It's raining and storming in Utah like much of the country today. But the sun wants to come out. It's a good day to stay inside and relax. Over the weekend I kept my family pretty busy though. I bribed them by going out to breakfast on Saturday and then we headed to the dreaded
Ikea. I say dreaded because I made my husband go with me to
Ikea and he really hated it. It isn't a shopping store most men would enjoy and I admit by the time I'm done I don't enjoy. I always wonder what someone would do if they had to get out of the store fast. It's a place you can't quickly shop in, that's for sure. We went through the whole store up and down. I bought some kitchen items and a few things for my sewing room. Then when we got home my husband had to install or put things together. That is where the real "labor" came in.

I bought 2 small chandeliers for my sewing room. I've been wanting to make the lighting more fun in this room since it only has 5 can lights. In the middle 2 cans in the room Dave replaced those with these little
Ikea lights. I love them. They are cute and add some drama to my sewing room. They were pretty beastly to install - very "labor" intensive. He had to redo one of them twice and the other 3 times. Don't ask why. I owe him big after this. The light bulbs are pretty ugly but this was my compromise with my husband to installing the new fixtures. The switch is broken for the other 3 can lights and he's going to fix that today.

I got a little step stool from
Ikea so I can reach the top shelves in my sewing room better. I thought it would look great painted red but there was a sticker on the bench with pictures of "dos and
don'ts" that said no painting - I think. I wonder why. I still may try to paint it.

I also got a new little ironing board for my sewing area. I've had a really small one on the shelf next to my machine but it was ergonomically in a bad space . This one takes up some room but I think it will work out better for pressing seams. For big projects I'll continue to use my big iron/ironing board.

Speaking of labor. My friends labored this weekend.
Chirine brought me zucchini bread last night. Thank you
Chirine. It was delicious.

