Today on
Nan's blog she posted this old saying "The hurrier I go the behinder I get". As a kid I heard and saw this saying all the time from the good Pennsylvania Dutch people from where I grew up. That is a perfect description of me right now. Doh! I had several comments asking me where was my picture of the mess I had talked about creating in my sewing room? It took
Anna saying "No really, Nanette, where is the picture of the mess?" for me to realize I'd deleted that picture or something. Although I've had such a hard time lately uploading pictures. Is anyone else having a problem with blogger? Sheesh.

Okay so here is the mess in all its lovely glory. Well part of it. You can just see peeking out under the table my scrap saver (well its a waste basket but I use it to save scraps) that overfloweth. And really thats all I have to show for my efforts today. Just a messy project starting. The worst part is the threads and teeny tiny scraps on the floor. Before I go to bed tonight this floor WILL be vaccumed.
I feel kinda silly posting the blog awards I have gotten lately. Especially since I'm so awful at giving them out to others. Sorry about that. But really these girls have sensational blogs. So I'll kinda give it back to them.

The lovely
Mary has a blog I've read for a while. She's got great stuff going on at her home. She's just appliqued some really cute birdies, too.

The darling
Melissa is a local gal (well from Utah) that I may or may not cross paths with but don't actually know. Well anyway we are at the same places from time to time just not together. She's up to some fun stuff. Go check her out.

And then there is the sweet
Eileen. She's a great person with lovely vintage fun going on at her house. Eileen and I have a lot in common and I consider her a true friend. I happened on her blog a while ago while she was showing vintage books. I'm so glad I did. You'll enjoy her blog if you don't already.
Over at
Sarah Smith they are having a prize extravoganza. You've gotta go enter. All you have to do is send them an email with your address and they will draw 8 prize winners. You don't even need to have a blog to enter. They have fun products that are cute and practical.
Ok, I need to go get myself oranized.
You call that a mess? Sheesh! Congratulations on all the awards. You've been my mentor.
Well, that's certainly a PRETTY mess Nanette! Congrats on all your awards!
As soon as I saw the title to your blog post I thought of my grandmother. She had a framed picture with that saying...she was from Pennsylvania! I believe my mother has the picture and I hope to have it one day.
I wish I could be that messy when I quilt! You should see my room right now!! It's scary!
Since starting my blog I spend more time on the computer and less time with the vacuum in my hand...
The house sure shows it! But it's way more fun. Congratulations on the awards. Mimi
That looks way too organized to be a mess. I wish my messes were so pretty! :)
Thanks for pointing the way to the Sarah Smith giveaway. How very wonderful!
Where's the mess? I think I will have to post what a mess really looks like! :-)
Well I won't say anything about the mess, because everyone else already said it. But I do want your painted yellow table!
We still say that saying here in Ohio.. but I think it's because we learned it from our grandma in PA. I guess you have a lot of readers with roots here!
will you be selling your dress quilt pattern soon?
My dad used to say that, I always thought it was something he came up with. Your "mess" is so organized. I wish my messes looked so good.
try to think of it as a lovely, productive mess! congrats on the well deserved!
Congrats on all your awards. I wish my messes were so tidy.
I am glad you enjoyed your award, (and all the others!) but let me join others in saying that you apparently don't know what a "mess" is.
I guess one woman's mess is another woman's visual inspiration.
Well we could have a MESS Competition - you would NOT win Nanette. So sorry. Maybe it was the cute dress quilt in the background that distracts the eye.
Of course you deserve all of those blogging awards! Always something new and fun here (even if you don't have any idea what a mess is).
That pile is definitely too tidy and organized to be considered "a mess" ... lol!
A very pretty mess indeed. And I looove the house block from your last post! x
okay, I will admit that Alan has little or no bread since March and yours is about his first, but he is still eating a small piece (4 days later) and raving about it being the best he's ever had. Is it "Marilyn's wonderful bread" from Laura or a different recipe? You may need to post a copy. Course you will have to send everyone along a it of peach jam!
You call that a mess??? Uh uh!! It's so colourful and cheerful and pretty -- it could never be called a mess! LOL
Oh it's such a pretty mess though :)
I think your "mess" is a thing of beauty, Nanette!
Congratulations on all the awards - I think you are very deserving of every one of them.
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