Here is my sewing machine. Unused and sad in the dark unlit corner of my sewing room. Instead I literally spent the whole weekend in the kitchen. I'd much rather be sewing. But we had . . .

more! peach jam and not pictured was peach pie.
Its a good thing peaches are one of my favorite fruits.I really did think we were done with the peaches in our little orchard but one of our trees produced peaches later this summer and so I had to do something with them and it had to be done now or they'd go bad. But if that wasn't enough we also had . . .

not quite millions of tomatoes and peppers makes . . .

And there will be plenty more tomatoes and peppers from the garden if the weather stays mild and we don't get an early frost. We squeezed in a few other things from the kitchen . . .

And thats not all. We watched this. We are big Philadelphia Eagles fans. And they played against the Rams. Wowie 38-3!!!! Now thats a season opener.
So it may be slim pickins around here to show any sewing projects this week. Oh well. -nanette

Oh Wow, I'm so jealous of the peaches! I really really want to get some peaches AND NOW! They are not "easy" to come by around here... Your 'kitchen fixin's' look great! I got some serious sewing time in yesterday (10 hrs.)! Yeah!
I would like to order 5 fresh peach pies please. My gosh those peaches look good!
Man, do I wish I was your next door neighbor and you wanted to share some of your yummy salsa and peaches with me!
Wow, those peaches and tomatoes are just making my mouth water! They look delicious. You've really been busy, haven't you!
enjoy the peaches for me!!! I miss fresh peaches off the tree. there is nothing better than all that wonderful sweet juice running down your chin. :)
My husband has been putting in a lot of volunteer time at the Stake farm. He said they have had 4 times the number of peaches compared to last year. We love peaches too. During the winter you will be so happy to have so much in storage.
oh man! those peaches look so good. so how did you like the pulled pork?
Well you're quite the busy camper! We're still waiting for tomatoes and peaches in Idaho. I d ohave corn. So lots and lots of frozen corn. yum. I like the big chunks of onion in the salsa!! :)
Poor,sad sewing machine :( Well maybe it needed a rest like your arm and shoulder did. WOWEEEE on the bumper crop of peaches!! All of it looks so good but really...send PIE! :D I am a big salsa fan too. Do you make it HOT?
I am NOT a football fan in any sense.
Haha! Must be peach time in Utah. My sweet auntie is doing peaches, pears and tomatoes this week!
I love homemade salsa, but I cannot make it. I dont' know why, but it never turns out. I did make a peach pie this weekend. My 2 year old loves peaches.
Wow! A bountiful harvest, indeed! I love peaches and if I lived close by, I'd be more than happy to take some off your hands. That salsa looks good, too!
Peachapalooza! I'm drooling. I can't get good peaches locally (and I've tried). Our former next door neighbors used to bring me peaches when they went home to Utah for a visit. Now I'm SURE OF IT that Utah is the peach capital of the world! Sorry Georgia.
There is nothing like seeing someone do a lot of canning to make me feel guilty. And yet seeing all those little cups stacked up makes me swoon.
Oh ... and I gave you an award, because your blog is a daily stop for me. Check out the details on mine.
And thanks for your kind words this last week.
I need to get to my peaches. I did salsa Saturday and am hoping the weather stays mild so we get more of those yummy tomatoes and peppers.
Hee Hee Looks like you and me were up to the same thing lately. ;o) Wish I had a dryer, i would LoVe some peach leather! mmmm... Those tomatoes look divine! And homemade salsa! Way good. A youngin came into my kitchen the other day, picked up a jar of pears and said, "are those handmade!" ? LOL. Happy Summer Harvest.
It was yummy stuff! I got peach jam and fresh tomato salsa (and homemade bread) from Nanette's labors. Absolutely fabulous and delicious. I finished the salsa today. Again my thanks for sharing your bounty.
love fg
Hmmm, no orchard nearby with peaches but perhaps the grocery store will suffice. For some reason I am hungry for peach cobbler.........Wonder why? Fresh tomatoes we have, peaches, no. Apples are big here in the valley now so perhaps I could do an apple cobbler, too. Just love your blog :-)
Umm... yum, yum, yum, yum, yum!
I think your sad sewing machine will forgive you!
Holy Peaches Batman! That looks fantastic. I want to be at your house. Not just for the peaches. For all sorts of reasons. :)
Peachy Love, *karendianne./ Living Life at LeeHaven
PS: Mail hasn't gone out yet (in case you were wondering, I'm behind).
This must be a good year for peaches. Our Michigan crops are sweet and juicy. Peach pie, cobbler, jam; it's all good. The peach roll-ups look yummy, are they easy to make?
MMMM, looks so good!
Thank you for the birthday wishes, your name is in the basket. Good luck, Jane
I love peaches too! But you sure have an unbelievable amount and it seems an infinite number of recipes. Everything looks delicious!
All that food sure looks good, especially the peaches. Hope you get time to sew this week.
Hugs, Rhondi
Looks like a lot of work but worth it. In this new house no fruit trees yet, which is a mixed blessing. Miss the fruit, not so much the work...Mimi
Your peaches look yuuuuummmmmy! I've been doing beans and tomatoes. I took Joanna's pie to work on Sat. It was a hit!
Those peaches look delicious!! I wish I was your neighbour too! :-)
the peaches look yummy!
Wow! What a fabulous crop of peaches. Peaches don't grow very well out here in the chilly washington air. I am happily jealous of your situation~!
Oh yum the peaches look soooooo good!!! I did a bunch of apricot jam at my MIL's before I left. She used to have a peach tree but the scouts in her ward did some 'service' pruning her plants and they kinda killed the peach tree lol!! Now how did the pie come out? Edible?!
Wow busy weekend! I can relate I did 30 quarts of peaches last week and my sewing machine got extremely lonely! I love your blog!
I love peaches too. I have six of them in the refrigerator that I bought at my cousin's farm market yesterday. Hmmm.. what shall I make first? Jam? Pie? Roll-ups? I think we'll probably just slice them and eat them with whipped cream. :-) You did GOOD!
Thanks for the left-over peaches. I'm headed for the ice cream right now.
All I can say is YUM, YUM, YUM!!! It all looks delicious! We had the best peaches in PA. We even went down to the roadside farmer's market to buy more - they were wonderful.
Thank you for the link to that wonderful pie, too. What a great recipe.
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