Laura brought me some of her chili sauce she made last week. I'll have to get some recipes from her to use this. It looks so good. It is her mother's chili sauce recipe, maybe she can be persuaded to put the recipe on her blog. Thank's
Laura. I use chili sauce in my home made coctail sauce and sloppy Joe's.
Our tomatoes are starting to come on strong in the garden so my labor is coming. I will be making salsa next Saturday. And my shoulder is starting to improve but I've still got to take it easy. Thanks for all your good wishes for my shoulder and your good ideas.
Edit - to" the other Nanette", I don't have your email to answer your questions. But you should try to hit Material Girls in South Jordan off 10600 and Redwood Road, Quilter's Haven in Bountiful and Broadbent's in Lehi.
What adorable light fittings, I have to ask though, what's a can light? Very yummy looking brad and sauce... Sounds like you're having a lovely day.
Always good to get someone else doing the work ;-)
Regarding your little steps - if you sand the varnish back so you have a nice key for the paint to grip you should be fine. There is not much from IKEA I haven't painted!
Wow! You said light fixtures, but I didn't picture gorgeous chandeliers!
Ohhhh, I love your chandeliers for your sewing room! They add "twinkle" to the room which surely must provide divine inspiration. :-) I have three light bulbs that light my sewing room and we have been here almost two years. Everytime I find a fixture I like, my husband has some reason why it won't work in my low-ceiling room. You've inspired me! It's time to get some class in the lighting in my room! P.S. Glad you enjoyed my birthday post about my mom. :-)
Maybe they think paint will make the steps hazardous? You could put sand in the paint and make it grippy. Martha has a recipe on her website.
My husband loves IKEA way more than I do. He does however, HATE putting IKEA crap together. LOL
Oh, I haven't had zucchini bread in years. That looks delicious, but then again so does the sauce!
Sorry it rained there! we had great weather... sunny, breezy, and 80s!! No labor here!
I love to go to Ikea. Although it's kind of a long drive for us. The lights are so cute. I saw them there and have been trying to figure out where I could put at least one. Mimi
i LOVE the chandeliers! what a fun fix-up to your sewing room. i hope they make your sewing time even more wonderful.
What a cute way to fix up your sewing room.. right now my sewing room is such a mess... I need to organize it to find it!
I love your lights. What a fun way to add some spice to your sewing room.
I love your lights! Ikea is one of our favorite stores, although we can't go very often now because we tend to spend too much when we get in there.
ooooouuuuu....."GAUDY MAUDY IS MY NAME"....Chandeliers R US!!!! I loooovvve chandeliers. You ought to see the one in my bathroom....BIG and GAUDY....and you the description of my's "DUSTY SPARKLES"!!!
I love the ones you picked out...and TWO in one room....WOW!
I have that same bench but mine isnt painted.Not sure why they would say dont paint though.
Love the new lighting. And the bread and chili sauce looks so yummy!!
bread looks delicious.
Just found your blog today and love your novelty fabrics. Your little dresses pattern is adorable! Did you make that up yourself? I think your choice of fabrics really makes it special.
WOW those lights have got to be a great touch to your sewing room - they are adorable. Never been to IKEA but I hear it's an adventure and I'm sure my hub's wouldn't be signing up for that trip either. Glad your feeling better.
Hugs - Karen
Excellent Labor Day Nanette! Love the new chandeliers. Funny about the step stool -- I think I'd probably try to paint it too -- just because. Is it plastic or something? Maybe that's why it says not to paint it???
The owner of Creekside, in payson, didn't want to be in the business anymore. She sold all of her stock to Gracie Lou's in Salem.
I love those lights in your sewing room!!!
I LOVED the rain...we opened all the windows just to let the fresh rainy scent in! The new light fixtures look awesome - worth the trip to that monster of a store (although your husband would probably diasagree)! I bet you could SPRAY paint that stool. I am learning that spray paint works on EVERYTHING...& it's lightening fast!!
OK-- I love Ikea!! We diverge in this area. I used to go to the Ikea in Oakland and wish for the day when they would come to Utah. Then they started building one in Draper right as I moved! No fair! When I go up North I try and go in whenever I can and there is never enough time to see it all. Have you seen their wonderful Japanese fabrics? I made a quilt for one of my Laurels this last year who spent her senior year as an exchange student in Japan. Very wild quilt, but fun.
Make that LIGHTNING fast. I always notice my spelling errors after I hit publish! :)
Looks like I had trouble with disagree as well!
The chandeliers are beautiful - what a great idea! I have one sitting in the garage and now I know what to do with it! Thanks for the list of quilt shops - I'm going to hit them all! The other Nanette
i love your new lighting! yeah, IKEA is an all day experience, huh? we like to have lunch there when we go. the food is pretty good. and cheap. i like that combination- good and cheap.
and that chili sauce looks good. i'm interested to hear what other recipes you come up with for it. the only thing i use chili sauce in is a Root Beer Pulled Pork crockpot recipe from the Better Homes and Gardens cookbook. You should try that one if you haven't already. Its very yummy. I'm sure homemade chili sauce would make it even better than the store stuff.
I love your new chandeliers! I think they will make your sewing room look extra special. I have a special chandelier waiting patiently in the basement to be put in my future sewing room. I've never been to an IKEA but I will make a pilgrimage some day!
I went to Ikea on the weekend too! We were researching for our upcoming kitchen - lots of fun. I agree with sarah&jack - I bet they say no paint in case it makes it slippery - so I'd paint it with sand like s&j suggested, or buy some of those stick on black strips of grippy stuff they put on stairs and ramps. That'd do the trick!
The lights are too cute - what a happy addition to your sewing room. Your husband is a prince! I don't know why you couldn't paint that footstool - maybe it has a varnish coating that you'll have to sand off before painting.
Yummy looking zucchini bread, and the thought of chili sauce sets my mouth aflame with excitement!
I just put up that same IKEA chandelier in my daughter's room... or rather, my husband put it up. He had trouble with it too! The two of them look so charming in your craft room.
IKEA is a time trap, I'm convinced. my sister knows better than to step foot in that store with me. last trip (with 3 kids) was several hours. several!
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