I don't even know where to start my posts this week. I have so much going on that I can't even think about it without bursting into a full blown panic attack. So I will open only a few of the windows into my life/nightmare in the next weeks of posts until things calm down (will they?). And yes. I'm having real nightmares, too these days. Here is a partial list only: My computer is 75% there.
Yayy. So I'm in the middle of recovering all files and documents, working on my new pattern, taking photographs, attending showers, being the mother of the bride (less than 3 weeks now), soon-to-be new first time grandmother, finishing quilts, projects, cleaning my house, working on menus and endless lists and on top of all that I have some weird unexplained rash/constant itching. Seriously it is more than I can stand. Pray for me ladies.
A lot.

Believe it or not there are times I have to try to unlock my scattered life and focus on small things to distract me. I don't know why but the other day I stopped everything I was doing and started a little table topper. I feel so horribly guilty for not working with my blog and friends in the long ago promised
"Great Ideas for a Handmade Christmas". So I had been thinking about this idea I had to make table toppers out of started and failed projects, or just extra orphan blocks and I just had a compulsion to make something totally unrelated to anything else.

I know I've totally dropped the ball on Christmas idea. I've had emails and questions from several of you and I'm unable to even think about working on Christmas right now. Excuses, excuses. But seriously. I had no idea my September/October would be like this last January when this project was planned. I'm not a quitter and I don't like to abandon things but I'm afraid right now this is just a stalled idea. If someone else wants to pick this up, please go for it.

Okay now onto another totally unrelated project. My kitchen is back to 100% after the flood we had forever ago. And after all this time my windows were still bare. So I made curtains. Well, "making" curtains is a fib. This fabric pretty much made itself.
Reprodepot has this wonderful Japanese cafe curtain fabric on sale for $6.00/yard. It is all finished and ready to go with the rod pocket area and the scalloped edge
pre-set All you have to do us cut out on the dotted line, finish the sides and hang.

Forgive the crappy photography but it really is a cute finish to the room. We had to modify the rods on the doors so they didn't prevent opening the door but I still think it looks nice.

