It is Flora's turn to be sheriff this year (the title is a whole story) and last week she presented the ideas for next year's quilt night programs. She started out by talking about our history and the number 20. Sorry Flora, I caught you mid sentence! And she gave out some "Turning 20" quilt books/patterns just for fun.
Flora had several members of our group bring sampler quilts. Next year we will have an opportunity to participate with everyone making sampler blocks and giving the ideas to other members in the group. I'm scheduled to help in September. The idea is to present a block in the 9 1/2" size and bring relevance of why we like that block.
The idea is also to use 20 different fat quarters in the sampler quilt. I think it will be so much fun. We will also have a block exchange, too but that is a different project.
This is Paula's quilt (the other Sheriff) and I know for sure it is my favorite Paula quilt. Our group did baskets a few years ago and I love how she posed the blocks.
The possibilities are endless as we could see from the sampler quilts brought to spark our interest.
Janice has a way with color. This is one of her first quilts (I think, after all it was last week, so this is not fresh in my mind). I'm very excited about our 20th year and joining in the events that are planned.
Then we had show-n-tell. This is a quilt based on our town. These are buildings and scenes from the city history. Sherry's sister made it. She now lives in California so this reminds her all the time of her roots in growing up here.
Gail had the funniest story about this cross stitch quilt. She made us all swear not to tell but I will say this quilt has significance and was started a LONG time ago!
Helen showed us her little pink quilt. In reality Helen never does anything "small". She's one of those amazing quilters.
Here is Gail with a quilt that was hand pieced from the late 19th century. She shouldn't have worried that her quilt took her that long to finish. The original creator of this quilt never even finished theirs.
I love the colors and I love spools.
Judi is the most amazing quilter - AMAZING. These next 2 quilts were my favorites. Judi's applique is unmatched. Usually she hand quilts everything but these 2 are machine quilted and are so incredible.
I fell in love with the "3 wise penguins". Judi is something else.
For some reasons these blocks remind me of jewel boxes. I love richness and shapes.
A Baltimore quilt. Lovely.
What a fun Christmas Quilt.
Tricia from our quilt exchange brought her quilt - done, bound and labeled. The label was so cute. She made a mini cottage quilt. I was going to get a picture of it but didn't get a chance.
I love the candy corn quilt and the unexpected colors.
This is a quilt from Flora. I have this fabric, too. I need to get it made.
Great fabrics, and I love a snowball quilt. It shows off fabric so well.
This is from Mary Mashuta's quilt book, I think. I love it.
EDIT -Not Mary! But someone else I admire - Glenna!Judi showed the baby quilt she made with my kit. Thank you Judi!
Janice and her valentine quilt - all ready for next year. She has real vintage ribbon sewn into it.
A darling Christmas Quilt.
Okay. I had more pictures but most of those were blurred or were taken at the wrong moment. I need to probably sit 2nd row center next time. It is hard to get a good perspective on some of them.
Well girls, it is a new week. Our countdown to Christmas has begun. I finished my ornaments and we trimmed the tree during the holiday. Maybe I'll show that tomorrow.
you belong to a very talented group. love the baskets quilt and the hearts quilt. oh and the cottages quilt.
What wonderful quilts!!! And what fun your quilt group seems to have! Thanks for sharing...I always get ideas and inspiration from your blog!
How lucky that you belong to such a talented group! You've been so busy while I've been away -- love all the Christmas ornaments you've been making! Can't wait to see what else you've been whipping up!
very nice eye candy indead- thanks for sharing.
I always love seeing yoru guild's quilts. I am making that same Baltimore Album quilt. I've been working on nit since Broadbent's had it as a kit/class a few years ago. I hope to finish it before I'm 80.
Oh, my what a quilt show, Nanette! I love sampler quilts and have a basket sampler quilt started. It's one of many "started" quilts!!! LOL
Going back to look through all the quilt photos again. I do the same thing at a real quilt show - once through to see them all, then back to look at my favorites. :-) Have a good day!!
Thank you for always being so good to take a lot of pictures from the Alpine Group. You know how I love to see everyone and the things they are making! Good job!
