Seriously people I gotta get my act together earlier next year. If we all start Christmas sewing in September (together) then you'll help me be finished on time so I can have some holiday cheer the last week before Christmas. I know I complain a lot.

Here is what was sent from my house. I have more to go but they will be late - New Years gifts maybe? I'm not usually a late type person. My dad was early to everything and it was a good habit to learn as a kid. So we always did things early and got places early. Maybe I'm losing it. Who knows.

Production sewing. These are so fun. I love making the hot pads. It is just like making a teeny tiny quilt.

So here is my fabulous fabric for Friday. These are Mini Miu Japanese tiny print fabrics. I got them from
Corrie and Des at Quilt Taffy. Aren't the prints darling. I love everything about them. Corrie and Des do some great stuff up there in Idaho.

So to wrap up my blog anniversary give away - I wanted to tell you what the winners chose as their prize and answer a couple of questions. First off the Japanese patchwork book number -
ISBN 9784140311493 . Sorry Amy I meant to put that out there earlier for you. And one of you (eek I forget who) wanted to know what my label on the wedge bag said - "One of a kind from Freda's Hive." I got the idea to have printed ribbon from
Pam's "Restless" post in July 2008. Anyway she talks about getting printed ribbon from
Namemaker. The printed ribbon is fun.
Winners and what they picked:
Belinda - Japanese Patchwork book and Fabric
Linda - Bag kit and patterns
Hetty - Baby Quilt
Cheryl- Baby Quilt kit from the pattern in Fon's and Porter
Kristin - Wedge bag
Amanda - Christmas tree and ornaments
Doris - Kitchen Towels
I hope to get up to date with what everyone is doing but it may be until after Christmas. But then it's my 29th wedding anniversary. And then New Years. Well - sometime!
I decided last night, late, as I was winding yet another bobbin that had the audacity to run out in the middle of a seam, that I need to start my holiday sewing in January. Hah!
Okay, will you please remember in September to get us all going in time for Christmas. Yet, it seems like all the good ideas come out the 3rd week of December. :) So now, if we'll just go back and check archives next year, we should be okay, right??? You're lucky to get Minnie Muu. Corrie's infamous of hoarding what she loves. :)
GOOD MORNING NANETTE...oooo, looks like way too many packages to get mailed out, but love the minnie muu fabrics...(i just can hardly wait until my japanese book and fabrics get here)..and your little potholders are absolutely THE CUTEST!!!..i love how you fussy cut the curtain windows......I told someone the other day.."i'll be glad when Christmas is over so i can get down to some 'serious' Christmas sewing!!!...have a good day you!!!
I agree with the other Kim, start in January. I know I have a couple near tops ready to start again after new years. They may hang in the quilting que for awhile but then when needed through out the year they are there and waiting to give. I find that if I make them into quilts w/o knowing who they go to, someone either family or friend claims them and I have to make another one. I got a great deal on denim shirts that I need to finish today for Christmas gifts, but I bought 3 from small -xl to have on hand for those I need a gift gifts. Love the fabric, I hope you get your sewing done so you can enjoy the holiday....
Love those hot pads! cute! You are doing good, give yourself a pat on the back! Those Japanese fabrics are neat! I especially love the one with flowers! ha you know...
I ran into Corrie at the Library here in town last week!It's always fun to talk to a fellow quilter.
I love those hot pads as well...they are so cute. To calm you, you technically have until 12th Night which is January 6th, so do not are fine and really, shouldn't Christmas be everyday and not just one day a year? Let's start a new trend. Slow down and enjoy it.
I always love seeing what it is that you are up to!
Happy Holidays to you and yours.
I love the hotpads. They are so cheerful. Sometimes a late gift is a good idea...who doesn't enjoy another fun surprise after the festivities are over.
Morning, Nanette,
I could picture you "busy as a bee" at your sewing machine and then adding the final stitches to your projects. You are amazing!! I agree about starting earlier. That was my plan last year but then "life things" intervened. I'll try it again this year and I do plan to "keep Christmas all year long" this coming year. I realized that all my life, I plan each year for the next Christmas and I am determined to have my act together and all the decorating done just before Thanksgiving next year. I have never done that before but I want to enjoy my December next year and not do so much running here and there and scurrying at the last minute to meet a deadline. I am going to make it so I can "stop and smell the poinsettias"!! It wouldn't be roses in winter here because they're all covered by snow!! Have a good day. I love, love, love those Japanese mini prints!! Will have to check them out.