The fabric comes in several color way accents and is the perfect size, lending just the right touch and allowing lots of light into the room. Luckily our back yard is very private and I don't need much more than this.
Later this week I think I'll post baby and wedding shower pictures. We'll see.
Try to slow down, Nanette and if it means no blogging for a week or two, so be it. We'll all be here when your life gets back to normal. You have so much going on in your life right now, I don't know how you're doing it. Sounds like maybe your stress level is manifesting itself into hives.
Be kind to yourself my friend. There's only one of you and always know that you're loved and appreciated. You're in my thoughts and prayers. ((hugs))
Nanette...you need to worry about you and not about us....we will be here when you are through this busy time. I'm not going anywhere!Let me know what I can do to help in any way.
i am now having my own panic attack after reading your post...☺
breathe, friend, breathe...
honestly, i am just a plane flight away...i so wish you'd take me up on my offer to help...life is short...ask for help!
Sweet Nanette...you need to take a few deep breaths when the panic begins to rear it's ugly head. You have so much on your plate right now so the blog and the Christmas project need to be on the back burner. Only use the blog if it helps to destress...prayer works for me. Bless your heart, all this shall too pass and you'll find 'normal' again! Keeping you in my prayers.
I will be praying for you. Take care of yourself first. We are always here for support. I love the curtains. What a great idea by the fabric makers. The teapots over your window are so cute.
I totally understand the overwhelming feeling - and I don't have nearly as much going on as you do! Take care of yourself. That rash is probably a manifestation of your inner turmoil. Or maybe not. lol Still - take care of yourself.
Take a very deep breath & relax! I have a latex allergy/sensitivity and for some reason after my last son was born... I start getting rashes from my mousepad on my wrist... it is not fun to figure out the cause, especially if you're a busy person into a lot of stuff!Good luck with all!
I love those curtains! Good luck with everything. You sure sound busy.
The curtains turned out beautifully Nanette! Love the little TT too :) Now it's time to forget about us and take care of all the pressing things in your world. A wedding and a new bundle of joy! So wonderful on both counts and you need to enjoy them to the utmost, which is what I'll be wishing for you :)
Gosh you are making me tired just hearing about all the stuff you have on your plate! Take it easy we will be here when you have more time! Good luck with all you "adventures"! Take care
I will not whine about anything this week (okay, maybe for two weeks) after reading about your busy month!!! Seriously, take care of yourself! I love the curtains...and the framed teapot blocks...what a terrific idea! Have a great day!
Sometimes with the best intentions in the world, you are just not able to do what you've said you would do. It sounds to me like you are in the middle of too much. Forget the Christmas thing. There are others out there in blogland doing it (http://www.skiptomylou.org/2009/09/02/gifts-you-can-sew/ is one). Take a little time to breathe. That's what the totally unrelated to anything you need to be doing sewing was - you taking time for you - even if you didn't know it. And yes, I AM praying for you. Hugs, Elaine
YIkes. Go to the store today and get some Benydryl spray.. that is really going to help with the itchies. Seriously. Do it. I swear by the stuff.
Love your projects and of course your kitchen looks adorable. Good luck with your events. xo
Oh poor Nanette!! That is a long list of "to-do's" Just a wedding alone can cause one to completely stress out!! Hope you find some time today to relax, take a hot bath, breath deeply, and delegate some of your stuff to family and friends. I know SOMEONE will be willing to lend a hand with some of the stuff that needs doing.
I love love love your curtains!! How cute!!
Poor you - you need some calm and maybe some claritan.
Hi Nanette
Slow down girl! Take a big breath and lie down on the couch and relax for awhile. Take a break from blogging for a little while if you need to. Ask for help from your family and friends. Postpone handmade Christmas until next year if you have to. The only really important things on your list are your family. The rest of it can just take a back seat for awhile.
I guess we are all saying basically the same thing. Hope you're listening ;)
((hugs)) Rhondi
you have a lot on right now - your rash is probably your body telling you to slow it down, breathe and relax a little. Drink some chamomile tea, take time out to do nothing for a half hour a day, read a book or a magazine, just free your mind.
Or look at those pretty curtains - they'd surely be enough to make you relax?
I hope life calms down a little for you very soon!
4 deep breaths. OK, I always feel better if I make a list of what I need to do--in order of importance, then give myself permission to do what I can and not worry about the rest. Oh, and learn to delegate. Things may not get done exactly like we would have done it but it gets done, so one less thing on your shoulders.
You just enjoy and no guilt! No obligations. There are already plenty of ideas on the handmade Christmas list to keep us all busy! Have a good time. LOVE those curtains!
I'm here for you in spirit, Nanette! Remember to take deep breaths now and again, a nice cup of Camomille tea helps, too! I love the curtains - I think they would be perfect for the Squash House!
Hugs Nanette. Being overwhelmed isn't fun - I hope things start to calm down for you soon. Thinking of you :)
Nanette, so sorry to hear about the rash. please take care of yourself.
Love those new curtains! They are adorable. Your kitchen is sooo cute :)
Oh Nanette, Take some time off and enjoy this time of your life, a Wedding, a new baby. I think the rash is telling you something. When all the fun is over, then come back and show us, until then, enjoy the ride and we will all still be here!
PS Love the curtains!
You need a clone! Love the new curtains -- who doesn't love a scalloped edge? Try to slow down a little -- I'm sure you know it, but this time will be gone in a flash!
I am totally out of breath reading that first paragraph! Whew, slow down girl!! But I totally understand why you are doing what you are doing. Love the cute little project and those cafe curtains are just fabulous.
I love the fabric for the curtains and the cute table topper. Now stop replying and take it easy. I'm suprised with what you've been doing. Roll on November and look after yourself.
I think you gave me a panic attack! LOL Just kidding. My word girl. You have got the busy life right now. I hope all goes well and you can enjoy everything. Will be thinking about you and keep ya in my prayers. ;o)
I agree - you can't be everything to everyone - it would be lovely to be able to keep up the pace, but it is impossible! Take time to stop and smell the roses - we are all here for you without you having to tell us so - now, behave!
Hugs - Lurline♥
Breath deeply and remember that we bloggers will still be here but the only thing you need to worry about is being mother to the bride and new grandma. All the creativity within you will wait until those very important things take place. I've had the itcy rash thing and so has another friend and like you, it came at a time of high stress and multiple tasks that had to be done. Wish I could be there to lend a hand in some way. Then again, I'm still suffering the effects of the flu so you do not want me anywhere near all of you! I love the curtains and the framed pieces and shelf, too. Your window and door trim is just like ours only your's is painted and our's is stained. In the coming weeks there will be so many fun things with the new bride and a new baby. I just know you'll be inspired by something and it'll show up as a quilt after Christmas. LOL!
WOW! I would be hiding under my bed covers if I had THAT much on my plate!
You are amazing though and I know it will all work out and to others it will all appear effortless!
Darling curtains, love the framed teapots!
Congratulations on first time grammy, gaining a new son and best of luck and prayers for your to do list and computer recovery!
Breathe nanette, breathe.....
Don't worry about blogland we will all still be here after you have done with all your wonderful busyness - and of course we will love to see the pics !!
Love the curtains Nanette - take a breath! And we blog without obligation! We are all grown-ups and if a good idea can work out - great - but it should always be a collaborative effort. You already have done so much with all you share! We need to be creative and be helping you!
Oh poor you Nanette! What a busy, busy, busy, busy year you are having. Your table topper is lovely - glimpses of the Nanette we so love! And your curtains are DARLING! As is your kitchen. It must feel nice to come into here, sit down and have a quiet cup of tea - and you must do this dear friend, just to catch your breath!
I'm thinkin' good thoughts.... breathe in. Breathe out. Have some m&m's. Breathe in. Breathe out.
I love your Christmas list - it's my go-to idea book for sure. And that I'm on that list... that' gravy! xoxom!
easy girl! i'll be thinking good thoughts for you, though i can relate a bit to the crazy busy thing. you're kitchen is lovely!
Breathe in and out and take a 5-minute break just for you!! I wonder about the stress level causing the itching too. Hope that goes away soon!
Well....you know I'm cheering you
on through all this 'busy-ness'!!
I was wondering why you hadn't posted in a while and then discovered you somehow got removed from google reader! So now I'm catching up. Those are my kind of curtains and CUTE!!!
Best wishes on the craziness right now! Do you think you have hives from all the stress? I hope you feel better soon and don't worry about the Christmas stuff. People can start on their own.
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