And believe it or not this picture was taken after the room was cleaned.
When Jamie and my husband painted the bedroom Eagles green I was not happy. But see who won, not me.
So today there is even a football birthday cake. If you didn't know it you'd think the cake was for a 12 year old boy or something. But Jamie is not only NOT a 12 year old boy . . .
Jamie is a girl, my 6th daughter. Ever since she was a kid she loved being outside and playing sports. We used to call her Playing James. She made up a song and would sing it for everyone when she was about 6. It was called "I am a kid". Things haven't changed much.
Jamie is on the left and Laurie, her younger sister on the right. They both love sports but Jamie's the family fanatic. See what she's wearing? That's her 24/7 wardrobe. Basketball shorts and Eagles t-shirts.
And here is her other persona. Hip Hop Jam Bam. What's a mother to do?
Only one thing to be said - FLY EAGLES FLY!!
That is so funny. Our daughter was a huge New York Knicks fan (we live in Ohio..?) all through junior high and part of highschool. I painted her room orange and bright blue, and everything was Knicks from her bedspread to her lampshade. She did outgrow that, but still loves sports! And tomorrow is her birthday. :-)
Happy Birthday Jamie!
Love Happy birthday Jamie.
Happy Birthday Jamie:)
Happy BDAY Jamie!
I'm sure you wouldn't want it any other way or all you kids to be the same. I can't imagine how life has been with 8 children. I know having only 2 keeps me on my toes.
Awwwwwwwww she's lovely, and has a passion --- I bet momma is VERY proud! Happy Birthday Jamie!
Hapde Burfday!
Happy Birthday to Jamie!
Happy birthday to your beautiful girl! My Katie is a sports nut also...except the Los Angeles Angels!!!! What a wonderful cake!
Great blog, I enjoy reading it. I've given you an award over at my blog, check by for more info!
A mother is to embrace that beautiful girl LOL! Very pretty girls Nanette -- and to think, there are 5 others!!!
Oh..Happy Birthday Jamie!
Happy Birthday Jamie! I have one just like her, gotta love em'!
Happy Birthday Jamie!
Happy birthday, Jamie!
happy birthday Jamie!
Hi Nanette, you have 6 daughters??? OMG! Well, make SURE to tell Jamie happy birthday from me!!
Happy Birthday Jamie!
I say, whatever floats your boat! Happy Birthday, Jamie. Mimi
Happy Birthday to your Jamie. I am a Jaime too! Lots of people think it's a boys name but it's not. My mom named me off of a boy named Jamie on a Soap Opera because he was rich.
There is always one in the crowd! Hope she has a great day!
Nanette, my daughter was a huge Red Wings hockey fan. In high school she celebrated with a million plus fans in downtown Detroit (10 years back) and she went with other girls. She stills loves hockey but has a love for cooking and baking and I still try to get her to sew--just is not going to happen. LOL!
Happy Birthday Jamie--you go girl!
Jamie is definitely in touch with Jamie - she knows who she is. WTG! Happy Birthday to Jamie.
Happy B-day Jamie!!! Isn't it great how each of our children are different. My hubby wishes our little girl was more of a tomboy but she is 100% girly girl. And after 3 boys I must say it is a pleasant change.
I was sure Jamie was going to be a boy. :D But what a LOVELY young lady and I personally LOVE the color of her room. ;) And I don't even like FOOTBALL!
Happy Birthday Jamie!
Happy Birthday to Jamie!!! I totally believe that picture was taken after cleaning...looks better than my teenage sons room after they "clean" it lol!!!
i spent most of jamie's birthday throwing up (yay for new meds) and so packages and congrats will be on their way later.
i also congratulate you for not eating your young when we were bad, heaven knows we deserved it!
Happy birthday to your Jamie - you go girl :)
Jamie is a girl after my own heart. I am a football fanatic myself! Love the color of her bedroom, too. Even though I am a Seahawk fan, GO EAGLES!!!
Happy Belated Birthday, Jamie!!
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