I looked on the Quilt Taffy site and couldn't find these Mini Miu Japanese tiny print fabrics. When you get the time, can you direct me? Thanks Rae
okay so in september we will rally!!!
we'll make a big shinding of it.
those hot pads are the cutest things!!!
the fabrics are perfect.
yayyy to the winners!!!
happy early wedding anniversary.
29 years is...well...such an inspiration.
that's the only way i can put it.
how special...and awesome!!!
the hive is hummin' with a busy queen bee...☺ will all be okay...just close your eyes and think back to a time when you were bored and wished you had something to do?
Hmm I'm one of those who starts in January and usually have it all done (except for the last minute gifts) by August/September. I've started a list of gifts for next year already......I love your hot pads and the different roof fabric makes them really pop.
Now I know another reason you like "bees" you are as busy as one, do you ever sleep? I love, love, the Hot Pads, they are just darling. and you know i love the fabric. Happy Day!
Nanette, I used to own a mail and packaging biz (kinda like the UPS store). Christmas was insane - Mr. Squash would come in and help package - he would go home with packing peanuts up his nose for days on end! He loved sitting in the back and hearing me explain to customer after customer that even though it was late and they couldn't afford overnight shipping fees, that all they needed to do was make a phone call and let their recipient know something had been mailed and would arrive soon! I was always amazed at how they would come back a few days later and thank me for telling them to make the call - no one ever seemed to mind a package arriving after Christmas! So relax, and don't worry about not finishing on time - it's the thought that counts!
I think those hot pads are the cutest I've ever seen. And January is my favorite time to sew. No pressure! Congratulations on 29 years. In today's world, that is quite an accomplishment. Can you get out of the snow to do something fun?
I love those hot pads, seriously you're killing me with the cuteness and display onlyness of them.
I'm not paying too close attention to the fabric as I have a copynanetteitis.
And the book. yikes, I just bought a bunch of books at Kinokuniya.. but still that one looks good too.
Happy Anniversary soon. And Merry Christmas and all that. xop
Love those tiny prints - so cute! I would like to think that starting in September would help - but then I may add too many projects to the list :) no harm in trying though!
I like the idea of starting Christmas in July but that would be so uncharacteristic of me. And those pot holders are just too cute!
Merry Christmas.
Happy 29th Anniversary.
And Happy New Year.
Oh nanette - I'm totally in agreement! I started early - but then went all wobbly thinking, too early to think about Christmas - rubbish! Now I've a million things half done - and I dropped my walking foot last night and you should see the mess it's made of my Nanny's quilt - I think I bumped something out of place and it is dragging something awful. How's that for a whinge! On a more cheerful note - your hot pads are gorgeous! Thinking of you and hoping you get plenty more yellow parcels out that door - and have a lovely time!
I'm sure the gift recepients will love your gift no matter when it arrives because it truly is the thought behind the gift that counts! :o)
I say we all start in January on our 2009 Christmas gifts!
Your hot pads are so cute! I always wish that I started working on presents earlier but I never do. I think if you start something we would all follow, you trendsetter!
Those hot pads are adorable! I have a bunch of that fabric you used in the window, I love it :)
Aaaack! Those potholders are SO cute! Hey, what day's the anniversary? Our 30th is on the 27th.
Oh good.. I'm glad I'm not the only one. so there will be lots of folks getting New Year's things from both of us.. I'm still working on things and sending them out too. Those potholders are DEElightful!!
Those hotpads are so charming, especially the windows. I wouldn't dare to use them for the purpose and would only display them :)
Mini Miu prints are so darn cute!
Starting early is a smart thing to do...maybe someday I'll take that advice!
