Use floral, print, or geometric fabric
1Roof - 4" x 10 1/2"
1 Door - 2 1/2" x 4 1/2"
2 Windows - 2 1/2" square: Use some imagination here, you could be looking inside the house, at window coverings or just the frame of the window. For the cottage pictured in the tutorial I fussy cut a fabric with 2 different prints and colors (kind of stripe) to create the look of window shades.
1 Chimney - 2 1/2" square: Same as roof fabric
6 "Bricks" - 2 1/2" square: Makes the body of the house
White or neutral fabric
2 Roof corners - 2 1/2" square
2 Chimney side strips - 2 1/2" x 4 1/2"
1 Top strip - 2 1/2" x 10 1/2"

Take the 2 white 2 1/2" squares and iron them crosswise to make a crease as above. Align the corners of the roof and the white squares together and stitch along the crease line in a basic snow ball block technique.

Trim seams to 1/4" And press open with the seams outward.
Lay out and set aside the parts of the house so far.
Then lay out your house pieces as above to prepare for sewing.
Stitch the squares together as above and press seams. Join the blocks on either side of the door together and then stitch them to the door. Press.
Now you can start building the house from the bottom up by attaching the house body to the roof, the roof to the chimney and the chimney to the top white strip.

Press and you are done. Finished block size is 10 1/2" x 12" This is such an easy process and you can quickly make several of them in an afternoon. Wasn't that fun?
Check with me tomorrow and I'll talk about an idea I have for a block exchange. Would anyone be interested in that? - nanette
I love this tutorial!!! Thank you for taking the time to offer it. I am anxious to try out a block very soon.
Great tutorial! Block exchange? I'm in!!
Fantastic! Love the tutorial. I am intriqued by the block exchange...do tell...
Thank you so much for the tutorial! It's a lovely little block.
Thank you for a great tutorial! These look like fun!
Very cute Nanette! I love house quilts!
Thank you Nanette! I will be making lots of these in the near future. They're so cute! Now, it's time to go dive into my fabric stash...x
Excellent tutorial--very clear instructions. Thanks for the time you put into making this. I love the houses.
I love house blocks...thanks for the tutorial...a block exchange would be fun!
Ooohhhh, you know I'm a sucker for a house block. Very interested in your house exchange. You'll tell us size tomorrow? I've got these SIXTY 6" blocks still waiting for something to be done.
Love the cottage block. I may try it tonight. Will be interested to hear about your block exchange idea. :-)
how stinkin' cute nanette.
i was even thinking while i read this...'how cute would that be as a single block with *family* name {in our case, griffith} embroidered above the house...would make for a cute entry way mini wall quilt'
and count me in on a block exchange!!!
Another absolutely darling Nanette block! Let me know the details on the block exchange when you've decided on how you're going to do things. I'd love to join in on the fun.
You do wonderful tutorials!! Thanks bunches. I have been busy collecting my oranges for my pumpkins. I have a group coming over this weekend and if I have enough, I think that's what I will work on!
Now how cute and easy was that?
I love it I can see little houses dancing in my head. They will deffinately appear in one of my quilts soon. Thanks for the tutorial.
I would also be interested in a block exchange. Let me know when.. Come visit me at my blog "Making Memories One Stitch at a Time".
I feel a new addiction coming on;) A block exchange sounds like fun.
Such a cute block! Thanks for sharing the tutorial.
what the heck is up? google reader shows that you posted an announcement about the exchange, but it's not showing up on your blog? i put something on my blog, too...=)...the exchange is a great idea...thank you! you're awesomely creative!
I am going to have to read this in detail tomorrow. I thought it said COLLEGE tutorial and thought you had gone back to school. :0 It isn't even late for me but my eyes are tired. I do want to know how you make those cute blocks though.
Tomorrow, tomorrow...
LOVE it. Thanks for sharing and I'm definitely interested in a block exchange!!!
Quilt Street pattern????? Have I missed something? A block exchange with these cuties would be so much fun.
Awesome tutorial.
Thanks. Those blocks are so cute. One block would make a really cute pillow, too. -- Michele
that WAS fun. thanks for the tutorial.
Love the cottage (I love a house block!)
Thank-you so much for posting this Nanette! I love these little houses and it actually looks do-able using your tutorial! I just love using up all those little scraps!
Well, I think I might have to try your quilt block. Thanks for the pattern. They are so darn cute. Mimi
The little cottages are adorable. Thanks for sharing how to make them.
Yes I'd like to sign up Sounds like fun......
I am anxious to make these....a good project...good tutorial!!
Love your cute blocks!
THANKS, Nanette, for this cuuuute block and tutorial! :>)
Sooo tempting, indeed.... hmmmm, better go back to my lovely blue birds.... but I'll sure have a try on these cottages, too !
Smiles and hugs to you, dear
thanks so much nanette. i could see these in so many things and in so many different, fun fabrics. i'm definitely bookmarking this for future reference.
Oh nanette this is perfect for my scrap drawer! Can't wait to try one!
Sounds like fun!!!!
Great tutorial!
May be I should give it a try, but I'm afraid I'll get addicted...LOL!
Your tutorial is wonderful, Nanette! Thank you so much! I'm sorry I missed your block exchange. I know it will be a lot of fun! At least I'll get to see all the houses!
Thank you for the tutorial. I got it and bookmarked it. This is going to be sooo much fun! Lots of Hugs, Mary
P.S. Also received the info not to embellish. No problem.
That first cottage block is so perfect with the little girl in the door -- great choice of fabric!!
Thank you very much for this tutorial. Yay! Just found your blog, through a legacy of stitches, which I just found during the winter blog giveaways. Great fun! I absolutely LOVE the houses - and also the doll houses!
This is GREAT! Do you have a picture of it finished?
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