. . . my favorite people. I'm going to go "off" here for a minute so bear with me please. I have such a great support group of women in our circle of bloggers. I'm so happy to have such fabulous people to create with. The sweet comments, emails and thoughtful things said and done are a real blessing in my life. Just yesterday I got a simple comment with "xo" from
Pam. Such a simple thing but I knew she visited me and was cheering me on.
Her blog is so popular and is one of the first I ever visited. It is such a great inspiration to me. I got a card in the mail from
Stephanie. She is so thoughtful.
Stephanie designs and creates the greatest work (go look at the darling bag she just made). And last night I spoke on the phone with
Terri. She helps me think straight sometimes and is such a patient friend.
You are all so fabulous. Even those of you that read the blog and never comment. I know you are there and I appreciate you. Husbands are (usually) wonderful things and children are a blessing but let me tell you. The power of a visit from someone like you, and I mean YOU - whoever you are - means that you understand the creative process and appreciate the things I work on. I've said this before but I mean it so much. Blogging with creative women is like belonging to the best quilt guild in the world. Thank you!
From time to time I get spoiled. I am always so grateful and so humbled by packages in the mail. You may know exactly how I feel.
A few weeks before Christmas a lovely wrapped gift arrived and darn I didn't take a picture of it. I put it under my tree because it was so pretty. It was from
Jodi is one of the first bloggers I connected with a year or so ago. We are both very busy people but have similar interests and ideas. I left the package under the tree until Christmas morning because I enjoyed the anticipation of opening the package.

And this was inside - two very darling, and perfect for me, teacup and teapot ornaments. They went right on my Christmas tree.
Jodi knows what I like. Thank you so much
Jodi. They are really cute. And I'm not going to put them away with my other ornaments. They are too special to just bring out once a year and put on the tree. I placed them on a shelf in my sewing room where I can enjoy them everyday. Thank you.
The Christmas Cottage Exchange brought me so many wonderful friends. I even made a new friend with Tricia. And she lives only a few minutes from me - but we didn't know eachother. She is terrific and I'm so happy that
Terri and I did the exchange if just for connecting with the talented women we found.
Mel is one of the sweet and incredibly talented girls that joined the exchange. And she doesn't live that far from me either - maybe an hour? I got to know
Mel a little better when she had her cottage open house - what a clever idea. So today I opened my mailbox and found a little package from

I of course ripped right into it before thinking to take a picture. But here are all the lovely prizes she sent me. A bow was tied around the bag with that sweet bird on the right. I know Mel made it and I'm hanging it right on my bulletin board next to
Eileen's owls. Mel included the pattern and charm square kit to make a beautiful table runner that she created. It really is such a neat idea and pattern. I've got to make that for next year. And then she included . . .

one of the door hangers she has been making. I saw them on her blog and thought how incredibly clever they were. Little did I know she made me one with an N on it. I hung it right on the door knob of my sewing room where I can see it everyday, too.
Mel is such a precise sew-er. The last item in the package made me laugh so hard my husband had to come into the room and find out why I was laughing so much.