Happy anniversary to you! Ours is the 18th of December, one week before Christmas so we just celebrated our 26th. A very hectic time of year to fit in one more occasion! Whose idea was that anyway ;)
i love the idea of starting early and working together to support each other. i started WAY to late too. i've never made this many handmade gifts. shopping is quicker, but definitely not as fun. love your hotpads...they are mini quilts...i would hang them and NEVER let them touch a pot!
Love your hot pads...I agree must start sewing earlier next year to get christmas gifts done. I agree with jacquie, I would hang those hot pads too, they are really adorable, Hugs, Mary
I love how you fussy cut the little curtains for the windows. CUTE cute cute!!
when is your anniverdary? Mine is coming up after the holidays too.
The big 20!
anyway, when you get a breather, tutorial for the potholders please and lets chat about maybe making a christmas gift a month challenge.
Being early is definitely something that I strive for, but doesn't always happen. Oh well. I love the little hot pads and thanks for the link to namemaker. Happy 29th Anniversary and Merry Christmas!
Well Nanette - Happy Anniversary!Special days that come near Christmas are often not celebrated as they should so I hope you do it properly. Have a really wonderful day.
Love those potholders... I still have time to make one or two if I borrow your ideas! :>)
You are a busy bee in your hive, if you ask me! Look at all those packages going bye-bye! Goodness! You have always amazed me at all you accomplish. You are definitely one of my quilting heros! Don't forget - a gift from the heart is welcome at ANY time. It makes a day very special, no matter when it shows up!
Love the fabric you're showcasing today, and the hot pads are to die for cuteness.
Happy Anniversary!! And congrats to the lucky winners once again!!
Amazing! I think you are waaaayyyyy cool.
Happy happy lovely friend.
Merry Christmas
Happy Anniversary!!
Happy New Year!!
Thanks for sharing about the ribbon! I'm so ordering it!!
I could write forever about this post. I am so "there" with you about Christmas sewing early. There are so many wonderful bloggers out there with such cute ideas that won't take long to make, but I don't have time to make them! I say we collect these and share the blogs with each other. Then we can all sew together. That would be fun!!!
Those potholders are sooo cute!!! And I'm sorry to say...I started making Christmas presents in September...and I'm not done yet!
Hi Nanette,
Love the pot holders. Hope you get to slow down a little and wanted to wish you a Happy Anniversary, if you don't get to post before then.
Merry Christmas,
love those hot pads Nanette! That's a really great idea!
I love the little hot pads. I just made 40 of the nordic houses. But I just might have to try the hot pads. What do you use in the middle?
Guess what?? I was at a friend's house the other day and she had the cutest magazine sitting on her side table.
I picked it up and.....
I SAW YOUR QUILT!!! SOOOOO cute and what a great layout they did! What is that darling fabric you used in the border?
CONGRATULATIONS on being published! You should submit those darling hot pads, too!
Christmas blessings ~
Well, you have been a busy bee in that hive of yours while I have been slacking on blog reading!
So many wonderful posts to catch up on and view all the progress of the many different projects!
If I don't stop by again before, Merry Christmas to you and yours!
your house potholders are so cute. and i have always wanted to get those mini fabrics. show me something good out of them so i won't be able to resist anymore.
I get sad this time of year because of the deadlines and extra stress. I had to kind of stop making much of anything for Christmas because it's so stressful. I wonder what we can do next year to start early? A Christmas schedule starting early in the fall?? Thank you VERY much for posting that ISBN! It looks like a wonderful book! Take good care, Nanette!
The potholders are darling!!! You need to make a pattern..hint..hint...!
I also started early and I'm not finished either; Walmart here I come! Oh,and Happy Anniversary!
Love your hot pads, the window fabric was just perfect. Thanks for the info on personalized ribbon and labels.
Thanks for posting what everyone chose, it's fun to see what everyone is taking home! Happy Holidays Nanette! Happy Anniversay and a Happy New year as well!
Oh my Nanette, your hotpads are the cutest ones I've ever seen! No one better drip and wayward casserole juices on those lovelies or they'll have ME to answer to! Oops, is my 'I'm not ready for Christmas yet' showing? Yes, I'm so behind, but so enjoying this most blessed holiday. Thanks for the pretty inspiration as usual, and Merry Christmas! x
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