Santa visited our house yesterday. It was a nice day. But I gotta tell you, I'm happy to get life back to some normalcy.

At our house
Boxing Day means getting rid of boxes and paper, putting away Christmas decorations and taking the tree down. I like to get the tree up at early and I love to take it down the day after Christmas. I know that isn't really what boxing day is but this is how we "celebrate" it at our house.
It is nice to have a few days now to just "be". I'm going to answer emails, update myself with some blogs, do a little sewing, and watch a couple movies.
Happy Boxing Day.
Happy Boxing Day Nanette...we have until 12th Night to have the tree up.
Have a very happy Boxing Day! We're avoiding the shops although it is madness here with Boxing Day sales. It's just a great day to curl up with a book or watch a movie. I'm going to put our little china tree away this afternoon.
We aren't taking our tree down for awhile! It's just so pretty!!
Merry Christmas! I got that pattern-thank you!! I can't believe how busy this time of the year gets! I hope yours was great!!
Sounds good to me!
oh, i wish we were doing boxing day, but to be honest i am just to tied to start a new project!1
I've been taking decorations down today as well...and getting MORE ideas for future projects. There is something about cleaning things up that gets me more motivated to sew!
Good Girl! I like to move on, too - I'm off to see 'Australia' at the cinema now!
Hugs - Lurline♥
I was hoping it could be boxing day tomorrow but my daughter wants to keep the tree up until New Years which we normally do. But we got our tree the day after Thanksgiving so it has been up a long time. I am ready for normal too.
We are among those who leave the tree up until Epiphany....but I have to admit I DO enjoy it being up that long. Every night and VERY early each morning, I enjoy the solitude of sitting with the tree lights on in the otherwise dark house and just being "alone" with myself. It is quiet time that really serves to refresh and relax me.....and when it comes time for the tree to come down, I am a bit sad. BUT...once we start taking it down, then I am wanting things to be TIDY again immediately! LOL Enjoy your weekend!
Sounds like a wonderful plan... enjoy the next few days.
What a cute dog!
I like to take the tree down before New Years Eve and we dont' even put it up all that early. Glad to hear that you had a nice Christmas with your loved ones.
Happy Boxing Day to you too. I'm with you on wanting to take everything down the day after Christmas & get back to normal, whatever normal is...LOL This year though we bought our tree a week later than normal so I'm leaving it up two whole days past Christmas :) With the way the holiday fell & hubby off until Monday, we're going to take the tree "down" Sunday. Hope you & all your blog readers had a wonderful Christmas!
What a cute pic of your dog. I tried to put reindeer antlers on our Kaiser last year and he was not having it!! :-) My tree will be up till mid-January for sure. I did so much volunteering, then the weather gave us some hassels and I was just busy, busy and now I want to enjoy the tree and the lights. I will take the tree down but I have a plan to keep Christmas all year long this year. :-)
It is so interesting to hear everyone's traditions. I usually leave our tree up until the week after new year's. But it's just whenever I feel like it. I love the tree lights too.. and miss them when they're gone.
Hope you had a nice day getting everything done!
It is nice to take the tree day. we wait until after New Years.
Too funny, Boxing Day. I'll have to remember that. Don't know if I'd ever apply it, as I have the kids immediately throw the wrapping paper and boxes out in the garbage. As for the tree, I didn't put it up, but I guess I'm taking it down, perhaps today. Enjoy your much needed relaxation time to spend reading, sewing etc and just sipping tea/coffee and don't forget the chocolate. Rae Ann
Too funny, Boxing Day. I'll have to remember that. Don't know if I'd ever apply it, as I have the kids immediately throw the wrapping paper and boxes out in the garbage. As for the tree, I didn't put it up, but I guess I'm taking it down, perhaps today. Enjoy your much needed relaxation time to spend reading, sewing etc and just sipping tea/coffee and don't forget the chocolate. Rae Ann
i'm breathing a sigh of relief that christmas is over for another year. i'm looking forward to some normal days ahead. or, here's hoping, anyway!
I too like to get the tree and goodies packed away quickly but it is now Sunday and I have not quite found the energy.
Oh for a patient child to hand me things that I could pack
i hope you are having a lovely holiday! i try to keep my christmas decorations up as long as possible. it'll probably be the middle of january for me.
Sounds like boxing day was good!! I am opting to leave the tree up a little longer this year. It was so hectic around here, I really didn't get to enjoy it as much as I wanted :-)!!
Hi Nanette,
Our tree will be up till next weekend and I'll have to use that term, boxing day. Sounds like you have a great weekend ahead.
I love the pot holders and can't wait for the tutorial.
Keep Stitchen'
I'm with you Nanette! It was fun and wonderful, but I'll be glad to get back to normal. I won't take my tree down yet, but only because I get it up so late!
I got my parcel today, thank you so very much also for the extra you put in, it is very kind of you.
quilting hugs
Sounds like a divine Boxing Day tradition. We have a huge feast with friends we love dearly, the 'family' we don't get to see on Christmas. Our tree comes down on New Years Day. (Or sooner when I get a bee in my bonnet!)
I'm so happy that you had a Merry Christmas! And now have the time to relax!
What?!?! You take your tree down on the 26th?!? The 2nd day of Christmas???!!! Oh Nanette, we must talk! That is either positively insane or the most brilliant thing I've ever heard of! I leave my tree up until the dust is as thick as an ornament or until the Super Bowl, whichever comes first! I just hate taking it all's the saddest day of the year for me. So while you're basking in a clean and unfettered home, I'm still Christmassing - as it's only the fifth the day of Christmas...and while there is no chance of having my true love giving me 5 gold rings, I still have hope! Happy Christmas to you! The Other Nanette
Cute puppy!! Well I have to have my tree up for New Year's eve...I thought everyone did lol!! Jan. 2 is our "decorations away" day. Have a Happy New Year Nanette!!
Christmas is lovely but once it is over, it's time to move on and think about what's next..
have a lovely New Year, and i hope it's all you want it to be..
Julia ♥
We did the same thing...did that little Santa help? Happy Boxing Day to you too.
My British friend says that Boxing day was a day for celebration for the "servants" since they worked all day Christmas. I don't really have to worry about that one!
I like my tree down earn as well. Christmas evening sometimes! Out with the old, in with the new!
Happy New Year
I think Boxing Day is the perfect name for the day after Christmas. We put all of Christmas goodies and packaging away, but we're leaving our Christmas decorations up until New Year's Day. I'm glad you had a chance to rest after a busy holiday season.
That has got to be the cutest Santa I've seen this season!
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