Oh my gosh. The bag. I am telling you that the (female) principal of 5th and Spring, my elementary school, gave out "samples" similar to this bag after our very special movie when I was in 6th grade. I can still remember the girl in the very old film ("Mom, I think I'll take an extra shower today.) The bag is so incredibly hilarious. And inside the bag was this very fun novelty fabric. I'll have to make little zipper clutch and line it with this underwear fabric. Mel has the best sense of humor. Thank you so much.
I'm very grateful to think I have so many women to connect with all over the world and in my own back yard, too.
Great post...I feel exactly the same way! I've thought about attending quilt guild meetings in either Las Vegas or St. George, but haven't wanted to travel so far...and with blogging it's like I now have a quilt guild. The swaps, exchanges, and creative inspiration are more than I ever thought could happen from blogging...so thank YOU!
I couldn't agree more Nanette! What a great circle of friends around the world!
You are the first quilting blog I ever read. I didn't even know such things existed until you.
I love all the feedback you get with the quilts and projects. I love that it's world wide too! Like Sandy is Australian. How cool is that? I never would have met her otherwise! Or you. Or Mel!
PS YOU are SOOOOOO lucky to get one of those beloved door hangers!
You're always an inspiration whether its with a project or kind words.
Now that Sanitary Bag. I cracked up. Because I sure remember those.
You're always an inspiration whether its with a project or kind words.
Now that Sanitary Bag. I cracked up. Because I sure remember those.
I agree Nannette, we have been blessed with such wonderful friends.
Happy New year to you and your loved ones.
the sanitary bag is hysterical...i love a wicked sense of humor...and thank you for mentioning me...your friendship means more to me than you'll ever know...♥
I remember those bags!!! How funny.
I agree as well...bloggers are truly the best. I have met so many people i can not go a day without visiting. One of them is you, Nanette!
You are a awesome inspiration to me.
Sometimes all it takes is something small to make us feel better...and of course opening a package with something to make us laugh is even better!!! You said it perfectly...bloggers are the best quilt guild around. How fortunate to "know" all of these lovely and talented ladies.
Oh lawsy! I saw that same movie in 6th grade! I was zapped back to Kaysville Jr High immediately when I saw that bag!
We didn't have 'the movie' when I was a kid (at least I don't remember it LOL). My older sister explained it all to me; being the artist that she was she drew pictures. And when she was done she asked if I had any questions and I said "Can you draw a horse?" She figured I was doomed LOL Three kids later, I think I got the message.
I love the black and white fabric. I have some in a couple of quilts and want to go back and get some yardage. My kids say "Mom, that fabric is so not right!"
you said it so well, my friend. what wonderful gifts! and that bag, oh my, the film, the talk, the bag...
Nanette, you are so right, blogland is wonderful place where people we may have never met can become great friends. love all your goodies!
Very well said Nanette! Happy New Year to you!!!
Now on to 2009!!
Happy New Year...
YOU are an inspiration and motivator to me as well as all the other quilters out there!
We all benifit and grow from knowing each other, blogging really is a unique way to become sisters in quilting!
You write it so well about the dropping in and visiting. I am a self taught (sic) quilter, just enjoy doing it and I feel that when I visit blogs, it's like visiting old friends, lots of sharing ideas, lots of inspirations, and lots and lots of coffee in the morning as I visit some of my favorite places.
Happy New Year, it's been fun finding you.
Ah. Thanks Nanette. You are too kind. You put into words what I think on almost a daily basis. So glad I found blogging and all of my blogging friends. Glad you liked your gift. I saw them quite some time ago, and immediately thought of you. I remember when I first started blogging I would see bloggers sending other bloggers gifts. So and so loves pink. So and so loves old plates. And some blogger would see something in the store and instantly thought of this other blogger she'd never met, buy it and send it to her. I thought at the time, "how strange." LOL. Now I know. ;o) Happy New Year! I can't wait to see what we'll all be doing in 2009! ooxx`jod
You definitely defined the blogging experience -- the largest, best quilt guild going!
Love all your goodies.
Happy New Year!
Love all your goodies from your quilty friends. I am so glad that I decided to join this great group of creative women. Everyone is so encouraging and friendly. Have New Year to you and yours.
I laughed when I saw your bag...and the bra and pantie fabric. Too funny.
Oh that bag, Nanette! Seems like lifetime's ago - but still fresh in my memory! Thanks for such a wonderful post - I had no idea I would meet such talented and fabulous bloggers when I began my own blogging journey - you are right there on top for me!
Nanette, you put into words so eloquently the very reasons that I blog. I have found a wonderful group of women through blogging, who have become my cheering section, always offering support and strength. You are a lovely person who deserves every good thing that comes your way!
The gifts are wonderful, especially the "sanitary bag" - takes me back to a land long ago and far away, thank goodness! LOL!!
Such a wonderful post. Thanks for the share. It was very interesting and informative.
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