes, taking the moments for the little one....worth a million! I've got mine tonight, can't wait. Have a great week, drooling!
I see you found some of the Kiss the Cook fabric in pink!
So sorry about Whitney... seems like she's hurt badly.
A future quilter in training... Allison looks so cute & comfy in your craft room :)
The vintage kitchen fabrics are very pretty! The green one on the top is so perfect for fussy cutting.
Take care!
Poor Whitney. Getting injured at girls camp is a real bummer. Wishing her a speedy recovery.
Love the fabrics you have here.
It won't be long before Allison joins the ranks of all the wonderfully creative women at the Hive! She is so adorable! Poor Whitney - I hope she heals quickly! Love those kitchen fabrics - I need to get busy and make some cute things for mine!
Pretty fabrics, and poor Whitney. She's young, though, so she'll heal quickly, thank God. On the bright side - you'll get plenty of Allison time!
Oh, poor Whitney! Yes, she will need your help for weeks. I hope she won't require surgery.
Allison is growing up so fast. What a cutie. Enjoy your grandma time.
Oh my goodness, look how absolutely GAWJUS Allison looks in that piccy ... what a sweetheart!!!
Nanette I just LOVE that pink kitcheny fabric, you really do have the most wonderful stash :o).
I do hope poor Whitney heals quickly!!!
Joy :o)
Oh gosh, poor Whitney, what a shame, trying to have fun and look what happened. I know she will be thrilled to be with you for not only will you car for Allison, but you will be there for Whitney too! I cannot believe how big Allison is getting; I bet she loves to watch you work. All those wonderful colors to look at. Enjoy!
Keep us posted on Whitney's progress.
So sorry to hear about Whitney's foot. She must not be too happy. But little Allison is being doted on and that is a good thing. Love all the fabric and I can just see the wheels turning in your head!! Pom poms would be just the perfect thing to finish that fabric. It is going to turn into a beautiful table cloth.
I am sorry to hear about Whitney's accident and hope the foot might not be as badly injured as they fear. BUT.....there is a good side in that you will get to see more of Allison. She is a real sweetheart! I think you should let her "pull" some fabrics from your stash for your next project!!! :)
Aww..grand-babies in the sewing room are my new favorite thing! I miss having my kids in mine...and then POOF! I now have grand-kids in the sewing room.
Love the vintage kitchen fabrics!
Love all of the fabric! I also hope that Whitney is better soon!
Allison is growing so fast!!
I know you are having such fun with her.
As usual your fabrics are so wonderful. Thank you for sharing.
Wishing a speedy mend for Whitney! Allison is just so darn cute...wishing you two lots of fun hours in the sewing room. Love all the fabrics!
Ohhh they all look so good. Now how about the info on that pretty pink fabric???
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