Thanks for the pictures of your clubs quilt show n tell. It was interesting to see the taupe and black quilt. I recognized it immediately because I made the same quilt using SpongeBob fabric for my grandson. It turned out so nice. You give new perspective to quilting so I'm a regualar reader, just not a regular commmenter.
What fabulous quilts!!! Is the cross-stitch one entirely cross stitched?? Wow!
Wow lots of beautiful quilts. Cute 3 wise penguins! Looking forward to reading blogs, learning traditions, seeing gorgeous Christmas quilts and decorations. 'Tis the season.
you fit right in with that group! lots of talent and creativity.
Those quilts are beautiful!Thanks for the wonderful show and tell. Terrific inspiration. Congrats to your group on 20 years... onward to 20 more!!
So many beautiful quilts! Thanks for the eye candy!!! Lovely.
What beautiful show and tell. Sounds like your guild is going to have a fun year. Enjoy!
You ladies are all so talented. I wish I lived closer so I could become a great quilter like you. Thanks for the well wishes on coming home. It's been great! Tessa was wonderful and yes both she and my mom are very happy that I'm home. Thanks again
You always make us look good! Thanks!
Your group has wonderful show and tell, I loved seeing all of these quilts, thanks for sharing, I've enjoyed your blog for some time.
It is always so inspirational to see show and tell. What a great collection of quilts.
Oh, this is a mini-quilt-show! I wouldn't dare try to choose a favourite - what a beautiful display!
Hugs - Lurline!
Great quilts!! Thanks for sharing! And what a hoot to see one of my patterns there. The one you thought was from Mary Mashuta is actually my Square Dance pattern done in the Bees Knees fabric!
Thanks for checking in at the blog and leaving a nice comment, too. I appreciate knowing that Fat Quarter Shop has my new fabric. I'll have to check it out!
Thanks again for showing the quilts!
thank you! I feel as if I went to a quilt show.
oh there are a few I wish I could see the whole quilt.
what a nice group of quilts, talented quilters thats for sure! ..must be a great group to belong to, varied interests in quilting.
Heres to 20 more years!
Gosh - such a talented and diverse group of quilters - how fortunate to be a part of such a community, Nanette! You are one busy gal! Look forward to your tree! Cheers!
What a fabulous quilt show! So much talent and you all obviously have so much fun. Thanks for sharing, and I too loved the three wise penguins. Is it a pattern that is available?
Happy 20 to you all! You have the best group ever, and soooooooo very talented. I get giddy when I see you post the show and tell. Thank you for sharing! xoxo-m
Wow Nanette, you certainly rub shoulders with some very talented ladies!
A talented and productive group! Your year ahead sounds fun and challenging too. I love that 'town' quilt. Thanks for sharing. I wonder if the local quilt guild is meeting this month? I should try to get to a meeting again. Your group inspires me. :D
Thank you for the wonderful little quilt show. So many talented quilters in your group. I loved every quilt. I put away the last of the fall decorations today & started the Christmas decorating, more tomorrow. Can't wait to see some of your Christmas goodies. :)
Hi Nanette-gosh, I love all those quilts. So much talent. Particularly love the Christmas applique and the one of the town with hills. Would love to see that one up close. Seems like a great group to be part of. Happy 20th! Nerm
Nanette, Thank you so much for the quilts. I just got your message today that you called-I would have called you back earlier sorry! They are absolutely beautiful. I am so touched. Thanks again...
What wonderful quilts! Thanks for sharing...I love the fun reindeer quilt! You don't happen to know what pattern it is from? Jingle Jingle!
Wow, 20 years. Our little group feels so young with just 7 years behind us. We hope when we grow up we can be just like your group!! Love it all.
Oh I just love these posts where you put up all the pictures of the different quilts! It's so fun to see what other people have been working on!
Oh my stinking goodness! You guys are so inspiring!! what lovely quilts!
I want to belong to your group! What a bunch of talented ladies (and you as well)! Thank you for the quilty eye candy. The bright Christmas quilt is one I had to go back and look at several times.
Oh my! Your group members' quilts are always an inspiration! Such lovely work!!
I must must MUST have the pattern for the reindeer quilt!
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